Championship Riven edition
Championship Riven edition
First for /ourboy/ coming back next week
champion ship Lulu when?
guys this isn't funny anymore
nigga watch videos of them
i aint gonna type down their playstyles to the very last detail
How do I play viktor
Night night lolg. Sleep well and see you guys tomorrow.
>Been spamming Rammus lately
>Constant stream of Honor's
Welcome to my world
>thornmail rush
>agains literally 1 dedicated autoattacker
>it actually worked out somehow
jesus christ user
But that's not skarner user. Skarner is a big male scorpion that misses his kind.
What hell was I going to rush, Sunfire against a Gnar? With Thornmail I could at least poke him down slightly when he went to auto me.
Do you mind?
>tfw no irl sona gf
boy, that 20 damage per auto
I really loved him pre last rework.
Now he is maybe good, but less fun than he was.
It was funny to just spam Q and then stun everyone
That's not gore, idiot.
damn this thread is in DIRE need of some comfy bfs~
It's a bloody, deformed face how is it not gore?
thats not gore, its just a man with a strange facial structure
thought it was another image by the thumbnail
why do you call urself best camille NA when you're not even masters you stupid fuck there are like 3 challenger camille players in challenger stop advertising ur shitty stream u fucking retard nigger
>2 games into plat and i'm already ready to kill myself
Jesus I forgot how fucking terrible this place was.
>Jhinposter is bothered by fake gore posting
Very strange
>be good matchup into jax
>get ahead, my jg came at 3
>outplay him, freeze lane for 40-50cs and 3 levels
>his jungler made no attempt to come top and break the freeze for him
>his team flames him for not roaming when he was 3 levels under me and 2 under our 4/1 mid, equal level to his support
kek platbabs are delusional
the concept of the jungler coming top for 30 seconds to break the freeze is alien to these people
>Zed started Youmuu
not even the best camille in lolg LUL
3 fucking people in top lane and somehow my team still fucking manages to not be able to push any objectives
>KT disrespecting this fucking hard and blind picking Kog Skarner
Kind of rude to say that about someone with a serious condition like in that pic. . . He can't help that his face looks like that.
Still waiting for you to tell me a better item to rush against Gnar.
I don't think he realized it's League of Duskblade atm.
1) I'm not sure Rammus good tank between all tanks right now. Maybe only if you duo/solo
2) Don't rush Thornmail, rush small thornmail part and then hp
>team game
>people refuse to help team
>people are more than eager to bitch at team
literally just finish sunfire or get a cowl
its not like his actual autoattack hurt that much
Don't feel too bad about it, it's pretty typical for placements.
On the downside, you'll probably be placed in bronze - especially if you're new to ranked and League and general. Just pray that it's nothing lower than III.
>bit risky but decide to push top
>okay here they come
>oh it's four of them
>aight made it out alive
>and my team got an inhibitor
>enemy AD congratulates me on unga team
Brilliant. I love Kassadin.
>Wolf fractured SKT because an "SKT team member" is gay and he doesn't like it
Kek can't even make this shit up
Whoa. . . Who on SKT could be gay? Weird stuff. . .
>user automatically assumes anyone who posts Jhin is Jhinposter
You know there's more than one Jhinfag that lurks the general, right? There were a group of 4-5 of us that were shitposting withint his first few post-release months.
I hope it's peanut. That boy is a cutie.
where dis
either peanut or bang for sure
my first season I won 2/8 and got b2
classic jhinfag with his schizophrenia
I'd bery my dick inside Peanut's ass in a completely heterosexual way tbqh.
I wouldn't go that far but boy would I cuddle the hell out of him.
>sexualizing Peanut
I just had a game where Kayne was neither picked nor banned.
>Skarner being played in LCK
Can't wait for this weekend to see Skarner picked in the LCS if Score does well.
Probably because most people know he's shit to mediocre now.
>there's like 4 of us
classic. Can't fool us.
If this is true I would actually feel bad and be sad. Imagine winning all those tournaments, and being bros for years, and living together and becoming friends for all those years and through all those hardships, and to have it all end suddenly and have your bro hate you just because you're gay. Something that hasn't mattered for literally years, and he suddenly just up and quits on you because he finds out.
Just got kayn and played him for like five games tonight. I prefer the assassin form, but he feels useless either way. I see his win rate is 43%. Seems to me like he was released in a really terrible state, what do you guys think? Before he's able to evolve he is honestly fucking useless. His ganks are terrible before evolving and even afterwards they are kind of meh. I don't understand what he is supposed to do as an assassin that Talon wouldn't do better in every way.
>mfw my jungler tells me I can protect myself from being 3 man dived by warding
>Pros gonna realize how bullshit Skarner is
>Picked/banned every game
>Riot immediately nerfs him
Thank Christ I've been waiting so long for this.
Aatrox Kayn is actually pretty okay. Riot is buffing blue Kayn's damage next patch.
If true, then it's Peanut.
It has to be him, it's so blatantly fucking obvious.
He seems like a nice kid though. Manages to stay positive and cheery in every single esports game I've seen him in, and has 10 times more personality than most of the other members on the team. I'm fucking tired of SKT constantly winning worlds like everyone else here, but I wouldn't mind them winning 2017 if only for him. He deserves it.
The only way I've ever seen him be useful is Darkin DD-BC-Tank.
I want the grumpiest skt member to make penut his other half after marriage with a worlds victory proposal
hate to be that guy but anyone got a source for the skt gay member thing besides rumors?
>t newfags that weren't even around during Jhin's release
What is the context of this image?
>There are people in this thread who never experienced Jungle Alistar
is support the patrician role?
red kayn is fucking busted unless everyone in the game outrange him or they an alistar
I love Jhin!
hes Talon except can go tanky when your team decides they all want to pick squishy champions
so they took Talon, took away some of his damage and burst, then let him have a worse alternate side when the situation needs it
basically hes a more flexible Talon or a jungler for Talon mains
>there are people in this thread who never experienced jungle crit malphite in it's glory
>They fly up
>Sword of the Divine
>Their corpse hits the floor
I was just pointing out the irony of you being bothered by """gore""" while using a reaction pic of Jhin, who probably wouldn't himself,rather than trying to say something like "look it's that one fagg who writes dumb posts and uses Jhin pics laff at him guys"
no support is the sissy role
top and adc are the rager roles
mid is the tryhard role
and jungle is the useless "counterjungler in response to the enemy jungler ganking" role
there is no patrician role and the closest thing is mage mid but thats just because its the most comfortable with the least amount of effort
go listen to the song and read lucian's lore...
>tfw you're better as assassin Kayn then Darkin Kayn
>just end up feeding on Darkin Kayn instead
What am I doing wrong?
Also surprised everyone's asking for assassin mode buffs when the real issue is the default mode. It's just so incredibly fucking weak at everything.
i miss sotd triforce malph
Unless his 'condition' is that he sweats blood and his skull is made of putty that's the result of an injury
>two cloud dragons plus skarner's w
>It's just so incredibly fucking weak at everything.
I feel like that's kind of the point.
is tank kat viable
>doubling down on the charade
I gotta hand it to you user, you're a good actor. That is to be expected of course, from a master of the arts such as yourself.
The role that contains the character you like the most is the patrician role user.
Darkin Kayn has an assload of inbuilt sustain. Build a Black Cleaver and maybe one other offensive item then go full tank. It's really hard to kill him through his sustain, especially since if you ult a high HP member of their team that will refresh you to full. He's just a huge asshole.
Assassin form isn't as good because you need to go complete glass cannon to do his damage and that means you can't be near any teamfight ever
if you're 21+ years old and still play league of legends you are a loser irl
N- NANI???
assassin kayn is good imo, his speed allow him to catch people really fucking easy and once you get some letha you shit damage
red kayn is way more forgiving because of how much he heal and you can do some retarded shit and get out alive because you heal so much the more people there is but you have to build differently
normal kayn is supposed to be weak but you can still do decent gank thanks to your E
oh damn theres actually a kat
who would have expected
Yes, but that's also kind of the issue because Junglers are extremely important during laning phase. If they can't provide good or reliable ganks then it basically becomes a 4v5 for the ally team during that duration and everyone else can only rely on themselves and hoping that the other lanes actually manage to win their lanes while doing so.
>do well on good kayne
>shit on shitty kayne
its obvious dipshit, he has ivern syndrome and blue kayne is going to be overbuffed then renerfed down to red kayne levels of useless till hes forgotten
not to mention they're going to fix his passive in 7.15 so it turns item procs like duskblade/triforce into magic damage
what if my gf sucks me off as I play?
But that's the thing - everyone thinks that blue Kayn is shit?
I agree that he's going to Ivern'd later down the line though. It's pretty inevitable at this point.
>Fervor Lee
>Grasp Support Zac
>Whatever the fuck your teamcomp is
I'm Silver 2 and even I keep forgetting what a clown fiesta Silver is.
What if I don't play i just shitpost about Sona?
KT are literally just styling on MVP though, and he comes up every once in a while in pick comps
im guessing MF is the bottom one?
im the adc
go figure
thats because youtube shitters like redmercy and his shitty brother hyped up red kayne and redditors parrot whatever those fucking idiots say
literally look at the numbers on kayne and decide what sounds better:
slightly less burst but more sticky Talon
less dps but more mobility Aatrox
wew lad
those are some nice heavy shitposts
post more
>20 yo
>playing league since s1
Yeah, i'm not a loser.
why do you not main the best lane in the game lolg?
>We will never get a Berserk anime that isn't shit
Thanks for reminding me asshole.
If you're 21+ years old an still browsing Veeky Forums you are a loser irl
Actually scratch that. If you're regularly browsing Veeky Forums at any age then you're probably a loser irl