>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Tell me about mommy Sonya
If you used any of the following strategies to beat Berkut Infernal, you are a LITERAL shitter AND a cuckold and deserve to be raped by the RNG on every banner for the next 5 years:
Double Dancer
Cav Memes
Armor Memes
Flier Memes
Wings of Meme
Escape Meme
Any Flying unit with Brave Lance+
Panic Ploy
Azura is shit
Is this Reddit?
Kill yourself.
YEAH BRAH. YOUR UNITS DONT HAVE 60 def and res? WTF? THEY CAN AT LEAST ONE HIT KILL A 100 HP unit and move 10 spaces per turn right? I mean, you are not a cav shitter right? FUCK OFF!
I want to get raped by Berkut!!
she is the bestest girl in the whole game
I want to rape and impregnate Berkut!
I want to sluice her gate.
Stop giving me new units IS or I'll need to keep expanding my barracks.
He wouldn't be able to rip off your clothes with his wimpy attack.
Why is Luna suppose to be better than Moonbow on a non QP Chad?
>No bladetome
>No single dancer
>No Hector
Why are you leaving them out?
Where's your infernal Berkut
>he is still mad he didn't beat the GHB
i am laffin
Bear Cut was easy.
>Dealing damage
lmao, not even on your infernal dreams
> People can't beat the easiest Infernal GHB of the three out so far
Clarisse infernal was literally "get in there and do your stuff robin"-tier
Thats gotta be like every conceivable strategy to beat infernal.
>tfw no abel to feed to my Sharon.
I want to see that you all have been using the most efficient battle grind for your units of:
Lunatic 7/7 Tempest Trials = 20 Stamina = 7 battles = 32.60 Hero Merit per unit
Have you been playing Tempest? Show me.
I think I've gotten 10-12k feathers from Hero Merit alone from this Tempest.
>just spent 8000 feathers on a build that didn't work
At least not the one ISIS gave you. The infernal one can with its roided shit
Ran out of stam
Any way to make this +Spd / -Atk frumpy dumper worthwhile? I've got Shannas up the ass - can I at least pass on Desperation 3 without feeling too guilty?
Normally I scrap -Atk and -Spd units for SI but she's got nothing to pass on.
>being a retard
Hi, /feg/. I'm wanting to try a unique, fun defensive team this season that isn't just slotting in my cavmeme team but still manages to fuck with people. Given this roster and the bonus units, what might be a fun set-up to try?
I heard that New Mystery of the Emblem is one of the best games, but that Shadow Dragon is one of the worst. Should I still play Shadow Dragon since it's a prequel or should I just play the original first Fire Emblem?
fuck this
Post. This is a no judgement zone.
Give her Blarblade or give her death
you are fucking retarded no shit berkut would go towards the fucking red with ruby sword you retard
Beat Infernal Berkut with vanilla Ursula.
What a shame of a blue cav.
Go play TT to get those feathers back user
Aside from Ignis that build looks fine to me.
>Ruby Sword
>That barrack image
Is there a way to create these quickly on mobile? Like a website or something.
I don't feel like taking out the time to paste together a bunch of screenshots in Paint.
Also only final destination because fuck it. consider suicide
I did mine in Photoshop, but I think if your phone has built-in scroll screenshotting it should work.
> Red with Ruby Sword is easiest to kill for Blue, so Blue goes for sad unit
It's nice to be done with all the quests I was interested in and have the chance to level up my units without feeling like I'm wasting stamina.
So something like
>Ardent Sacrifce (to trigger Desperation)
>Death Blow / Fury
>Threaten Res
would work for her, right?
>remove ruby sword
>now everyone except the axe user goes to the bottom
How do I make the archer go towards the middle?
need help on infernal any tips for team lads?
>no judgement zone
That is a blatant lie. Watch this.
Post the top and the bottom of your HM
How much money?
people usually run Life and Death.
What do you do for a living
You can literally use the standard two star oc trio. Thats it...anything else and you are a shitter
Tried to recreate Darting blow and obstruct on Lyn
Dragon fang and hone atk on Minerva
enemies never fucking move where you need them too
fuck my yogurt
Why don't you merge your shit.
>All those Katarinas.
I hate you.
Good thing Berkut sucks so I don't need to waste time and Stamina trying to get multiple copies.
>needs help on infernal
>with this inventory
you better be joking nigger
Here you go, wish me luck on pulling my summer Tiki from the banner at least imgur.com
If you can't beat it with this you might want to consider quitting the game
Why infernal is way more easier than Lunatic?
Something is wrong there.
Just because of you
These things i have to go through
>4766 is the highest point range I can get for a deathless run
Will I ever leave tier 18?
Don't ever post your team again whaleshitter.
So now we are just missing Fire Boost skill.
Are these skill even worth? Like, maybe someone can make good use of them someday?
Is just the same imo
Water Boost is good on those shit, slow green Mages. (Boey, Merric, Sonya) They can actually take Reinhardt now, without TA.
looks like someone who can't beat the map due to their neanderthal intelligence
because the extra cavalier makes the AI move in a way thats more advantageous
especially if you have hector who can easily ORKO the cavalier and then all the units get split up so you can more easily manage them
> Can't beat Lunatic and/or Infernal so you use the sour grapes argument
Be honest.
Im sure Luke have fire boost.
>tfw i actually didnt use any of these to finish infernal
my old arena core of olivia, linde, and hector with help from lucina was good enough
hect with lucina next to him has lance cav suicide while linde and olivia chilled up northeast
turn 2 lucina, who needs 40 spd, killed green mage while hect moved up a space to protect her from bercunt
linde killed archer while olivia danced her away and b8ed axe cav
turn 3 all that was left was to mop up axe cav and red mage, which lucina and linde did ez
epic meme, kiddo
you forgot moonbow
Fire Boost is inheritable from Luke. It's decent for some healers with Wrathful Staff. The others are pretty situational, and all of them are a bit unusable in modes like TT or GHB because enemies have a minimum of 50 HP.
>37 base speed
lnd3 and blarblade that shit up senpai
>rolled like 8 ninos and none of them have a decent IV spread
the only two that I got that were +Spd were also -Atk
>someone made a mini wedding with the Chibis
>They also made a Sumia one and never linked it
>They also made it to cuck Sumia
Fucking Chrombin fags
Call the cops
I don't give a fuck
why are you upset? Shouldn't you be happy since this makes Sumia free pickings?
two hectors, olivia, camus. Olivia in topmost slot, 1st hector in one below that, 2nd hector in left bottom slot, camus in bottom below that
should be trivial to tank both lances and the bow and then to bait the mage calv with camus
> that Tharja
How does she behave toward female MU ?
Using granny shield block the weapon triangle?
Zephiel is the only unit that can use Boost Skills
When my next 20k feathers are here who should i promote ?
Should i promote Lillina +Spd -Res ( she is my only red tome ) ?
Should i promote Lissa +HP -Res ?
Should i promote Clarine +Cute +HP -Res ?
Should i promote Clarisse +Cute
That Sumia doesn't look too bad.
The same as if she was MaMU, there's just no S-support.
Literally the same way she does with MaMU, only they can't reach S rank. Other than that the supports are pretty much the same.
4700+ is enough to get to tier 19, I bounce between 18 and 19 every week
Enough of FEH, Tell me who should I support with Roy? This is FE6 hardmode and I need all the help I can get normally I pair up what I like to ship but is Roy and Lilina A good for stats? Any other suggestions?
Lissa. That's bad IV but I use it too. Wait until you get +spd.
>+spd Lilina
Good Joke
Do Clarisse
>mfw didn't actualy do any of that
My boy wins again.
So I've got around ~8 5 start characters now. What should I be looking at doing next?
I've gotten enough understanding of the seal system to know I should be inheriting skills that I don't have seals for so they have a set, but I'm not sure what to do next. I'm almost running out of paralogues and story missions to do on every difficulty, but I'm finding lunatic to be a handful.
Any particular setups or characters I should go for?
Roy and Lilina helps Lilina a lot and it grows fast, so yes why not?
If you don't want to fall asleep grinding these things out then just do Roy/Liliana. Wolt is reasonable as well but then you're using Wolt