League of Legends General - /lolg/

Jax will kill you in your sleep if you don't reply to this thread edition


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Reminder that Assassins are perfectly fine and Mage/ADC shitters need to get good.

I like penis.

So they're going archetypical Succubus with Eve then.

>An unspeakably beautiful, horned woman stood before the bloodied corpses of her parents. Vayne screamed in agony and terror. Before disappearing, the demon looked down at the young girl and flashed her a terrible, lustful smile.

can loooloool have buffs soon liek lanebuffs not support buffs support can be gutted for all I care

Fuck "fixing" Swain. He really is in a great spot balance wise.

Ok I'm fucking done with being an adc/support main.

Its either I do good in lane and my teammates feed all their champs with turbo cancer mobility and they kill me, making my score shit. Or I get 20/0/0 in lane and I carry the game because I can kill everything in 3 AAs. Or the lane is neutral and mid and jungle zone me to the fucking second tower and by the time they are done destroying 2 towers my team comes and stop them, and lets not forget how they always say "this garbage bot can't defend tower".

Any champion recommendations for top, jungle, and mid? I want to see which lane is more suited for me...



>win 1 game as rhaast
>get a double kill as rhaast


what the hell am i supposed to do when 2/3 lanes feed their ass off before i get a chance to gank them

has happened in the past 7 out of 10 games

whoops I got warned for posting about wanting to rape vladfag

league of legends, jax buffs when

Reminder Bruisers do the same amount of dmg as assasins but its ok because lolg is bronze

Sometimes nothing. Play more.

I bet she raped her.

>main support
>janna and lulu
>cockblocking enemy team all game
>don't have to worry about cs in lane
>just ward and don't be retarded
made it to gold suprisingly fast

Vladfag is not for raping, user.

Nunu > Zilean > Pantheon > looloo > Udyr > Veigar > ribbon > mundo > Corkz > Morde > amumu > olaf >trynda > xin > vlad.

imo j4 doesn't need a VU that much.

>Mordekaiser is literally the buggiest champion in the game and Riot themselves have admitted his gameplay is comically unhealthy and his no clear theme in his kit, especially now that Yorick encroaches on his design space.
>Instead they choose a champ who is 100% fine right now and easily could've been taken care of with a gameplay update similar to Rek'Sai

Fuck this company

Not really.

He either pops off and becomes a nightmare to deal with or he ends up useless. His lane phase top is almost Pantheon levels of oppressive too and his visuals/playstyle are all boring as fuck. I like Swain a lot but him getting a rework really isn't a bad idea.

Do you think they're gonna be bringing back Eve's vampiric nature?

I miss being able to just constantly suck people off as Eve and not die.
Current Eve is okay, but I just want the succ.


Have you seen his walking animation up close?
At least give the fucker the Shen treatment.

You are 100 doing it wrong if any BC/Titty Hydra bruiser is outdamaging you as an assassin

You move on and get a new team for your next games

If it keeps happening you might be doing something wrong such as
>my first gank is at 9 minutes when I finally hit lvl 6 on Nocturne
>I always full clear never gank while other jungle actually puts preassure
>I'm just lying on an anonymous imageboard

>not one of the best looking champions in game
fuck off

i bet you 10 RP she gets a breast reduction.

stay mad evefags

>own spirit guard udyr
>still use the base skin because it has a nice design
shame his model is made of cheetos & mega bloks. Nothing would make me happier than making udyr's base model NOT look like 2006 runescape garbage

You drop polymorph and you can have lane buffs

So glad I picked up sivir again since buffs coming, but she's so much fun. With PD and ult on you're untouchable vs anyone without dashes, and unless they have a lot you're probably going to spellshield a lot of their damage anyway. Plus her builds past ER-PD are so flexible.

>Pick Trynd
>Don't even get first blood
>Rush Tiamat and Berserks
>Just afk push non stop
>Get a kill when they try to stop me
>Endless sustain with no life steal item
>Eventually win because nobody can stop me pushing lanes out

Is Tryndamere total cancer and nobody wants to admit it since he's consider just a "low elo stomper"?

Riot answer of because isn't morde
>He's going to get it eventually
Gee thank boss

>if i cant all in at lvl 4 my champ needs lane buffs

fuck off, literally the worst of lulufags

Not after she gets a VU.

>Win 1 game as Kayn
>Play (x) games as, with, or against Kayn/Rhaast
>I get autofilled support
>Nobody is playing Kayn

he's weak outside low elo

>loses lane to everyone
>cant dive anyone now that the cleaver build is dogshit
>decent teamfighter but inferior to many other fighters

but i am NOT staying in BRONZE!

he's not cancer at all, he's just annoying if you don't know how to deal with him

try playing trynd vs a champ he's bad vs in lane and they will make you a useless piece of shit. ever play trynd vs pantheon, swain, or teemo who actually match you when you go to push a lane? you will want to claw your eyes out

What part of no more VU anymore don't you get user, she's going to stay the way she's

bit slow aren't we?

Greetings anons. Xth for Akali. Also 3 or 4 decides what skin I get for her.

Either you're blind or you've never actually examined his model up close.
He looks like shit.



>Lux can't one shot ranged creeps without ridiculous amounts of ap

How about they fix this instead of buffing her shield?

Honestly polymorph is such fucking bullshit. I almost got killed 1v1 against a fucking Lulu adc, because polymorph lasts for so long. The only reason I won that duel was because I was ahead of her in terms or levels (1 or 2) and items.


this cuckroon guy a gameplay guy or a skin/other useless bullshit guy?



Nah, he has powerspikes that people don't respect and if a couple of people don't know how to play against splitpushes it's annoying

>Eventually win because nobody can stop me pushing lanes out
He's not half as good lategame as everyone says. When he gets Reaver is when he peaks.

how about you fuck off with your babby tier champ that is already incredibly safe and annoying to play vs

for fucks sake lux waveclearing with ult and e already lets her play like a bitch and stalls out games enough. at least ziggs and xerath are harder to play to compensate for their retarded safe waveclear

xth for Cute Ashe

Daily reminder Karthus is for Kayle!

Headhunter. Is her best skin atm, and for a long time it seems.

What is she for?

>Champion gets reworked because they are old as shit and their design isnt up to date with the game
>"Mains" that we would have never know about until then appear
>"REEEEEEE, [insert champ here] WAS PERFECT! WHYYYYYY!?!?"

I kinda understand how they feel, because my boy Urgot is getting reworked, but damn.

I wouldn't be surprised if they just based Swain's eventual VGU on Tyrant Swain entirely.

>Lux being annoying to face

It's a free lane as bad as she currently is

How the fuck are u useful on janna, i feel so useless.
Like in lane, is the only thing you do is standback and sheild? or?

Can't wait for Dawnbringer Irelia

>Hard to play

He does spaghetti damage in laning phase and suffers a lot if pushed in early, can't follow roams for shit. His late is bad, but that's fine.

Guys my duo q partner consistently loses toplane as Pantheon unless I camp his lane.
He also won't take any advice and just labels even champions like Illaoi as being "Bullshit" and "Broken". Do I just drop him?

>breast reduction

>"An unspeakably beautiful, horned woman stood before the bloodied corpses of her parents."
>"Vayne and Frey traveled Valoran, until tavern tales from the highlands caught their ear, whispering of a demonic horned creature of mesmerizing beauty."

It's like you're some special kind of retarded.

I hope Swain is still old. If they want to make him younger then I hope no younger than fifty.

>vgu swain

I just hope it's really shit so no one plays him and I get to play him as much as I want.


Yeah and i don't know why peple don't understand that the reason Swain, Xin or Nunu is being reworked before guys like Morde is because they're not only outdated, but their kits are hard to balance so they become toxic from time to time, Nunu skyrocket winrate while dominating the jungle wasen't on porpuse was an accident and not a happy one since he takes away everyone fun.

Are liking the new Urgoth user?

Why is Ryze so fun yet so fucking bad?

its a non-interactive lane you mean

she can stand so far back vs most champs it creates a boring stalemate where she can play like a bitch as much as she wants and you can't really kill her unless your jungler comes to dive

I know that that in itself gives you advantages and you can go to another lane or something, but its still really annoying in solo Q where you want to stomp your opponent. and having her e one shot the backline would make her even safer

Why do you guys think about __Nami__ mains?

They said they want reworked Swain to be similar to his tyrant skin, so maybe

What elo are you just wondering

Stop it with this meme

I'm just worried they're gonna remove bird form.
They said they're going to completely rework his kit.

xayah talks about his misuse of valstayian blood so i doubt they'll take away bird form.

>Main jungle
>Literally can't stop helping my teammates
>Drop everything I'm doing to go help a lane
>They die anyway and I end up dying as well trying to help them
>"gg report this noob jungler" *spams question marks*
>Do it again 5 minutes later when they are overextending past the enemy turret
How do I stop helping these fucking retarded niggers? I get flamed for not helping so I go help even if I don't want to but it NEVER works out.

That can go two way, new Tyrant will be either more badass or not worth buying anymore.

Gold 2

I dont see how that matters I don't think anyone in any elo thinks lux is fun to play vs when she is strong. Her shield getting a buff is fine versus giving her more waveclear

Yeah, but the goal of the rework is to keep the strategy aspect and the whole birdman theme, so at worst they take away some power from bird for to give to other abilities

Morde's kit is just as hard to balance, it's just they gutted him and left him in the dumpster and never tried buffing him ever, unlike Nunu and shit.

I was just wondering dont get so defensive gold shitter

The passive is what bring all the problems it's need to be remove, same with dragon because it was just a stupid gimmick

>new champ will be an 'aggressive initiating tank'


>riot holds back MF buffs because lethality
>when she is supposed to build crit

Yes. Don't say anything to him and Q alone, don't delete him from friend list either, so you can say without saying anything "i won't play with you anymore, but i'm not mad either".

Why is Evelynn so horny now

> players make up a way to play a champion
> this shouldn't be encouraged

>main diana, shyvana or jax
>mute all
>farm until level 6
>enemy jungler is behind in cs and levels because he tried to help his lane monkeys
>carry your braindead laners with stupid dps and tankiness

there are already news for the next one? holy shit

PSA to all laners: If you die before I'm level 3 then I will not touch your lane except to tax it.

>hardcarry game in soloq
>teammate sends friend request after

For once I actually have faith in Riot not to completely fuck up a rework. Hopefully they can pull another Warwick and make it good enough that all the people who played warwick can still enjoy him. If they ruin my Masquerade Eve by making her look less like a bdsm dom then all bets are off though.

Yes. He/she looks to be Freljordian too.

The thing is that Riot is fine leaving him in his forgotten state while they don't mind giving small but noticeable reworks to Chogath, Nunu, Aatrox and others who are gonna get reworked again anyway. They just don't feel like trying at all with Morde for some reason.

>How am i liking nUrgot?

I love him and his design. Team Alpha managed to keep his "hulking weapon platform juggernaut" theme.
On top of that, he has kept everything about his old kit except his range. The shotgun knees dont autopush the lane as much as people think.

Even though they scrapped his "Sion 2.0" lore, he is still a metal-as-fuck executioner. His ult makes that VERY clear (like i predicted :D).

If Team A works on Morde, you will be pleased.

> (...) The same can be said for the Tank update; as we honed in on what we felt worked for the Vanguard class, we saw a great opportunity to build a new Vanguard from scratch.
> (...) we wanted to make a new playmaking Vanguard that charged headfirst into tough situations and made the enemy team fight on their terms. We also really wanted to make a very self-reliant champion; expect to see a unique new passive that helps them build more than just character.

you have 20 seconds to justify this.

inb4 u call me a silver surfer im gold 3.

hes like 80 feet tall. why wouldnt he be able to eat twitch?