League of Legends General - /lolg/

Stay Positive Edition!

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I wanna be positive inside lux's pussy

I want to ruin this teens life by turning her into a single mom!

>tfw no qt thicc af Ashe gf to drain my balls in the morning and at night

Why even live?

white washing

how many LP I should gain per win if my MMR just fits my division

He always looked white
now instead of latino white is usa white.


what should I rush on jungle booty

>People finally realizing how broken chogath one shotting anyone with stoneplate is

About time

>As much as I talk smack about anyone who wanted Riot to keep this in the game, I will still miss this

Team A did a fantastic job though. Live rework day is almost here.

>figuring out how leblonk works
slow going but progress is being made



>hop in norm to play AP ez
>jungle goes heimer
>support malz
>teemo top
>adc wants to play draven, gets cucked out of it, goes trist, builds dorans shield and then zeal for his first items
>obviously this is a fucking norm so who gives a shit
>except my entire team who's literally spam ? pinging each other and screaming about heimer being useless or trist's build being dumb etc

If this doesn't sum up League of Legends I don't know what does.

FACT: Lulu is the BEST GIRL!

blinking twice with ult is noice

> people wouldn't play ashe or olaf if they didn't have their slow

>72% white people


Can you say the same Muhammad?

>Leblanc gets nerfed
>Then gets the ability she maxes first completely gutted
>Is still played in pro play and has a winrate over 50%

This champion was a mistake.

i've thought about this many times

only like 55% european whites and rest latino whites

I wanna BEE with Lulu!

Riot needs to implement experience for Champion kills or nerf hypercarries, i am tired of seeing teams stacking hyeprcarries, play like shit then win through intrinsically broken scaling.
Riots balancing team is so fucking retarded its astounding.

I'm a lowbie silver player and my gold friend got mad I beat him thrice in 1v1 with Illaoi, he played Nunu, Darius and Kayle. The only rule was no counters, the defeat was against him playing Lulu.

Am I a nasty cunt? I just picked Illaoi repeatedly because I don't ever really play top and wanted to play a champion I had rerolled but he got mad, left voice and solo queued when I tried to explain what he was doing wrong lol


>Only twice a day

New academy skins fucking when?

62%, nice try though.


I work, you closet heal slut.

>play darius
>get camped even though im at my tower
>face darius
>get camped even though im at my tower

I know he isnt overpowered but it seems diamond players dont want free kills from his OBVIOUS weakness

Your friend is probably a gold 5 shitter who mistakenly thinks he's good

She was not!

The number was about 90% in the 50s before immigration laws were changed.

It's less funny when you realize most of Europe is following the exact same path and will be in the same situation, if not worse, by 2060.

Whats a champ similar to Wukong top?

Looking for:
-Damage and potential to carry
-engage/teamfight power
-most importantly fucks ranged champs in the mouth

He even got to plat the season before though, but he's a bit thick skulled and just won't listen, and now I have no one to play with

So... Not big into this type of game but got into HotS from Overwatch and now I might be interested in this game? Should I be?


t. silver surfer

Another high quality champion rework.

>the only rule was no counters
>he lost
Your friend is shit, friend.

>he played lulu

Yes, but only if you don't mind the shit matches til near 30

>It's another game is "my team loses ONLY the games that are my promos and I can't do anything about it
I'm never going to get out of the silverdome.



how are you going to say your goodbye to him


what does this mean? I don't lurk enough :(
I can see your point, I did expect to lose against Kayle but he positioned badly and I could slam minions that would also hit him all the time so when I engaged he just melted and got finished by a W after his ult

Is kindred viable yet?

>you vs the guy she told you not to worry about

So, I played Swain for the first time today.

Why is he allowed to exist in this state?

never because furfags cant apply themselves in that way. trust me on this

How hard is it for Cass to get laid in Noxus now days?

It's boring as shit if you're a new player, I don't understand how new people get into this game considering that you need to spend like 40% of the IP you get from getting to level 30 on runes.

Maybe try it in a few months when they remove runes

800g makes him useless and he has no burst. If you think he's busted try Vlad

Almost impossible. Probably hasn't gotten any since her transformation.

She probably has a harem.

They didn't exactly nerf her, they just shifted all of her Q damage to her E. Instead of instagibbing you in 1 second, she has to wait an additional .5 seconds to instagib you.

Jinx is cuddly and cute

>it's another episode of "adc complains about ping aka he just fucking sucks at the champ and fiora doesn't know what the fuck pressuring a back line is even though he is fed"
>it's another episode of "teammates yet again DO NOT understand what peeling for their adc means"

i hate this elo

I made an attempt.

You know what? Good. I'm glad there's something that can literally instantly delete a Twitch or Cait or some stupid autopilot bullshit at the press of two buttons. The 2000 health shield after is just a bonus middle finger.

hello darkness my old friend....

why did Fiora have to become meta again? I remember the good old days when she had around a 50% winrate and was considered a decent but not OP pick. What have you done to my waifu riot?

>it's another episode of "user can't carry his silver shitter team so he complains on lolg instead"

Blame gargoyle stoneplate


>Larry's on Cass
whatever idiot did that isn't smart enough to get paid in the first place

>Used to constantly fantasize about getting dominated by Fiora and sexually bullied by her
>On current patch she couldn't dominate a house fly

>tfw no Dean Azir
>tfw no P.E. teacher Illaoi
>tfw no Art teacher Jhin
>tfw no Biology teacher Mundo
>tfw no Robotics Viktor


i was unleashing hell with twitch ult active but every single fucking time i play this champ, our tank randomly walks away once he hits 60% hp and/or the rest of the team randomly walks away so i get deleted

we'd win the fight if they'd peel for a few seconds for me to auto attack

it's ok

>usually play normals
>always end up against plat players
>never really care about ranked
>eventually do placements
>end up in slver 3
Why didn't anyone tell me how fun this is? It's literally 9 people running around the map doing whatever until everyone ends up in mid for a big ass fight, the team that wins then goes back instead of pushing and it's the same thing all over again, until eventually lategame is reached and the casually better team composition wins.
I don't even need to think about what i'm doing, I just follow my teamates around.


you need to position better senpai, not complain about your team

So are we getting pool party skins this year or not?

wtf same

>Lux Support

How can we make these fuckers learn? Do that need to be dicked into submission before they realize it's NOT VIABLE???


If you look at the day win rate rather than whole patch he's up to 45% and climbing. Doesn't need any buffs.

i was sitting at max auto range until our front line (nautilus) decided to randomly Q to our inhibitor which suddenly put him right behind me

he had over half his health bar left and i shredded 3 people to low hp before he decided to randomly bail

>lux worst support
>lux one of the worst mids
>ezreal worst adc
gets me every time

muh 20 dollar skin
muh team

If it's Kayn you are talking about, I think his winrate is tanked by people who go shadow assassin over Rhaast.

is darius just an impossible matchup for trynd nowadays

they just rush ninja tabi and you stop existing
>need full fury to merely MATCH his damage output in lane
>cant ever get full fury since he can take 30% of your health when you need to cs

She's Viktor gf atm. They have chemistry.


even if you go rhaast, why not pick warwick?
champion is garbage

how long until this becomes a meme

what is the most infuriating match scenario for you, /lolg/?

but you can't say a champion name

But they can start dark seal!

Every champ starts with a garbage win rate. Kaynes fine. Hash has a 58% WR with him and hash sucks ass on anything not named Jax.

>make shadow assassin the cooler/sexier form
>make it suck

Riot knew this would happen, desu.

"I will change your experience"

Kayn is fun
ww is a linear ball of stats even an autistic child could pilot

"Gosu is my favourite streamer, yeah"

WW has worse gank paths and ganks, as well as a slower clear pre tiamat

"first time _____"

Why is new Thornmail so shit on anyone but a super armor stacking tank like Rammus or Malphite?

The reflected damage is so much less lategame than what the old Thornmail used to offer. The Grievous Wounds debuff is nice, but that feels like the point of the item now instead of reflecting damage.

"ff at 20" in champ select

you're just proved my point that he is BadWarwick

a certain support played only by crutch shitters loses lane due to counterpicking himself then makes passive aggressive comments while feeding until eventually he decides to outright run it down mid

her passive makes it easier for her to run it down mid

>had a game yesterday where my sion support started null-magic mantle and a pot

he never built a support item

checked his op.gg and he takes grasp of the undying in literally every game and only brings teleport and flash. he builds tanky every game, even on janna

>told him to go back and buy a relic shield
>he just casually keeps taking 1/2 of the wave anyway without ever buying one

Have u already forgotten tank meta lol????? 2 thorns every game, never have to dive the adc he just kills himself thru lifesteal trying to hit anything

Any awkward gank path is negated by being able to cross the map in a few seconds