>Patch 4.05 Notes
>Live Letter Q&A
>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
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Previously on /xivg/:
>Patch 4.05 Notes
>Live Letter Q&A
>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
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I just bought this game what should I expect coming from WoW?
A game that looks nice, plays relatively similar and forces you to do ridiculous amounts of story quests to get to any content. And skimpy catgirls.
fucking everything but with a final fantasy skin, even kick healers who dps at the first sight you saughted them
>Kill Neo Exdeath
>Open the chest
>phase 3: Neo Shinryu
Post Lioras!
Are there any new artifact armor sets in this expansion yet?
>at first didnt like scathach all that much
>now like her quite a bit
post hot ebin couples
why the fuck is the edda dress not dyeable
>Midgardsormr's VA is the same VA for First Hunter Gehrman
There's was something familiar about his voice. No wonder I liked him so much.
Fuck off and go back to English school
sighted, sorry.
>RDM floaty thing apparently floats totally independently based on the cpose
>have to run around like a faggot pretending to hold it up
xth for the amazing bean helmet.
Any tank that has gotten mad about me dpsing junk mobs, I've always asked.. have you dropped below 50% hp?
Usual answer is.. No but healers shouldnt dps. Your job is to heal
>trying to clear 1.0
>people call out directions but never want to go there
>rdms never raise until it doesn't matter anymore
>never get mana shifted
I just want to die at this point.
Still gibberish Vladimir
Lets have a nice,friendly and comfy thread.
This post also gives you a free pass to post 1 picture of your character.
I did it. I beat V1 Savage with pugs. And it only took me a quarter of the day and a massive amount of mental exhaustion.
I can't help but wonder how long V2 will take, and if I can write off V3 unless I'm doing it with my friends who aren't shit.
I'm sure... I'm sure that these first Dark Knight buffs were just the first! They just didn't want to overwhelm us all at once with the overpowering darkness, is all..!
We're gonna get Low Blow and Reprisal back! A Blood Price that actually does something! Scourge!
Maybe... a third combo?!
Should I pkay Warrior again on my alt or finish levelling my Bard on my main?
One of the two is a cute grill.
things have been awful in this thread recently, let's try to make things better
Stop living in a fantasy world user.
I guess not then.
Grand Archives time.
this highlander looks wet
Yeah you just get it at 70
Is this pass transferable?
Oh.. is there a way to look at them if you don't have an active account? I don't know what class I'd want to play so I'll just pick the prettiest one.
>doing this to yourself
>when you could wait one week
>learning party that barely makes it halfway but you only spent about forty minutes
>join clear party that takes maybe twenty minutes
>start farming
Kill self.
Well, you can't have a low blow without expecting a reprisal.
You have a perfectly good Reprisal.
Nobody is getting damage dealing oGCD stuns or stand alone melee DoTs ever again.
Other than the AF sets you get at 70, no
Neat, comfy is best
damn what a nice cringe!
Please post chocobos.
Who is this blueberry? I like her.
Try out this strange japanese website I just googled
what is the best af3 set and why is it ninjer
Thanks friendo, have another bird.
Are you kidding me? Ninja af3 is shit compared to the other two.
At least most of the other classes af3 sets look better than the previous.
I've raised so much in every fucking 1.0 run that I'm the one out of MP because healers are either the ones dying or never raising. I don't have the MP to Mana Shift people
looks cringe on females
Can you remove faceaids from dragons yet?
So I was told that if I'd post a screenshot it'd be easier to make friends here, so I could bother my FC less, so I'm posting one.
A sad catboy's looking for friends on Balmung. Considerably tommrow because I'm almost sleeping rn.
post butt
Ok but I won't like it.
That's not SAM
It's me!
We snagged a house for our FC and took pictures on the roof!
Sadly it's the opposite for me. I see the rdms with full mp every fucking time and I'm never the one dying until everyone else is fucking dead and somehow it's my fault that I ran out of mp and already used all my cooldowns.
Comfy and friendliness is nice.
as cute as cats, middies, and au ra are, i really want to marry a highlander
just play a midlander you fucking faggot
But I already have a character. I just haven't played in like a year or more.
My friends are my power, and all that jazz
Let's see how comfy we can get
I just want to be done levelling my other jobs...
How often do you guys change your glamour? I have like OCD or some shit and find myself changing it or making adjustments every week or so.
>tfw hate swanky pirate/thieves
>these guys were actually cool
oh boy
>Just want to clear v1.0S
>lag, 90k, 90k, lag
>Seen enrage several times, literally cannot stay connected to actually clear
I hate this ISP so much
What's world first looking like for neo exdeath?
Really cute catboy, would pet/10.
probably angered again
Once every 3-4 weeks, maybe. When I find a look I like, I tend to stick with it for a good while. Better part of a month is usually enough for me to feel like I need a change.
Depends. Until I find a chest/weapon I want to base the "look" around I just constantly change it to try and have something a bit different. Without going into MH clownsuit territory.
Are you still on those dumb OTHER servers
May the nice and comfy be with you
How viable are summoners right now? Also does someone have a screenshot of a female character wearing this set?
>old Exdeath is the new Faust
No I'm just in potd you dork
Any BLM players in here? How is it in the new content because there seems to be a lot of movement needed
>Exdeath has mechanics
>Faust doesn't
Unless you're trying to go for world first on the later Omega Vs then any job is fine. Some are more unforgiving than others but you can comfortably play what you want.
Also the best I could do was a lala
>referring to running out of time as a "lockout"
who the fuck came up with this, you're not locked out if you can go back in
Thanks but lalas are like tiny male characters.
it's no more movement then fights in heavensward had except now slidecasting is easier and we have tools to make movement less punishing
>Make a chainmail skirt
>Give it to casters
Brilliant SE.
That's fine because all the females in this game look like young boys.
Thats a nice tummy
Catboy thread? Catboy thread.
Here I got this one last try in me.
Post steppies~
what pose is that?