/gwt/ - GWENT: The Witcher Card Game General

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Ate the Yellow Snow:

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After having played Casual I restarted playing Rank trying to get past Top 2000 which has been a slow but steady climb.
But of course i choose my fun Skellig Dash deck with restore and random shit instead of my actual deck
Won by bloody luck

>Favourite leader
>Least favourite leader


3rd for ded game, ded community, boring gameplay


Crach an Craite


Great two games where I have open space where Cards are suppose to be, can't even play them

8th for elven pussy

Emhyr var emreis


this time

>Favourite leader
>Least favourite leader
All Skellige leaders


There'a little debate. The most interesting leaders are Johnny Calveit and Eredin, and Foltest is the shittiest

To OP:
I like the Idea of Emhyr, never use him though

Dislike Eithne.

Lastly here is a picture. Any place to report this?


lost 2-0 to an eredin with crones and witchers in casual i want to die

that's one of the /gwt/ approved tier 1 decks, friend

what other boards is /gwt/ using?
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums here, also /r9k/ to shitpost

>Veeky Forums

my negro

Any lorefags give me an insight on possible future factions?

All I can really think of is witchers/witches.

Are there any cards that feel as if they're in the wrong faction. Why is Keira not neutral?

I hope they scrap neutrals and put them in proper factions, new or existing

Povis, Kovir, Zerrikania, Outlaws, Toussiant, and a tons of unknown locations in the East side of the Continent. I'm a book fag, I haven't played The Witcher 3 so maybe I'm missing some fan fic locations from CDRP.

Veeky Forums and /r9k/
sometimes /gif/

daily reminder that there is literally zero (0) reasons why weather shouldn't trigger at the end of your turn

If pic related could take out other gold cards would it see more play? Or more importantly would it be overpowered?

The card itself would become op but it wouldn't really matter because it still wouldn't be enough to carry NG.

How is trading gold for gold OP?

still useless

muh Tibor

Doesn't really sound fair to kill an enemy buffed Hjalmar, Red Baron or Tibor without any setup.

It's fair in the same way that scorching a dorf/dorfs that's been buffed for 10 turns is fair

And its a wasted against Caretaker, Shani, Phillipa, Ge'els and Woodlands.

This would completely destroy value golds like Tibor, Hjalmar, Bloody Baron etc. Imagine spending the whole game jumping hoops to cycle Ciri:Dash, only for to get it LOL DENIED. Plus murdering golds would sort of go against the philosophy of golds being unkillable generals.

I suggest difference change
>Reveal a card in opponent's hand. If it's a bronze or silver Unit, Destroy it

How about instead of killing, it banishes the target

>Rainfarn, Menno, Vilgefortz, Stefan
>Cantarella, Guardian, Albrich, Fake Ciri, Fringilla, Joachim, Assire
Name a more patrician set-up


tight elf pussy

lmaoing @ all these free cunts who think they can pilot the rank 21 NR deck

This card can now reset golds and kill them and lock


Is that the 27 card foltest? What are your thoughts?

Half the comments are people not being able to win a single game and the other half are non stop win streaks

Hard to play

Not surprising retards are getting shit on with it, i dont understand though how it's powerful

>Playing against swarm monsters with triss butt
>He uses Yennifer for the +2 horse thing

This is at 800mmr on my smurf account. Some people should be killed

>he yennefers when I have Morenn bluffing toruviel
>unicorn gets sniped
The only thing that comes close was sniping sigdrifa in the last meta.

Let it target heroes before they're used, let it target golds, and let it banish the target and all copies of the target from your opponent's hand and deck and all future games.

>Gwent is a complex game to play
topping kuk

I need help /gwt/, I can't get into a game.

I've tried multiple times (on sunday and today) to play gwent, but every time I sit in queue for 6 minutes and then it kicks me out.

Are there not enough people queuing for casual? I'd play ranked but I'm level 8 and a half.

>Fake Ciri

More like a garbage set up

which one of these gets nerfed next? (so i can refund)

Borkh and lugos are both very playable, so depends on what reddit complains about next

Rainfarn is garbage tier - he'll need to get buffed before he gets nerfed

rank 18 soon with abmysal W/L ratio

>tfw inching closer and closer to 4k
>with 40% WR

How abysmal we talking? I just got 17 with something around 110 wins 80 losses which feels pretty bad to me.

Is there a reason why Lugos has 1 point over Leo Boophart when they're exactly the same thing in their archetype

me too friend


granted it's steadily going up as I learn more, this is my first ccg


>this is my first ccg
Oh, you're that dude. Glad to hear you're still trucking. What're you playing now?

Rainfarn is likely to get a boost after these fuckers pulled a rag under Nilfbros and nerfed him in previous patch for no reason right after announcing a buff

I'm not that dude

ng bork dash, movement st when I feel like it. it's surprisingly good against eredin. a lot of those at my mmr.

Anyone has a diff variety of Calveit Dashguaard?

It's pretty boring playing the same shit again and again


post dick

mine's a netdeck

post yours

For a long time I unironically thought that Henselt says "You're one piece - fight for it" aka fight for your own survival foremost

I'm normally not a fan of netdecking but this control squirrel deck is pretty fun and interactive.

Post dick

misheard leader lines?

"I shall not repeat previous mistakes"





discarding a card is not the same thing as revealing a card.

just change golds around nigga like walk away from the screen

>he doesn't own and play premium tibor with premium borkh

>When your opponent concedes as soon as you play "Drink this, you'll feel better"

If you are low ranked you should play casual. Mostly because you lose nothing until you reach level 10.

>tfw rankxiety

I've been hovering around 3.6k - 3.5k.. now I just need 100 so I can fuckin quit but I cant get myself to queue :(

What happen with some top tier streamers? Some seem to REALLY hate the game (and the fag balancing on reddit) now. Like JJPasak, a Czech that used to be on top of the ladder and some days rants about how bad a lot of cards (specially the control ones) are designed.

In closed Beta, I swear to god that bitch gave me PTSD. Fuck ST control. FUCK IT TO THE GROUND.

Pasak has always been salty about the game.

The game is pretty shitty and CDPR has been doing nothing to fix it, that's what happened. I'm still salty as fuck about spending some money on it based on the strength of the closed beta, if I could get my money back and just close my account I absolutely would.

It's pretty fine now. It's not like I can Milva my own Roach and control who goes first so I always have card advantage and Operator a Yaevin and then Morenn one.

The most fun I had with the modern cards was with my homebrew squirrel control before I tried out the netdeck. Round 3 and I moved a consume player's 25 point vran into the nibble-path of his 26 point vran, then I gigni'd the now 51 point vran.

I have been watching him for a while but since the previous patch his rants about how horrible the game is went out of control. Before it was mostly a complain about the coin flip, now is just how every card if "fun and interactive".

Just click the button bro

I loved the closed beta, even if ST control got out of control (remember when ST could get 4/5/6 CA over the opponent?) and Monster (specially consume) was a pain in the ass, every faction (with the exception of NG after the nerf to the cows) had a representation in the meta and had some form of winning. Even if CDPR attempts to balance were futile usually good shit came out eventually and made the game fun for every type of player.

Now it seems that in order to not be "oppressive" to new players the ways to punish a player diminished incredibly while the ways of creating combos only increased and the fact that the control tools are worse than the proactive tools is really killing the game for certain players.

Pretty much. And I agree with your assessment of the meta at the end of closed beta. Nilf was the only completely fucked faction, and squirrels and monster were the tippy top but NR (Especially Henselt, but budget Foltest trebs wasn't too shit and was super fucking inexpensive to craft) and Skellige were pretty solid.

I think, and I could be completely wrong here but I'm pretty sure I'm not, but I think the biggest thing that threw Gwent off from closed to open was bronzes became dramatically more powerful and silvers and golds became a bit weaker.
Obviously not a completely hard rule, but it feels like instead of silvers and golds being the big ass win conditions most games just come down to playing out your bronzes and using silvers and golds as tools. Dunno. To be honest I haven't really sat down and thought about it because it's not like I post anywhere but here so it's not like I'm going to tell CDPR they're killing their game.

The problem is I can't queue for ranked due to my level but I never find a casual game (it queues me for 6 minutes, then kicks me out).

Fucking monster players never GG.
Been stuck at 95 ore for 3 games.

twitch tv/videos/145737945

I forgot how fun forgiveness was. Meeeeeeemorieeeeeees.

Is the game dead or just this general?

I want Geralt to fuck me in the ass desu.

dead game general

Unseen Elder

Harald the Cripple (I guess. I never played him and don't intend to)


Imagine that card being absolutely useless against all other decks. Very few niche decks rely on power of their golds. Every other deck plays golds that actually do something and their power is irrelevant to the board.

Wait It can makes sense if all his other units are 3+ and triss would be fucking useless for another few turns. I can see this play winning a game. Obviously, I didn't see the board state so his play might have been retarded.

discarding a card is actually valuable in their deck though. Revealing your own card is not very useful a lot of the times and for the most part gives you 3 points to your spotter power. I assume that you've revealed all your scorpions and foot soldiers before using him though.

>most games just come down to playing out your bronzes and using silvers and golds as tools
I like that part of Gwent to be honest. You don't always draw your golds and being completely fucked because of that is pretty stupid.


any monster

Even if they look like what I imagined the zerrikanians would be like.

I have to agree with
Playing your golds and silvers as utility cards is way more challenging and fun, than having brain dead 3rd round with who's got the better golds

Eredin and Brouver
>least favorite

NR is my favorite faction but their leaders are boring as fuck and shittily designed.

Half-way through the 4th book and Niflgaard is shit-stomping everything. Emyhir is playing 5D space chess. He's making all of NR look like a bunch of bumbling retards

>play radovid deck with d.bomb and baron
>get qued against skellige