>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
This is my wife! She's mine forever! I love her so much! I will marry no other!
Why the hell is everyone ignoring its existence? Like it's not even in any damage calcs or wiki builds. Not even saber's fucking page.
Azura is shit.
I want to cut her hair off with a rusty knife.
Mommyfags hate THIS
Because no one knows what exactly does and the one who has it is no a woman.
damage mitigation was a shitty thing to focus on even if you didn't have to waste a special slot and a B slot for it.
Melee infantry is trash.
why does no one ever call this guy out
all mommies have humble beginnings
Say something nice about my wife
The gayfags and otomecucks here won't even talk about it because Saber's art is fucking hideous and not worth pulling for.
I want to breed with that
ougi man exists
what's this shield pulse meme? i cant find anything online
All right, out with it. What's your type?
>there are people in this thread who don't think Rath is Lyn's canon husband
her being worse than camus makes him look better
>spent last orbs on waifus
>get tiki
>get robin
>get delthea
>check boons
Not worth over wary fighter, 1-way tanky infantry... eh... no thanks.
Perifags I got ya'
>no 5* lance units to give her a stronger lance than Killer Lance+
Saving that SP for a better lance and Hone Cavalry.
Can you roll Sonya/Doot/Saber/etc. on the summer banner now? I assume not but you never know.
>Move green into Berkut and Archer's range
>Red Mage goes east
How do I get him to move south? This is fucking my plans.
Autistic virginal boys with two-tone hair
your wife is my best friend
You can't, they're not in the overall summoning pool yet.
will possessed doot become a character one day
Delthea paizuri
gee I dunno
maybe this official art will provide insight
Good characters, sorry you're disqualified.
She's a bonus unit 33% of the time!
She has a great personality!
She has decent stats!
She never has bad IVs!
She has a cute voice!
She has big breasts!
Bamn, now I ruined her
>these are the only greens that I not have
Two toned lords who are not trusting at first but are actually lonely and misunderstood.
play the bears
I mean, Rath is probably the most likely, but the dude is boring as fuck and a shit unit. until he gets into heroes and turns out to be broken
>She has big breasts!
This is only in fanart. She's a pancake in-game and extra art of her from Kozaki shows her as Flatcina-tier.
>She has big breasts!
>She has a great personality!
in what timeline
Whats her opinion on FF (Friend Fuck)
What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?
Even better!
Isn't Legion the only infantry axe user we've had added to the game since launch?
Severa loves to play stylist with her daughter! She loves her little girl so much!
spring chrom
Is a -atk Titania workable if I slap some cav buffs on her?
chrom is right there, so
also summer tiki.
you need to try harder at remembering things
i want possessed doot to suck my quintessence out
through my urethra
How was /feg/ before the mobage?
>implying he won't get the Tobin treatment and be a red cav with an armorslayer
When is Koya going to draw a character or two for Heroes?
SeveraAnon and FelicaAnon are the two purest waifufags on /feg/, they never abandoned their waifus for disgusting thots and should never be bullied.
Bunny Chrom and Titty Tiki
Coincidentally all 3 are limited, must be the work of our jew goddess.
>yfw da bears win da Fireem Blem
blogposting and tripfag cocksucking
literally discord
Lmao I used to play Panda in T6
I was gonna say "wtf is tekgen doing in feg but then I actually looked at the OP
They just need to make more units of other types. I can think of a ton of armors I'd be happy to see.
That being said, there's really nothing an armor can do to counter a horse mage. All the repositions in the world can't unfuck that.
>still trying to force this reddit ship
i dont like severa
and it doesnt make sense to cutepost a tsundere
she looks decently endowed in this sketch from Kozaki.
Your wife is a wonderful best friend!
>>She has a great personality!
This one!
Actually worse, because atleast now once in a while people talk about gameplay. It's calmed down a lot, I think, things are going back to normal.
alternate doot in heroes when?
I hope the next tempest has Ike in it as a bonus. Because I don't know what to do about this +Res -Speed one.
i dont even remember anymore
which is weird
If she'd actually deal 0x2 then she'd also deal 0x2 with +atk. This build is focussed on the special rather than direct atk.
Tiki's massive melons!
Stop talking about yourself. You're cancer
I am here because the lobbies of Tekken 7 fucking suck.
Merge him into a better Ike.
Chubby guys.
How the fuck does anyone like Severa? She's literally one of the most unlikable pieces of shit in the series. Is it a nu male thing to like such a bitch?
>breasts stick out that much even under a couple layers of clothing
>Tiki lays down on her stomach
>walk in between her canyon of breast
>the walls of boob close in on you
Give me a solid argument as to why it's reddit other than "because it's not /feg/ approved and I dislike it"
>well endowed
Tiki's mini melons!
I love Sakura!
Tsunderes are patrician taste. Severa is like Haruhi-level tsun though, so it's an acquired taste.
It's the reddit alternative to Lyn/Hector which is canon.
single-digit stats at level 40 are god's gift to man
You've had much better luck than me with greens.
I never send a unit faster all the way back to the end of the bench then when I got this goblin.
Tsundere is the most pleb thing ever.
>>well endowed
who the fuck are you quoting?
I said she's decently endowed.
What did /our guy/ mean by this?
People that like Severa are the same people that like Asuka in Evangelion. For some reason "red haired bitch" is some people's type.
pounding robin daily
he killed a man
public masturbation
You're talking about a 1 point difference in special damage.
And she wants glacies anyways
With +ATK you can at least do 1x2 and then proc a special for more damage, her res is high enough already, going +res won't help you with anything
Asuka is a good tsundere though. Severa is a nu-tsundere, aka not one at all and just a cunt.
>-SPD +DEF Roderick
How bad is it boys.