>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Sonya is my wife.
Palla is my wife
Sonya is shit
You should try getting more art of her user
This is really catching on isn't it
easiest infernal of my life
That's a man
Clarrise was the easiest imo.
Legion>Berkut>>Clarisse in terms of difficulty.
Why don't you kill yourself.
Anonymous is my wife!
I love Clarine!
Ephraim is my brotherfu
Sonya is my motherfu
Fae is my daughterfu
Celica is my sisterfu
I feel like making more, who should I do next?
Trip back on
Clarisse was easier imo because M Robin defeats half the map on his own.
Kill yourself nu male.
You should try getting good taste first.
Alm and Celica was the hardest Infernal.
She deserves it!
Unless your Doot is -def, is there literally any reason to get rid of death blow? I think not.
I'm just saying there's more out there than official art
I was about to say where's the source but if you made that yourself that's really good.
Try a bladetome meme team of Eirika, Tharja, Nino, and Azura
It's the only Infernal I've managed to beat so far.
>No semen on her
Waste of a perfectly good witch desu
Mommies are here to stay!
Which would peek
Go on..
2 fucking chokepoints to work with
Who is the lewdest FE girl?
To go faster
Python if he wasn't already there
The number of muddy skinned people in FEH is equal to the number of Magvel characters
Doot is my wife
No one cares for your reddit poll, drill
Wew, that's a bit much
Corrin is the army breeding sow.
Linde is so fucking hot, why isn't she real lads.
If i kill cath in fe6 will another their theif take her place?
>tfw Legion was the only one I managed without a guide
Legion was pure bullshit.
Astore is all you need, kill that bitch.
Did you see the 3star video from mkv?
Donnel is the MVP is his videos. Just copy his strategy without any investments.
Faye, Mathilda, Clair, Villager girls, me, you etc
Wrong, there are more arabs than there are magvels
Clarine is not wrong, there's not many who can match a failure of an archer like Klein, but some will try (Wolt). Good thing Clarine's being taken care of by a much more capable, righteous, and intelligent man.
Gray, Jaffa, Athena, Hawkeye.
>19.8k feathers
Can't wait to give my chicken Lightning Breath+ tomorrow.
Are the FE4 conversation/battle backgrounds out there somewhere? I barely see people talk about them, but they look cool.
Xander was my mvp on that infernal. Berkut is complete bullshit though, don't know if in even going to try infernal
>hurr hurr lets have a horse mage with over 50 res
What made Legion tough?
I like where this is going
just like in my castlevania cartoon
Same but just because I used that win in 2 turns strat.
I've never understood this. She's more akin to a toddler than a chicken.
Who else?
B-but it's the Jedi way...
so If i have a perfect IV nino, is sonya literally useless in my army? the only green mage i think id use over nino is julia, not because shes better but i think i like her more
I don't think this will ever get old
I love my cute tsuntsun wife, Severa! She means the world to me!
I got Sonya but she's +spd -atk. Does that mean she's garbage?
>people still buttblasted about berkut infernal
>Ryoma is better than Ike
I swear this board is a bunch of retards, this map wasn't as hard as Legion or the BHB
The reinforcements on the first few tries because even if you could expect Legionses reinforcements you had no idea which would be and where they would spawn. It wasn't so difficult once you knew where each of them appeared and planned your positioning accordingly.
Camus can double that Mage Cav if you leveled him to 40 5*as well and one round him, even on a defensive tile.
You have clearly never seen her attack transformation.
Nigger have you seen what her dragon form looks like? She's literally a giant fucking chicken.
With Chain challenge, tempest and squad assault it's good to have spares of each damage type.
ryoma can actually double the green mage on infernal
ike? well he needs help...
Got that right.
>merged ike
No shit it's easy for you
So anons who use healers, which is best?
Or Assault?
Maybe it's because I was sleep deprived but I needed 4 fucking stamina bars to finish this infernal. I had never needed more than 1 before.
I havent tried this map yet at all, should i give it a shot? then I can tell you if its really easy or not
I just 5 starred both Camus and michalis so maybe I'll try again eventually.
But Ryoma slaughtered all the mages and Hector cleaned up after
Oh, I have never rolled a Fae, so that makes sense. I'd kill her instantly for Renewal if i did as well.
Murder hobos are not righteous.
I like Hana
Ike is +1 merge, I gave him Aether and QP to beat it
Hector can be replace by any High armour blue or green
Stop making excuses as to why you can't do it, can you make videos with nox? I will make one later and upload it to show exactly what I did
Tiki can be replaced with literally and green/blue
Only necessary thing is distant counter sword and rally spur res character to give them enough res to survive the initial onslaught
Ye give it a go, Legion was way harder
>Xanderfags will never have this
>He forgot Gray
She's been called a chicken since FE6 was translated.
Of those staves pain. If you're using wrathful staff run assault
>2 dancers
Gray is poo not arab.
Jesus christ the really need someone to redo the art on Eliwood
assault if you just want to deal out the most damage with wrathful staff
gravity's kinda neat though
>Beat Legion Infernal, Clarisses Infernal, and Alm/Celica BHB Infernal in only a few tries
>Can't even get Berkut Lunatic
Honestly it just comes down to the resources you have
Which Echoes unit would you marry
They will be reminded
Sasuga Deenposters