League of Legends general - /lolg/

Supports love to help you carry edition

OT: eyosongive.us

Support THIS
*unzips vagina*

xth for breast metal waifu

I don't care if Kayn is good or bad, his E has no place in the game

gnar is pretty fun desu


It's really not even that great

My nigga

*teleports inside you*
Nothing personel.... kid
*heals to full and exits summoners rift*

>Nigger lips

his E is ok, he shouldn't be able to E outside map boundaries

what happened to the vg community on euw? did it die after chats were removed

It would solve 80% of the frustrating aspect of his E
But I still find it stupid that he can W while in a wall just for shit and giggles then walk back away
There's no risk involved in running around the walls

Reminder that Riot overbuffed coin and you should report your support if they don't buy it

Its insane u just blow

Reminder Taliyah is 5'9 in lore and this had been confirmed canonically. She isn't some weak 5'6 beta woman. Based!

Kayn sucks ass, so I'm not particularly worried about his ability to run away through a wall when he gets his ass handed to him.

can't wait for sivir buffs
poor jinx needs a little something extra though i feel

Except kayn/rhaast are strong as fuck and only silver garbage doesnt think so

he shouldn't be able to use it in combat as well, much like eve's passive.
I haven't played him so, you might debate if assassin form would take this restriction away due squishiness

The BEST ship!

>44% win rate
>Strong as fuck

I wanna cook LSD with Lulu!


what sivir buffs

>nigger jew mary-sue shoehorning her way into a popular cancer champs lore to be relevant

>I lost to a kayn, came to Veeky Forums to spout buzzwords and get people to sympathize that he's overpowered, and I'm going to call anyone silver that disagrees with me.

Really stretching the boundaries on this one buddy.

he's at 45% win rate now, almost 46%. Probably hit 50% by the end of the patch

>everyone one in the team have lvl 7 badge
>end the game in less than 25 minutes

twitch did literally nothing wrong. Is he supposed to not fight at all?

>can I support you?
Yes, I bring Ahri, Soraka and Janna so you can help support me in sex. Plus a special guest.

>have to ban caitlyn
>have to ban orianna
>have to ban nunu
>have to ban yasuo
>have to ban cho
>have to ban fiora
>have to ban kha
>have to ban zac
>have to ban blitz
>have to ban maokai
>have to ban syndra
>have to ban zed
>have to ban kayn
>have to ban jhin
>have to ban graves
>have to ban seju
>have to ban thresh
>have to ban kalista
>have to ban twitch
Thanks a lot for the 10 ban system riot. Helped a lot!

haha ya that means a lot lets disregard the new release status and the fact people actually go SA

ur rite!!! ty for the insight silver surfer

actually iv been the one playing kano and he is absolutely bonkers at all stages. His literal ONLY weak point is waiting for rhaast transform if u dont get it first

>newly released champ have a low winrate

Crazy huh, it's like everyone is still in the learning phase.

boomerang blade about to get even chunkier

Just Exhaust the true damage and pink his flash duh

I still think that if Jinx had better ms most of her problems would be solved. Most people say its low because passive (which makes sense) but I'm more than sure Riot could easily find a way around that. If they've made Rhaast, Camille, and other crazy designs I don't doubt they could find a way around it. She suffers being really weak early game (for good reason) and her best escape is situational while her prime escape can be worked around easily since everybody and their mothers have gap closers.

>didn't actually kite at all

>Banning half the cast so you can have retard hipster fun time with your shit picks
Nah, go fuck yourself.

don't talk about my gf like that

I ain't reading that shit

You think a whopping 30 dmg on the first target hit is going to change anything?

>banning supports
>banning junglers
>banning tops

only cancer ADC and cancer MID need to be banned. and anyone who is assassin cancer.

Why are you typing like a retarded 14 year old? You're a big boy now, you can take the time to spell "your" correctly.

why would I ever choose shadow assassin over Rhaast?

Cool story babe, now make me sandwich.

She's a beaut indeed with a little modification

If you want to role play as Orochimaru

Why didn't they just make their splash like this (without the lewdness obv)
She looks so much better wtf

>Walk into lane level 1
>Cho hits me with E as I go in to last hit
>Chunked down to 50% hp in the first seconds of the matchup
Well, that was fun.

sivir is shit because her kit revolves around doing aoe damage in close range. in the lethalilty meta with no escapes past RUN FAST ultimate and a tiny fucking spell shield literally anything can break.
she hasn't been good since 6 HEAVING WET BLOODTHIRSTERS stopped being a meme.

>No Fizz ban

Because not all women have perfect noses

>left league because of lethality cancer
>check back a few months later
>it's even worse
>tabis nerfed as well
see you in a few more months then lolbabs

fuck jewbucket glad their service was killed by imgur

>forgetting like a year ago where she was in every pro game along with Maokai

>walk into lane
>cant even get close to darius or you get demolished insantly
>whole laning phase is like this jungler ganking means he gets a double

But nooo muh cho

That's when she was used as a support, not a carry.

Tldr ur shit and bad prove me wrong but without an aminu image this time

what r u gonna do if i dont? Y would i.type all good for a bunch of degenerate mongrels?

>Walk into lane level 1
>Pantheon hits me with spears as I go in to last hit
>All-ins me under tower for first blood
I can do it too

I want to drink mushroom juice with Kled! And have lots of drunk homosexual sex!

>sivi gets buff
>vayne gets nothing even though she isn't even picked in pro play
sasuga riot

Cho has been blatantly overbuffed but since he's a hipster champ morons will endlessly defend him (see also the singed shitstorm a few days ago)

Fuck Vayne she doesn't deserve shit.

was zilean scripting? syndra seems to think so

Her teamfight dps is pretty absurd if you get to free fire from the backline

You cant deny riot favors some champs more than the others. Singed was nerfed day 1 while ahri and nidalee were cancer for months(but muh winrate)

she did a dumb towerdive and he missed the stun he aint scripting

no the other guys bring up a good point if people at top being able to shit on you easily is surprising keep playing untill you meet.


top being a shit show is nothing new cho isn't overbuffed he's literally been buffed to top lane levels of cheese.

Looks like classic scripting to me

>"nice damage to champs cass idiot!!!!"
>my lane opponent was afk

adding that one to the list of best insults i've ever received


Riven literally can't lane against him now. He needs nerfs.

people complaining about top cho are retards, jungle cho is what's broken right now
>told lolg this days ago
>got called a memer

58% WR is totally balanced m8, nothing to see here

Cho has always had a strong laning phase. You just never played against him

>Full tank cho bites you for 1800 true damage with no prep time, setup or anything required
Fuck off, you are proving his point

>Riven literally can't lane against him now. He needs nerfs.

not soon enough
>tfw playing Cait and MF just kills you with her R before you could even get in range

>1 (one(uno(ein))) armor item
>suddently the enemy jhin literally heals you more than dmgs you

Wow lethality broken amrite

post red flags

where are you getting 58% in top lane from?

>Riven setting the bar of what is allowed in toplane
Really activates my almonds.

It was so-so. The issue was that his Q was his big threat so if you could dodge that generally you could keep control of the lane. Now with E doing enormous damage and slowing you for a guaranteed Q there's not much counterplay other than stay the fuck away from him and let him free farm.

xth for Syndra

> Guy mentions jg
> Your retarded ass brings up top


yeah it's like doubling its early game damage buddy

Serves you right for playing Caitlyn to be honest.

I'm the guy that mentioned jungle you dip, I thought he was implying top was also broken

>you are proving his point
I'm not thought autist fuck off and read what I said.

What makes Sonas chest so large?

0x2 is still 0. Also if you use boomerang early you melt your mana pool and can't properly wave clear, the literal 1 thing she's decent at.

maokai has a higher WR than cho in jungle and maokais WR isn't 58% so im pretty confused what the fuck he's talking about aswell.


What site? op.gg has Cho at the top with 55%

I wasn't paying attention for a few days, what happened with Singed, was that thing about his new passive stacking and making him go sanic fast?

cock milk

why her titties out

I have a shard for illaoi skin should I play her
