vlad x vayne
vlad x vayne
Other urls found in this thread:
I like penis!
kled is ADORABLE! and hot!
these niggers better drop kayn's price real fucking fast
this ship is N O T canon
delete it now
Keep it at 7.8k forever to be honest. We don't need any more people playing this garbage champion.
Kayle rework when?
Riddler-Senpai, what do I build? How much CDR can I feasibly get in my build?
Which champion has the best __legs_?
its legit tho
as in can be canon if the story develops
I work for SKT and I can confirm that there's something going on between 2 people on the team.
Who here Noxus masterrace?
literally zero counterplay. Love when a strategy game doesn't even give you counterplay.
I bet you work as their dick sucker, you fucking faggot.
kek not according to recent lore
>europoors waking up
>waifuposters shitting up the thread
really tingles my thinkbox
just ban him
I wish.
Reminder that Dawnbringer Riven fulfils Kayles fantasy as an Angelic Swordsman better than Kayle does
>twitch talking about counterplay
>craving two inch dicks
Uhhh... lolbabs?
>stand on rumble ult
>wanting more people in your normie games instalocking kayn without calling a role because they REALLY need to do the "missions"
Is yours bigger? Are you EUW? Let's ERP. :3c
literally go over the base wall you fucking retard
xth for Syndra
no, fuck off with your lore retcons, burch
darius is as noxian as it gets
even if they retcon darius to be a freljordian shuriman vastaya he'll remain noxian
I mean does kayle even fulfill a fantasy aside from right clicking to victory from range
his ult shouldn't do that much damage
defend this
can we start ignoring the absolutely terrible silver surfer crying about cho every single thread when no one above gold 5 plays this shit
Yes. No.
I am maining support, people get jungle right sometimes but nobody fucking does support right
Literally this
He's from a territory that was conquered by noxus when he was a kid. He bent his knee to the empire and became a big deal general.
basically he's your indian doctor
>pick rek'sai
>know exactly where twitch is gonna pop up late game when burrowed
>just flash on him instantly
>no one above gold 5 plays this shit
solid bait my lad
no one does you piece of shit
he is no different than annie flashing tibber you you shitter kys
does ranked or draft give more ip than blind?
>tfw you will soon be no longer silver surfer
There is not nearly enough lewd art of Kindred.
>stand in a rumble ult + his q for the full duration
>wow why did i diie
that's great my lad
remember, once you're gold, you either stay here or hit diamond
do NOT stay in platinum for more than two months, you wouldnt survive
Upcoming reworks reveal when
galio is THICC
objectively false
>tfw you're about to be demoted to Bronze
>trying to change a lightbulb that's stuck into the socket for some reason
>grip it too hard and break it
>cut thumb, index and middle finger, small cuts in palm too
>can't play league now
Guess I'll have to shitpost all day then.
get hype
Its only when you crop the fucking splash do you learn to appreciate his majesty.
You also learn an entire harem of women feel these things nightly.
Still waiting on that mmr
vladfag stop shitposting
>used to feel
>before furry
my post was informative.
Also, I can't wait to make a Noxus hype video with a hype meter and airhorns and shitty music
what the FUCK is going on with support getting last pick every fucking game?
>mate calls support and locks lux
>I tell them they better do it right so many supports say support but than buy full ap
>lux says oops
calling bullshit right in champ select, just remove support items already or make them fucking cooler or something for these fucking kids
i wonder how many time azir go spitroasted by renekon and nasus haha
>get in to post game lobby after a huge comeback victory
>chat floods with chinese text from the entire enemy team
Come on down to oce, where the queue times are short and the most common language is English.
isn't draft just bigger kiddie bait? wouldn't blind be the most mature
Could someone please enlighten me what was the idea behind vayne's gnar's and nu-fiora kits? Because this fucks seem like they were supposed to be strong against EVERYONE.
Like what was the supposed counterplay to pre-nerfed Gnar, you know, to a 3k hp 120+ resists fucking running you down with W and killing you in 3 sec doesn't matter if you are a tank or not?
Fucking %hp dmg what a fucking garbage mechanic
>slow eu hours
where are the americlaps to chant TSM when you need them?
haha that's funny haha
i wonder whether they came inside too lol!
Good. Don't we have it hard enough already without getting countered in champ select?
>tfw i get first pick in my promos
>Aww yeah man, totally great teamfight breaking out
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
>holding the glass part of the lightbulb
sasuga user
i wonder if azir got pregnant with their babies o_o
>Ashe is C tier
Haha what?
>diana is all about her passive and attack speed
>has abysmal base attack speed and growth
what did riot mean by this
Perform 3 autos and get rewarded with % true damage. She's also a scaling hyper carry, so she IS the Late-game.
Lots of CC tailored to a champion based around a rage bar. Conveniently is a lane bully despite having the lowest HP stat in the game at early levels. The % damage I guess was to give him something to work with when he's mini-form besides his Q + E
They were high as fuck
%-damage in itself is a mechanic that Riot seems to have forgotten how to use sparingly. It pretty much means the damage won't fall off no matter what. When used effectively (In Vayne's case) it can be a central mechanic for improving and rewarding the player for consistency. When tacked on (In Gnar's case) it can lead to frustration.
% damage should remain only as a reward, not something casually tossed in.
Wew lad
Is killing the target dummy normal? I got bored of testing and just spammed it with no cooldowns and killed it.
boys can't get pregnant silly user :)
>gets a ridiculous amount of AS from her passive and E
don't male birds have a cloaca thing
maybe with magic, they can create womb for men in runeterra haha
>tfw you actually build and play lux as a support and full AP shitters are giving you a bad rep.
Great, now I want to play Kayn just for the Naruto memes
Riven needs to be bumped up a few tiers after her latest skin
How the fuck do we convert the rofl file to some video format?
m-preg doesn't exist. stop shit posting.
>cast them in quick succession because you are supposed to be an assassin or whatever
>left with shit tier attack speed after 3 attacks
also you couldn't say the the same before the rework
explain this then
runeterra has talking animals, tree and stone monsters
with magic they can create artificial wombs for men allowed them to get pregnant
mpreg is canon in runeterra
>MF is A-Tier
You put my waifu back in S-Tier where she belongs.
>implying i play normals
Against squishies you don't need more than 1 passive proc. And against bruisers you should space your spells out to make the most of it.
How to win games at low elo
>Pick a champion with few weaknesses
If you can do everything you can sometimes win without even playing the game properly as long as you manage macro nicely. Make sure you have some mobility, a playable laning phase that lets you farm and have kill pressure, a strong mid game for roaming and taking objectives and an ok late game in case you can't close a game out.
>Push always
Retards can't CS under tower, push so they lose minions, keeping tower pressure also means you can do shit. None of this "b-buh I'll get ganked" business, use wards and don't play an immobile piece of shit.
>Do shit
Don't stand around once you've pushed, go do some shit. Walk somewhere else and kill someone, ward something, find out where the jungler is, take a dragon, steal your junglers camps
>If it can't skirmish / teamfight, don't fucking play it
Splitpushing is dead unless you're Yorick, don't do that shit, show up to the bad fights at the wrong times and kill everyone because you're better than them anyway. You might be right, and this is a bad call, but make it a good call by being not shit and killing everyone, pussy.
Literally the single most important thing on most champions, it helps you end games faster and stall games longer. Fucking buy waveclear items. Shitpicked Jax? Buy a hydra for fucks sake. ADC? Get shiv, it's broken anyway. Midlaner? You probably have waveclear.
stop shitpicking, stop standing around wasting time, hit more minions, stop respecting monkeys they don't know what they're doing just jump on the cunts. this post is 100% factual prove me wrong
>wake up
>still no qt thicc af Ashe gf to pump full of my seed every chance I get
Why even live?
>play the champ wrong because it's a rule that all assassins have to spam their abilities all at once
>with magic they can create artificial wombs for men allowed them to get pregnant
Never in the history of runeterra has this happened. Fuck off with your lies.
Is Garen a good choice for a champion with few weaknesses?
this is me when i eat taco bell and i really need to fart
looking to join /v/ club on oce!
>When used effectively (In Vayne's case) it can be a central mechanic for improving and rewarding the player for consistency
Vayne's %hp mechanic is the same as gnar's, just fucking AA the same target and bum deal 1/3 of his hp even he has 5k hp.