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I forgot to put 'ban nothing' as an option so please reply here if that's what you want.
Dark General skin when?
Snow white should've been a shadow card desu senpai.
Azazel won.
Why is the vote split between Spawn and Baphomet? Nobody cared about him in ToG, and nobody's going to play the Cat version with Alice banned as well.
Get envious banished kid.
[citation needed]
I just started playing Shadowverse recently. Could someone please harshly critique my deck? Basically what this Aggro Dragoncraft deck is trying to do is attack directly to the face, have some slight creature-removal attached to my own creatures, and play Dark Dragoon Forte.
Hopefully taste won out and neither of them won.
It looks like shit just like you.
2 reasons: I want to avoid hating on any specific craft too much, and I don't want to hurt control blood decks. I believe Spawn is only broken when you can play him before you're meant to be able to, but is fairer in control blood which previously lacked definitive finishers similar to Aegis. I guess that's the best way to describe it.
Reminder that you have 2 weeks left to """"enjoy"""" a Wonderland meta.
When the nerfs hit, if they don't nerf Eachtar, we're back to ToG. Blood was literally the only thing saving us from this awful meta. Embrace the neutral cancer while you can. You're warned.
stop the bully
It's alright would only change tortoise and goblin is doing nothing in the deck so add more grimmirs if you want.
Grimminir is safe to craft since 80% of the crafts use him
is reaper & catacomb still playable?
Looks ok-ish but I don't think you need slow stuff like turtle and you want to put stuff on board instead of just remove shit so maybe put some more followers instead of blazing breath. Think about putting in some Ainas since everyone floods the board now. I'm guessing you don't have Alices to go for a full neutral package so Aqua Nereid might be better than goblin. You also can't go wrong with more grimnirs.
>implying blood isn't the ones that will create the next awful meta
KYS blood was cancer during ToG. Imp->Devil->Belph->Airjammer was almost as bad as on-curve neutral is now.
Need a concede preasu
There will still be far more viable decks after Blood fucks off. Mid-Shadow, Ramp, Aegis, Lion/Storm, and Burn Rune all look decent. Forest and Sword will be fucked, but Elana will go back into her hole after Dragon stops memeing. I'll take that over the current meta any day.
pure elves
People were still running 1-2 Catacomb post-nerf, he's still playable. Dunno about Reaper. Maybe a 2-of, but I'd take the 800 vials now and make him later if it still looks viable.
Also, I'd take out Griffon Knight because a lot of the times he just makes you do nothing because you don't want to discard a certain card.
Another option is running oldschool stuff like trinity dragon if you don't want to get traded into.
>not in the OP
Yeah, Griffon was tech for late RoB against Sword. It's just a bad trade without Rites now.
Even with all the cancer in this expansion, is there a card you still like out of it? I personally like Gruff Mountaineer Captain, he's always there when I need removal and a body on board. Phantom Cat and Hector are also nice.
Witch's Cauldron.
Can I get a concede for the private match quest?
Thank you for the advice. I think I will sub out the Griffon Knights for more Grimnir. I recently had a situation where I didn't want to cast the Griffon Knight because it would've forced me to dicard a Breath of the Salamander I had in hand, which was quite bothersome. I am surprised that you guys don't like Elder Tortoise. I only have 1 copy of Alice so I can;t commit fully to neutral, plus I am trying to be a bit of a snowflake and play more Dragoncraft than Neutral.
Griffon Knight is still good in aggro, he can give you a massive tempo advantage when going first because people still play 2pp 2-drops and Griffon Knight comes out before Alice does. Don't listen to anyone telling you to drop him. A card I would run is Hippogryph rider since she fills in the 5pp slot. Just drop the slow cards like tortoise for her.
You don't need Grimnir since you are rarely ever going to get to use his enhance effect. Eyfa can be dodgy right now since a lot of decks run Angel of the Word and Lyrial, and she gets fucked by both of those cards.
Emissary might be too slow and you need more actually 2-drops. You might want to drop 1 or 2 and try to but in Dragon summoner. Ideally you want to finish your opponents 2-drop off with Griffon or Angel and she really helps facilitate clearing stuff with Griffon.
Aina is really good right now and adds more redundancy to drawing a storm Finisher instead of making a tempo loss by playing Emissary for Forte. It's nice having a guaranteed extra draw for her, but with a lot of fast decks being around, it just better to being throwing bodies on the board instead every turn.
WD Legendary Waifu Power Rankings:
1. Alice
2. Snow White
3. Cinderella
4. Beauty
5. Carabosse
6. Oz
>always run Luminous Mage
>she's good, but I feel like I never get value out of her
>all she really is is a single free evolve for herself usually, no one ever affords to let her sit on the board
She's so good but her inability to be played alongside anything that actually could get good use out of an evolve (Albert, Fangblade, etc) makes her feel like she has no real impact besides being a "free" rush to slap 4HP or less creature.
>no wyrm
shit list
Griffon Knight sounds really nice, if the most common 2 drop wasn't Tove.
Is there a point to any of these older cards or just I vial them? Some of them don't seem completely shit, but I have never seriously used most of them or seen a deck that used them.
-Ice Blade Warfiend
-Fairy Cage
-Spirit Cycle
-Captain Lecia
-Captain Walfrid
-Rogue's Creed
-Earthshock Ogre
>no wyrm
How do you waifu something that doesn't even have a formal name?
Nice meme
Omelette du fromage
She's a free board flood + rush that your opponent has to deal with. She's solid and useful, but not game-winning.
Keep any non-shadow cards since they may nerf them so their beloved midshadow never falls behind again.
Don't be stupid. They do this all the time. They print cards that seem shit at first, but add support for them two expansions later.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO god damn fuckboy.
>4/5 Rush pseudo-ward + 2/1 or 3/2 Rush + 2/3 pseudo-ward + board buff for 5pp
She is good enough. The fact that sometimes she might survive and let you evolve a commander for free is just a bonus
Why do you think so many decks run Angel of the Word right now? You still have to kill the Tove after it decimates your 2-drop. He's an extra ping in your deck to help kill the thing, especially if he killed your 2-drop the previous turn and is at 1-2 health left. Griffon knight also handily deals with shit like Goblin leader.
Griffon Knight is BKB levels of tempo but with a real drawback so he's actually balanced instead.
She's a 4/5 rush with pseudo-ward for 5, that also summons a 2/1 that can be used to buff your board or trade into damaged high power/bane followers that would kill the mage.
who is this girl
What's the point of the hedgehog? Die to Tove for free?
If going first hedgehog into blitz lancer which kills the tove. If they go first it's shield of flame or fucked no matter what you play. It's not that hard to see.
Best girl from AOTY. Koume from Urara Meirochou.
Aerin has normal legs!
She looks an awful lot like mountain loli.
The fuck didn't they use this art instead?
Why the FUCK does dragoniggers always come to ladder when I play sword? Goddamn kill yourselves and your endless bahamuts fuck it all.
sanic synergizes with removal and rush
Because its the GBF art and not the RoB art
i want her to spit in my mouth and punch me in the face
>GBF artist constantly fixing the shit art from other artists
Oy mates, anyone else need to finish their private match without conceding missions for 100 rupees each? I got precisely one left.
Feel free to join in: 80671
Playing KYS blood to make it quick.
Ah so she's only not deformed in gbf. ok. She's still canon deformed in ROB and Shadowverse, then
>tfw I played Dragon back when I started playing a few weeks before RoB
>tfw I crafted three Fortes to get my first deck (Aggro Dragon) going
>RoB hits
>tfw got Bahas and Sahas so I memed all over ladder
>tfw I stopped playing it a bit after it became the meme JO class
>tfw it became busted as fuck afterwards
I can never go back now, or else I'll just be a bandwagoner.
>play grinder deck for once
>get the only fags on ladder playing seraph or dshift
In 3 hours you will lose the chance to get the sleeves
>Teena briefly gets a month to shine
>Back to the dumpster in a week and a half
What sleeves? The paid ones?
She's what LW shadow has been needing all these times.
>card nerfs confirmed
Eagle kick.
At least she gets to enjoy being everyone's toilet until then.
Bapho won't get nerfed.
Spawn will. Feria and eachtar need the nerf
>announce changes for cards that ruin the current meta
>hey guys they are totally going to nerf an irrelevant card now because I hate shadow and am still assblasted
All I want is Eachtar to be deleted from the game. That and Elana.
Aegis and Sibyl
Kill yourself, shadownigger
Eachtar can't buff non zombie followers anymore
Alice only buffs hand
Spawn is cost 10
Bahamut can't attack face if there's any follower in the board
Grimnir lose enhance
Sybil heals 2 hp
Ouroboros don't heal anymore
Aegis only has spell and effect protection
Albert lose enhance
I have literally not lost a single game to hector this entire expansion.
How bad do you need to be to let your opponent live till turn 7 anyway?
Finally they gonna nerf Khawy right?
Will they really nerf Alice? She's the expansion's face.
>woah its a shadow player
>urd lurching
>necro assassin lurching
>other dumb stuff
shadow is fine guys XD
Just Odin/LB bro
That's what I do
They have to. If they don't nerf Alice, they have to powercreep all the classes in the next set to restore class identity. Hopefully Eachtar gets a nerf while they're changing legos.
Bring old Lightning Blast back.
What's so bad about a 5pp 4/4 ward in a non-neutral deck?
What? That bricky mess that gets ruined by amulet or any sort of good removal?
>complaining about based poliziacraft
Luna is just making the meta great
I've literally never seen Hector once this whole expansion. Shadow is fucking powercreeped out the ass. Get over it.
you're dumb and I'm glad you aren't apart of any game design team.
>matching with Shadow
what the fuck is this D3 gameplay?
also wow pretty amazing how that whole shitty package crumbles if you remove a 1/2. Yeah really broken can't wait for the Lurching nerfs.
>6pp remove ANY 2 followers
It's the most broken combo in the game dude, nothing you could do :^)
They don't have to nerf Alice they just have to nerf all the other bullshit neutrals they introduced in the game. But yeah if they did nerf Alice I guess that would be fine as well.