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>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Health - Patch 2.21 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
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Why is shit like this not bannable?
game related content, whats the problem?
nth for campi
is it actually him?
How did they ban people if it was all done offline?
he seemed like an alright guy, theres no way
It logs your +50k renown and people did it multiple times per week
im pretty sure the server tracks renown and people who got a massive amount of it in a short period of time or atleast much faster than the average renown making rate got banned
sort of how Fairfight anti cheat bans people based on impossible stats.
>250(ish)R on a win
>matches take set amount of time
>set maximum for weekly challenges
>user goes offline
>user comes back online with 50k more renown that usual
Are you really that fucking stupid user?
Some of these new skins are fucking amazing
and you're guaranteed to get nothing but trash instead of them.
>operation health
>actually kills the game and makes it extremely unpopular relatively speaking
What did ubisoft mean by this?
At least i can dream of getting a good pistol skin for blitz
Everything about operation health is a spit in the face of the players, Ubisoft is once again proving why they're one of the most hated developers.
Least it's something to spend all that useless renown on.
People who cry about MUH OP HEALLFFF are always shitters. The actual instances of issues are very small, rest of the time its just their own lack of skill and wanting to blame it on anything other than that.
>People who cry about MUH OP HEALLFFF are always shitters
I'm not a shitter, I literally quit playing this game when I realized they weren't coming out with new content like they promised.
>actually kills the game and makes it extremely unpopular relatively speaking
What did the shitter mean by this?
I'm fine with spending useless reknown, and hell, getting them for free. I just wish they were cheaper and you got a bit more % per win.
And everyone complaining about op health sure as hell ain't shitters, man. The game is in the worst state it's been to date and we've only got alpha packs and a single mid season reinforcement so far with nothing but "y-yeah we're working on it, guys."
>im not a shitter
Yes you are.
>I don't even play anymore
Then why the fuck are you here?
Go away s h i t t e r
Why did the PTS update but I can't play it? Asking for a CD key I don't have.
Jesus fuck ubisoft, you people can't blame me being a hue with 200 ping in your matches they just fucked up brazilian servers somehow
My dream update
>R6 Joint Ex Competition
R6 Operators around the globe are coming together to test their wits against each other.
Launching as a special event as Mid Season 3 and 4 in year 2, the following updates will deploy
>Polish Revival
Poland has expressed disasisfaction at Team Rainbow for excluding their training site from future exercises. As a result, the Polish Map will be included in Year 2 Season 3 at launch with the 3 operators and other Map.
>Four New Operators
American SFOD (Delta) and Russian SOBR units have been contracted to provide additional training to R6 Operatives. Each mid season two new operators will be added to the game. Operators are additional and do not delay Year 2 season pass holders so they are not included in the season pass, but discount can be used to purchase them. For the first 30 days an Operator will cost 50,000 Renown, but the cost will drop to 25,00 after 30 days.
>Two New Maps
Joint Ex training maps feature the cream of the crop of existing maps in the game. Taking the best objectives and rooms from individual maps and combining them into a training site, R6 operatives are able to tackle well played objectives in a whole new perspective. Some objectives with outside access are now exclusively indoors, some are mirrored and reversed, and some may be placed on an entirely different floor than their original map.
Note: As these are constructed maps for training purposes, Team Rainbow was able to use existing assets to construct them. They will be in a similar style to Hereford, using existing art assets already inside of R6 Siege. These are bonus maps outside of our normal production cycle, so do not expect to see anything "new" visually.
>New Sight Cosmetics
We have added new weapon sights to the game. They function identically to existing 1x and ACOG sights, but are available for purchase at a high renown cost. We have also opened up the Russian optics to all operators and vice versa.
>Recruit Loadout Changes
Recruit loadouts have been updated to include the new gadgets (Impact grenades) added to the game. Additionally, we have allowed customization of recruits weapons (You can purchase sights) and setting a default recruit setting for attack and defend. Recruit customization can be found on the out-of-game customization menu for operators
>Training Event Playlists
Some weeks and weekends we will be running a special Weekend Training playlist. These playlists seek to change the rules of Siege in various ways. One weekend might be a recruit only playlist, next might be a 4 v 4, and various other tweaks and changes. Watch for announcements on this in the future, along with Double Renown events and unique challenges to accompany these events!
>Reputation System
Each player now has a reputation system. By playing and completing matches, your reputation will grow positively. Quitting matches, team killing, and overall negative behavior will lower your reputation. At the end of a match you will be able to provide feedback on your fellow players attitudes - you can positively or negatively report players on your team, which will impact their reputation.
When a players reputation falls below a certain threshold, they will be restricted from queuing up in Ranked matches until their reputation improves. When queuing in casual, they will be queued with people of a similar reputation level. If you have friends with a low reputation level, you will not be restricted from queuing with them in Low-Rep match making, but they will not be able to queue with you in ranked until their reputation improves.
It's probably updating everyone's client with the new test build now, so you're ready to go when they open the TTS in the next few days.
We have developed an advanced algorithm to help manage and determine reputation levels. Being vote kicked from a match will drop your reputation, as will repeaded use of the vote kick feature by a group or party. Player reports alone are not enough to restrict someone to low rep lobbies, and a combination of gameplay behavior and other metrics are required
Your reputation over time will naturally reset to zero if you choose to not play low rep matches (This is analgous to the current "ban" we have in place). By playing low rep matches and doing well, your reputation will improve over time.
>Team Killing and Vote Kick changes
As a result of the new reputation system, we have disabled automatically kicking a person from games for team killing. We feel this system negatively impacts some people of a lower skill level, and sometimes yes, you kill two people in the course of a match by accident. We don't want players to be banned for this behavior and instead give them the ability to improve.
When a player team kills you, you have the option to "forgive" that player - this will remove any reputation penalty or team kill penalty from them.
Vote Kick has been revamped - now to kick someone from a game requires 4 votes. For each team kill, the amount of votes required to kick someone drops by 1, until only 1 vote is required to kick a player from the game. Now instead of a frag grenade killing a team mate and a hostage by accident automatically kicking you and banning you, you receive a reputation drop and the total votes required to kick you from the game drops from 4 to 2. The player you killed can choose to forgive you, raising that number back up to 3 votes required.
>Ranked Ping Enforcement
Players unable to maintain a constant, steady ping will be restricted from queuing up in Ranked Match Making
DONE- long shit. I don't expect anyone to read it
I was diamond before I quit
not a shiter
>nuh uh i was really good i swear
Fuck off with recruit changes. Recruit is supposed to be gimped.
>Recruit is supposed to be gimped.
Then take it out of the game
>The game is in the worst state it's been to date
How new are you to the game?
When did they add alpha packs?
Sorry, bud. It sucks Ubi is killing it but you need to accept the state of the game and what little op health has touched so far.
>I was rly good user I pinky promise
>I quit playing because of a slight delay in new content
>I also cry about Op Health even tho I would have hardly experienced it
>pick up thermite again after the hibana fix (read: nerf)
>his gun has fucking pinpoint accuracy
>gaymore isn't actually all that terrible
>get to make rlly big fucking holes again
I'm sorry I ever doubted you, based texan
Today for PC. Consoles roll out next week IIRC. Not sure if PS4 or XBONE gets them first,
Didn't answer my question
>and what little op health has touched so far.
Remember the best part of OP Health when they completely fucked up half of all of Kanal to stop a weird spawn killing trick and then had to immediately revert it because they realized it (obviously) fucked up the map?
Imagine if your actual Doctor did that shit to you?
ubi literally said its for afk players who forgot to pick and people who have no other ops to choose from.
do you really want 5 ash/jager clones running around?
How do you guys feel about the experience of opening an alpha pack? I like that you can rip it open manually. It adds player interaction which is a small touch like opening a card pack. What I don't like is the light that starts to shine through. It kind of spoils the tier of what item you will get. I would rather it have the lights flash the different tiers so you do not know what you will get fully. Or just have a generic light show the same for all tiers. My first pack I got a purple light so I was excited. Then the second pack got the grey uncommon light. Before I was fully shown the item, my excitement kind of died. Your excitement should ride high throughout the experience.
>hey doc my finger has a painful twitch now and then
>we better amputate
>deliberating making design choices that lower the fun for every single person in the game
And this is good, why?
the glow while you're opening it is stupid as hell and makes you not really want to even look at what you got.
leave it to ubisoft to fuck up a lootcrate system.
loot boxes were a mistake
The only reason they work is because we, as gamers, fucking buy them.
Biological drive to earn loot crates or not (I get it, we're wired to this shit), people spending MONEY on it is a fucking crime against all gamers
The bans were for using cheat engine for free renown, not wallhacks or anything.
overwatch does the same thing since you can take a look of the colors of your loot flying around before they fall, but they do it so quickly that you get over with it faster
Isn't it a straight upgrade in terms of free shit we get? I previously never even bought skins because I need to unlock operators. So now aren't I just getting free skins?
Not him, but yes. It's a straight upgrade.
I guess Ubisoft after a year and a half realized they were adding a ton of cosmetic items to the game that most players won't ever buy since they are bottle necked into unlocking the extra 25K characters. If you bought the season pass(es) you had extra renown gain, and a discount, and the "only" other renown sink in the game completely eliminated - so you had the ability to swim in renown.
Otherwise the average person won't buy any of the extra characters because, every year, they need to earn 50k renown every 3 months, or 200k a year, or if you buy the game at the start of the next season, 325,000 renown to unlock all extra operators without spending any real money
And if you aren't willing to spend a few dollars to unlock an operator, you aren't going to spend a few dollars on a digital hat for 1 single character you can only play half the time and if nobody else picks him
Loot Crates were necessary for Siege - not just because it's a quick and dirty way to short circuit peoples game into fucked up reinforcement schedules that will make you addicted to Siege, but because there is all this content in the game going relatively unused.
its not the free stuff thats the issue its the fact it causes the TF2/CSGO skins cancer community.
a few posts above you have a faggot complaining about seeing item rarity before the actual item and that it makes him not want to see it, its those kind of faggots that lootboxes attract.
i like frost, but i hope she gets a headgear that looks like what she did before release. in the teasers. or like, idk. i remember her looking something like top middle somewhere.
>buckled leather straps on the grip
it's shit, friend
he probably started playing at release of velvet shell or some shit
take that back
speak for yourself, and your website (r*****t)
Someone mentioned in the previous thread they've been seeing more people than average leave Casual matches after losing the first round, because you only roll for a pack after win, but this will probably die down along with the novelty of this just being a new thing. I'm a little miffed that there are some nice looking skins that are Alpha Pack exclusive, but they're cosmetic-only items, so I wouldn't mark it as a real negative.
>not playing during the Dust Line 5 month Cops and Roamers meta
just flank or c4 lmao
it's not fucking reddit, it's the collective of gamers. The issue is that a much higher percentage of people buy these retarded loot crates, vs static paid-for content like map packs. There are psychological and overall just common-sense reasons why this is the reality we live in.
Trying to blame reddit does you no good, because those people aren't the ones doing it. It's a % of the whole population - and yes, "we" as in the rest of us who don't, have not done anything to stop and curb this behavior aside from bitch online while still buying these games from these companies.
You must be mixing her up with someone else. She always looked the way she currently looks
go look at the front page of r/r6siege or whatever the fuck it is and look at it
fucking skins everywhere
they love this shit
Go look at the last general there are fucking skins all over it too.
>L+1.5% W+2%
>from 0%
It's like they added nothing.
>tfw like using IQ more than Ash
>people use anything other than the universal grey skin
its like you fags like to be easy to spot.
It seems to add up quickly enough:
Can Alpha Packs give you drops for operators you don't own?
I like the enemy to know when their death is near
How, at this point, do you not own operators?
Year 1 pass is like $10, then 50k to unlock mirror and jackyboy
>guy makes statistical analysis
>literally states a non-100% chance is a 100% accumulative chance
This guy is actually shit
I'm a casual shitter hovering around level 50 at the moment. Hoarding renown for next set of ops, current Year 1/2s don't really grab me all that much.
Is archives on consulate the comfiest site to defend?
>tfw watching porn artist streams on one screen and playing siege on the other
>Consulate archives
Just Fuze my shit up.
I like Meeting Room / Executive Office on Plane. It's max comfy with black mirrors as long as you don't get too close to the plane windows.
>spamming links as spoilers
This should be bannable.
>using grey
I bet you don't even use the bright orange jager helmet you fagoot
So, I just unlocked Sledge as my first attacker. I've been told to unlock atleast 2 attackers and 2 defenders before going online. Who should I pick next?
yacht kitchen
>spoilering the final product before its finished
Doc and Rook
i actually got that shit from the free alpha pack
im still disappointed it wasnt the artic or black universal weapon skin
I'm trying to learn how to draw so seeing the process is interesting and helpful
I am not fully complaining. Free is free but it would be a nice touch. In my mind, loot boxes should be a surprise until the very end. That's just my opinion. Some people might like a tease. Some want to get the full load at the very end. Some don't give a fuck either way.
>tfw i will never get IQs full load at the end
Should I get back into this game? Quit back in February but saw a bunch of vids of it on Youtube yesterday. Got me interested.
I know basic statistics but wtf is accumulative chance? How does your chance grow from your last roll? Each roll is independent from the last. Your chance increases but your rolls are independent.
D-don't make my post l-lewd.
>be Fuze
>approaching hatch above OBJ in unbreakable floor
>Ash coming up behind me breach rounds it
Why are these people so retarded?
And it's casual, people stand under these damn things let alone in puck range in general. The Ash even got knifed when she jumped down immediately after blowing the hatch.
Doing gods work user
I can't remember the exact nuances of how to explain it, but it's basically
If you flip a coin, it has a 50% chance of landing on heads
If you flip that coin twice, it has a 75% chance of getting heads once on one of those two flips - the idea is that the more times you flip that coin the cumulative odds of you getting "heads" approaches 100%, but it will never reach 100%, because you could hypothetically flip that coin 1000 times and get tails every single time. Virtually impossible, but not actually impossible.
The cumulative chance is the idea of all your previous rolls, plus your most recent role, is the odds of you finally getting that loot crate at any number of wins.
>404 not found
did i miss something sexy?
They didn't really add anything since Velvet Shell, and they seem to be dead set on ruining everything good about it too. But sure, it's still a lot of fun if you have a MP itch.
I really really need to know what this was
works on my machine :^)
did you fuck up your copy paste user?
hibana footjob