Fighting Games General /fgg/
defensive options
Any tips for using her counters and v-skill parry?
Reminder that it's only a week until we get to try out Abigail, get /hype/
That's not Totori...
vsav is anime
know how quickly they start up and only do then when you know you have the frames to counter a frame trap
Reminder not to use violence on your gf this week and to send her to Japan in pristine condition, at Hajime Taniguchi's address!
Hard reads & commitment
Play blonde.
Why are all modern fighting games just so boring to play?
>spend money on a doc character
>They suck
Why is this allowed?
fat mai!!
the best thing about a new game is trashing all the garbage characters like yun, yang, evil ryu, oni, decapre, poison, el fuerte, etc.
Long combos are way more boring. Combos should never be more than 8 moves, and wall combos should only add another 3 or so. Cut scene moves should last around 3 seconds.
wtf does tokido mean then
V-Skill is all about spacing. Sadly, it is usually save at a distance where the opponent jumps in. So make sure, that they won't jump at you first. That's where EX high parry comes into play. HCB + 2 punch buttons for a fast AA that really hurts.
A common online thing is also dash up low counter or a mid counter after a blocked EX hands.
When will scans of V-Jump come out?
You can slip one frost touch directly after lp parabellum, that catches unfamiliar opponents who want to punish
If you're a madman you can whiff a frost touch and then do a frost touch when the guy mistimes his punish. The move's recovery is faster than it seems.
If you're in the right angle you can anti-air with v-skill instead of air parry, that'll save you from empty jumps baits
This is all silver advice
i dunno mang i didnt see anyone use that shiz at evo
Umm isn't that cuckoldry user
>the city of capcucks
Play Weiss
after that hands on post about MVC yesterday i cant see why anyone would be hyped about it unless you are shilling
yeah but there were 200,000 people watching the stream live during jive finals when the trailer was shown, plus it was aired live on two major tv stations
capcom doesn't need help looking like a garbage company, just be honest with your criticisms dawg
are mai, nine, and makoto gonna be in cross tag?
those look the sexiest
makoto most likely, mai is likely, nine i doubt it
>muh upvotes
the city of r*ddit
>Asked which character he would add next to the roster, his answer was immediate: "Robo-Ky." The reason? "His interesting playstyle."
Anjicucks btfo
wow they paid espn to be on tv who gives a shit
and people care about the players not the game you retarded monkey
It's pretty obvious that someone's getting paid to manipulato those numbers
Play Lili and her girl-toy
You really think that if Tokido fucks your gf he's gonna cuck you?
Nah, he's too nice for that, he'll just enjoy your gf, as he deserves to do
Reminder to play whatever you like (character/game) because nobody on /fgg/ will actually have the balls to see you in them
I missed it, and I need to see that post
this shit is getting ridiculous
see me in karnov
I dont even believe that Arikas game will get 60k buyers.
I guess all it takes to get dank mad is to make any kind of point at all on one of his samefag posts lolol
the viewer count is likely lower because people watched the trailer live. I never went to youtube to watch it because I'd seen it. I have no doubt that more people over all were more interested in the other game announcements, but that post was straight up ignoring the thousands and thousands of people who watched it live during the peak viewership on the stream and across two different nationally broadcast stations
Arika isn't actually making a game, it's all just a ruse and the characters are coming to Super SFV, announced at Capcom Cup this year
danks trip is public so you're arguing with no one at this point
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
You place them together and watch the hijinks unfold
I actually dont want that.1-2 reps tops.
Most EX characters are bland garbage.
I'll fight Lili for Asuka's ownership. And I'll pop a b while she steps on me
but im not?
>view count
thats nice explain the dislikes also you could say the same for the rest of the trailers but they are doing fine
viewcount for sfv is STILL lower than usf4 so until you can explain that you may leave :)
Will he be in BBCTB? This is important.
anyone else sad that there arent a lot of "real dudes" in the fgc anymore? almost everyone is a sellout for esports money or playing sfv for money. nobody enjoys it but hey its duty fighter v.
thats why i respect mike ross at least he had the balls to walk away from that garbage game and play something he likes instead of fucking shilling
Money is hard to pass up, especially for a lot of these guys.
Kagutsuchi port was in the teaser for a split second, so there is a good chance.
Im trying to start a youtube channel with a friend of mine and I figured id start by uploading some fighting game related stuff since its decently easy to do. I know Injustice isnt the most popular franchise in this general but id still appreciate some views on my first video
is there any way to get out of that 60% life combo in injustice?
>having close match
>someone tries to talk to me when im playing
>lose all focus
Clash, air tech, delayed wakeup, godly blocking/good luck since timing the overhead/low is hard to do perfectly
How do I do just frame airdashes in Street Smash vs Capcom 5 XRD night-in birth STEAM BR edition?
when sfv crashes they are going to regret not having real jobs
combovideos are pretty uninteresting
The smart ones, that win at least, are buying houses/paying them off/getting cars/paying them off and so on like what Du is doing. But it's really him that's able to do things like this, since the 'Top Players' aren't really consistently in the 'Top'. Most of these guys are terrible with money, evident by how much some of them spent during this past weekend.
You should list the combos and put timestamps in the description. I don't play Injustice but that's the kind of thing that makes me subscribe and bookmark a channel. Makes shit way more convenient.
Im just trying to find my footing for now by doing something for injustice 2 which is fairly rare (trait combos, normal combo tutorials are very overdone)
I plan for the channel to be somewhat multi purpose though instead of purely fighting game related. Going through Bloodborne for the millionth time atm in preparation for a series/ a longer video about some alternate ideas on the lore
ill keep that in mind for the next video since im planning on atleast making a similar one for Robin
Krillin lookin good
it was my mom to -_-
she asked me if her dress looked nice for her interview -___-
Should i get GG on PC or on PS4
Is the story DLC for SFV fun?
the character interactions are fun, the story is incredibly shitty and stupid.
Why won't they put this bee in any new games?
yeah it's good fun
Prepare for retardation of the highest quality. Pro-wrestling has more coherent storylines than this thing
Why are all the brits black?
yes it is, especially when you get to fight all the dolls
How do you play Eliza in Tekken 7?
yeah du is rare but the rest of these morons are just blowing their meager funds
really dont know how gootecks and mike ross make anything these days
Get BB instead
>really dont know how gootecks and mike ross make anything these days
CrossCounter TV subs and exclusive content.
That's not guilty, pretty sure it's that camwhore called "ForestNymph" or something.
PC if EU, PS4 if NA.
It's MKX story mode but without cage family's marriage problems. Both are so bad they're good but SF is better imo , more fanservice less shoehorned shit.
a-anyone wanna buy me GG rev + 2
how do i become not a neet to buy vidya
Sure post id
Getting back into SFV, who's easier to learn, Necalli or Akuma?
this is joke
Whered the get these blazblue patch notes? No one has posted a source or date its released or anything.
Necalli is the Ryu of SFV
Arc released it; Aug 3rd
It's not that hard to read the last thread, you know?
Is Amane good for a beginner?
the concept of chip damage cheesing taken to the extreme sounds fun
Nobody's particularly better for a beginner than anybody else in BB, just follow your passion man.
no but dont let that stop you if you like him
if serious