League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best ship edition

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>Lee Sin fag was right this entire time
I don't know how to feel about this

xth for breast metal waifu

>can't hide op
Fuck off

Xth for /ourboy/
Twitch.tv bestcamillena

>First one to start bitching is always adc or support

Fucks sake, why can't these little shits behave themselves

Xth for literal worst duo.

I have furiously masturbated multiple times to every waifu in this thread. What do you think about that /lolg

It's as if you're some high school girl.



it makes me very happy!

>half my games mid im against an ahri
>half my games top im against a riven

riven and ahri were a mistake

There's only been 3 waifus in this thread so far, so I'm hardly impressed

Do any adc mains in na silver want to duo and climb
add me: desicab

He's offline though.

>tfw I will never impregnate a qt Ahrifag or impregnate Ahricuck's wife.

At least I got my Korean fwb to agree to dressing up as Ahri for me during sex.

Read the info tab

>lying on the internet

why user


I mean... you can't tell for sure that I am not, right?

>ally picks Riven
>they feed
>enemy picks Riven
>they feed
>ally picks Ahri
>they feed
>enemy picks Ahri
>they feed


future wifes brother

>I could dump nudes of hers
>I'm the only user whose posted her non-only nude pick I've received
>still doubting me

Are you a filthy Godless Satanic Fedora tipper, user?

Friends with Benefits, junior.

You sound like one most of the fucking time.

>prince edgelord
>Death Doom Laser
Will they carry?

Xth for getting tower dove by Teitch jungle.

>Master Yi and Kayle
Yeah, probably.

How many people only lurk lolg, is there any way to tell?

I was Silver 2 and then Riot started giving me literal int feeders 90% of games. Dropped to Silver 4. Summoned my last willpower performed so well for myself and my level, got to promos to Silver 3. First game, LvL 1 Ahri afk in fountain but Riot doesn't let us remake for some reason (maybe because our top lane gave first blood to enemy). Second game enemy jungle camps bot, our team lose rest of map anyways and our jungler was freelo to anyone. Ok.. h-happens right? Get to promos same day again, same story. 2 completely unwinable games, doesn't matter if I perform well. Continue to get int feeder teams, now I am Silver 5 on my way to Bronze. OP.gg already says I have Bronze 2 MMR.

What happens when I get to Bronze 5, Riot will take the death mark off my account? And start giving me normal teams?


Yuri is the best! And SG yuri is the best yuri!

>You sound like one most of the fucking time.
What exactly creates that effect?

>Be told by everybody to play Diana instead of Akali because she is trash
>Play with her in ranked for first time
>get fed
>play 10 more matches
>carry in almost all of them

Akalibabs why were you trying to deceive me?

>play ranked for first time
>~200 team elo difference
>whole team feeds (me included)
>surrender at 21 minutes
>never want to play league again
n-nice game, l-lolbabs

are you serious

>not getting fed every single game in SILVER 5

Gnome champ when?

I think I am at a point now where I need to ask to be boosted.
I never thought I would get to this point.
I don't even want to be boosted higher than my rank, I just want my mmr to return to normal.
Silver 2 mmr when im gold v is torture.

>get pissed at jungle for feeding and bot lane for being too chicken shit to do anything
>"LOL SALTTY XDDDD" -our shitty support
I don't get what goes through these people's minds.

>feeder complaining about getting feeder teammates
>somehow managing to feed literal bronzers

bunga bunga bunga

comfy bfs~

>Playing with randos
>Not even being a tiny bit soc to make a team of player you know that don't suck

Well look at that, there's your problem right there

literally any champ in any role can carry most games.

>windspeaker kayle

All the Ez avatarfagging.

All the Ez X Goil avatarfagging.

It literally makes it seem as if you're self-inserting as the Goil more than Ezreal.

So exactly why did they make the change to Lethality? The one where it scales with user level. I thought that when they originally made the dumb stat it was because Armor Pen was too snowbally. Doesn't this shit do the same thing? Y'know, if you're higher level you get more armor pen, thus do more damage? It's literally a snowball mechanic.

>Welcome to summone-

It's actually pretty scary.

>Yi/Kayle duo
>she builds censer
>uses W and R on Yi
>he kills the whole enemy team

That's a boosting kayle+yi technique. Kayle build as semi-support and heals/ults yi so he can buttfuck enemy team

>all my games top i'm not against riven
What the fuck kinda elo are you people playing at? I have yet to see ANYBODY play Riven in plat and it makes no fucking sense because her pickrate is supposed to be like 10% but everybody picks cancer like Jax and Tryndamare and it's pissing me off.

>play camille
>do bad, 50 cs less than the enemy laner
>play poppy, irelia, illaoi, yorick and fiora
>do well, 80 cs more than the enemy laner

yes, riot just make shit up whenever they do patch notes, they don't actually think any change through

how the fuck can you say ax and trynd are cancer when bramble vest exists

like what is wrong with uj

what is wrong with everyone

Because Zed and Talon were pretty mediocre champs in the current game state.

>v. Akali
Take Exhaust or Barrier

>v. Fizz
Take Exhaust or Barrier

>v. Kat
Take Exhaust or Barrier

>v. Lux
Take Cleanse or Barrier

>v. Orianna
Take Exhaust or Barrier

>v. Syndra
Take Cleanse or Barrier

Like you couldn't win most of your match-ups v. these without either giving out first blood and hoping to God you don't die twice to them again, or you just feed your ass off.

>I HATE those guys

Welcome To The Salty Spitoon. How Tough Are Ya?


Watch /ourboy/
Twitch.tv bestcamillena
He will teach how to camille good

Who has the best butt? Reminder Biggest butt doesn't always mean the best butt,

i maek ur mom cum lol

>tfw buy thornmail vs trynd thinking im gonna bootyblast him
>he just goes around killing all my squishy friends instead

Camille looks so fun but I don't like the character at all.

I would love a camille with the personality and age of Taliyah.

Vest does fuckall against "100 MR at level 6 with no MR items" Jax and "literally invincible" Tryndamere.

Daily reminder Kayle is for Karthus!

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

Thats some of the shittiest fucking taste I've heard in my life.

Taliyah is fucking garbage on a skewer. Im glad asshats like you arent in charge of anything with the game (except klein but fuck him)

reminder karthus hasn't received a real buff since 2010

What a naughty boy with such awful taste

>hey remember that item that no one uses because its only counter is pretty useful
>make it counters its counter so it instantly gains no counter play and becomes cancer

is this what silvers truly believe? remarkable

/ourboy/ wouldnt agree with you

That's some questionable taste you've got there, lad.

The worst part is that he probably wont get anything, the last time someone remembered Karthus existed was when his human skin was release

>tfw literally no idea what you're talking about

How well does 5's translate to 3's?

I'm steamrolling my way through 3's, currently gold1 and climbing, but every game getting paired with all diamonds+
I play at a high plat/low diamond level in 3s, but not sure how I would do in 5's or how much I've "earned" my border if it's received through 3's.

>it's an ADC decides to split until the enemy is full build even though we have a lead episode

Why do people do this

silvers only know how to all-in cold until death, they have no concept of slow pressure, poking, wave management, or zoning. All they are ever thinking is "how can I kill ____?"

As such, they lose to champs like Jax and Darius that are countered by just not trying to kill the guy

I guess I'm the only that is not into old ultra capitalistic hags I guess.

>wreck some kids in a game
>end chat is a Lulu saying "can't carry retards"
>her items are basically frost dagger, sightstone, and iron solari

Should probably pick shit like Brand or Velkoz.

>there is now an entirely realistic possibility that SKT does not qualify for worlds

>SKT throwing it so the other regions have a chance at worlds
Wow what nice guys.

shit taste

The joy is in breaking them.
I mean her legs are already removed, she's a pair of handcuffs away from a living doll.

You should write a guide on how those FOUR EASY TRICKS have helped you escape Gold 5.

No, the problem is that she picked bitch supports like Lulu instead of manly supports

Thornmail I think? Or duskblade?

is EUW down for anyone else

not just ranked I just got disconnected from a normal

>Down for maintenance

What's so important that needs this?

You posted it



It was doing pretty well last thread, but here's a reminder:

Please do not sexualize the Lux.

inb4 it's nerfs to Duskblade

I know you're a baiting faggot but literally all you have to do to make it to platinum on any champion is wait for the enemy team to lose for you.

>play adc
>refuse to build GA
>flame my support for not peeling assassins

report thresh plz



What the is Goil supposed to mean?

Make the fucking guide.

the fact that they even had to give tanks a grievous wounds item is a clear indication that sustain is broken as fuck.
Morello did nothing wrong.

you mean so samsung can win worlds

no can do. Lux is for lewd

didnt they win?
shouldnt the defending champs get an auto-invite?
i mean it didnt happen in ti7 this year but thats because the team literally exploded and doesnt exist, but if the team exists they should get an invite

Why is Sona so much bustier than normal women?

is vayne top the answer to these dirty cho pickers?