Fighting Games General /fgg/
Cordial reminder that DBFZ will be a poorly crafted fighter with abysmal space control, awful movement when compared to the Marvel series, lack of assist variety, and no appreciable character archetype diversity. Just because it's not Capcom doesn't mean it won't be bad. If you have to constantly compare yourself to current Capcom to make a game sound good, then it's a shit game.
Cordial reminder that Steam's concurrent player count for SFV is inflated.
Cordial reminder that SFV and T7 are identically lamentable. Both games have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, long and artificial load times, and sparse on features. Promoting either of these games weakens the fighting game community.
Cordial reminder that a game which lacks strong zoning, is a game not worth playing.
How do we fix her?
Remember to have fun playing fighters!
Play Weiss
Kermitposter dodge edition
Play DBF
Should I buy GG or BB?
I really dont understand sfv or street fighter in general ive been playing for roughly 4 months i play cammy and chun i've spent houses and hours learning how to do their combos without fail, learning the range of their normals, frame data of their moves and have a general idea of whats safe and unsafe from most of the cast. Yet im losing to players who i feel just press random buttons. It just feels like every button i press either gets blocked or punished i just really dont understand how to "get in" other than doing a jump in or punishing something super minus. Im no where good at the game obviously but i feel like the people i lose to know less about how to play their character than I do which is frustrating. The only way i seem to win games is either playing footsies with chun as best i can then either punish their mistakes or miraculously doing damage after losing most of my health cammy i dont even know i only seem to win if i get a KD then just keep doing meatys or again miraculously doing damage after losing most of my health how do you play aggressive in this game or better yet how am i supposed to properly play this game?
>this is a 10/10 in the FGC
Smash Bros has more unique moves per character than Fighting EX Layer
GG. BB is kusoge.
probably GG, unless your poor
make SFVI a mix between SF3 and SF4.
and make SFVI on PS5, PC and xbox if the console is similar to PS5, crossplay between the 3.
>no fighting game will have gameplay this high IQ
Guilty Gear is a lot more friendly to beginners to the series.
If I learned anything in the 60 hours I played SFV and from watching evo, just spam grab.
Why didn't you post your actual account, what are you scared of?
Shits hella gay, he did this to me in tekgen and shitposted pretending to be me, had to fight a dude over it and then highwaystar revealed it was him as user via steam. Now I'm a shitty tripfag due to autism overload but at least I can be filtered now
See me in ST in 2.5hrs
Every character shares the same moves though.
is fatfeels here?
What's the one game on fightcade that if you got phenomenally good at that game everyone would think you could be good in any fighting game?
plan to main her, friendo
wich one /fgg/?
>it's not TGM3
Is this for children with down's
Blazblue. Goober is a meme that the people hyping it dont play
play tsurrrrrrin
The tutorials are pretty fun
Any recent Rev2 tier lists or matchup charts I can go off of for picking a main?
Will people hate me if I play Ibuki?
Blue is a better game with more content.
Start learning to bait things out and then reacting accordingly. Think of what a less intelligent person would do in a situation, prepare for it, and perform a countermeasure. Let's say you're cammy, if you're constantly getting Anti-aired, start using dive kicks to change up your jump arcs. The key is to put yourself in your opponent's shoes, and then use that knowledge to make them do what you want them to do
>spinning popoff
What's your favorite playstyle?
Just received a $30 check in the mail and debating about buying BBCF. Is Jubei going to be paid DLC or released for free?
that's what I mean. I hope they add more unique moves.
Blazblue Centralfiction is getting more content this summer.
Its Arcsys he will cost money.
Move Pot up one desu
I hope you have a good time playing fighting games today /fgg/!
>jewsys releasing the most hyped character for free
That isn't true, I don't even know who that is
They'll probably just have him free for one week.
will /fgg/ ever see me in a good game?
will /fgg/ keep dodging the best uniel player once ST drops?
if you want to win: Sin, Johnny, Raven
If you want to lose: pot
if you want to lose and have an os for it: Slayer
I really, really, really like this image
I'm looking for offensive characters with good footsies normals and a strong frametrap/grab game. I'm coming from characters like Bison and the KoF protags, and I've been most enjoying Leo, Answer, and Johnny.
Rev2 without the colors, voices, and shit
See me in Bloody Roar
Pick Raven and you can do whatever you want with a knockdown.
Neet hours /fgg/ is so bizarre because there are so many posts about xrd and then I launch the game and look at the lobbies and despair.
>tier lists
Sol, Ky, Slayer (less so the normals without BDC but the frametrap and counter hit fishing)
Leo is braindead and gets boring very quickly. Johnny is amazing with practice. Sol is also great for offense/footsies/grabs
Avoid Sin and Raven
Because all goobers do is dodge
Goobers are all fake fans nobody actually likes to play Guilty gear its the same people from /v/.
Don't get meme'd, play SFV instead.
private lobbies or full 8 person lobbies you can't see/join
where is the full image
>playing goofy goober online
But yeah, memers here dont actually play it. Go on dubsloop or the discord.
Put lightning in tekken 7.
6 more days bros
I always find lobbies whenever i go online
Brick beat all the goober players so now they dont play
where is trip to the monkey house at the zoo tier and why isn't leo in it
we used to when we did /fgg/vo and all that other shit.
It's too bad there's no neet dedicated enough to create a cycle that actually promotes gaming for us
This. Either you have too slow of a connection for the lobbies or you're meming
remember when i asked twice today and got ignored for jenga shitposting
Maybe the Steam sale has something to do with it. It's stupid rev2 isn't still on even -10% or something.
h y p e
>1 month
Who the fuck made this chart
fuck you
even if they do, at the end of the day at least you're not a balrog player
I don't remember where I found it, but I post it occasionally for the (You)s
Play a fighting game today /fgg/
Remember to practice tech that you have trouble with
Remember to view replays of both your wins and losses and learn from them
Remember to always practice good sportsmanship, whether online or in person
Remember to help newcomers learn by playing constructively without trying to frustrate them (i.e. keep doing one thing until they learn to counter it)
Remember that your main is your main for a reason, and playing another character might set you back, but don't be afraid to change characters if you think it's best
Remember to watch some high-level play of the game or character you're learning
Remember to never discourage someone from playing a game they're interested in or having fun with
Remember that the lab can only teach you so much, and that real matches are the best way to learn
Remember that winning or losing isn't as important as improvement
Remember that no matter how bad you think you are, every single player you consider better than you was at your level at some point
And most of all, remember to have fun, /fgg/, because fighting games are so great
It's not accurate.
His leg muscles showed through the pants before, they were tighter. and you were able to see his entire boot, which were brown iirc.
I like the addition of the black face paint though, that's cool
All in all, it isn't true to the original design
and remember to play together (no dodging)
Finished the goober general missions today, except for the instant kill combo one!
who is the most unga bb character that's not azrael? noel?
>he fell for the anime on PC meme
lmaooooo. just lmao.
Play Johnny. has some of the most oppressive normals in the game, you keep someone in blockstun until they grace a button and you counter hit them and shit out damage. once they're so scared of pressing anything because you took 70% in one combo you feint and dash up throw them. or play Sol for the same gameplay but easier to do with less reward. also have a DP just in case and can play more wild with sol. I think they both get the most mileage out of setting up frame traps and both have an amazing throw game.
Great job user! Soon you'll look back on those missions and say "damn, I used to think these were hard?"
congratulations, user! keep practicing and learning!
Mai is pretty unga.
>Looaaadingu Loadingu, mijikame kibou- sore!
Wait so Xrd 2 is an expansion? I have to buy Xrd and then the upgrade?
Yeah I had the most trouble figuring out a combo that did 200 damage with RISC gauge and also the OTG to air throw when the opponent techs.
Ok, I need some reviews from you brothers, which of these should I get:
> Qanba Obsidian
> Hori Pro Kai
> Hori Tekken Edition
> Razer Panth.
Or should I just wait for the Hori N Hayabusa ? I have not the slightest idea, going to be my first stick, costs are not a problem
>its ok when kekken does it
On PC there's a bundle with the game and the upgrade together
On PS4 you can buy Rev2 as a standalone title
What's wrong with this?
Yes. Because that's a robot.
Someday, we'll get there
>Dizzy, Elphelt, May, Jam, Jack-O
>Mai, Celica, Nine, Noel, Izayoi, Rachel
Who are the strongest characters from their respective games in this list?
If you don't have Revelator then you only need to buy the "Rev 1 (+dlc characters) + Rev 2" bundle for $45