World of worldcraft general /wowg/


WoW Token Price:

Blood of Sargeras to gold:


Invasion schedule:

Other urls found in this thread:

So I want to make an alt, which class is more fun - rogue, monk or priest?


>gf asks if i want to do black temple
>log in, she's on her rogue alt she hasn't played in almost six months
>we're halfway though when she suddenly exclaims "the glaives are mine if they drop, you know"
>"well let's both roll on them if it drops"

Later, after they didn't drop, she's legitimately in tears over how I was apparently "so selfish" for suggesting we both roll on a piece of loot.
I bring up that I switched to my hunter after coming back from quitting the game so that she could get the legendary daggers, pointing out how I wouldn't have done that if I was as selfish as she claims.
>"that's not the same i worked for the daggers and i want the glaives, you can't just say that you want them too!"

I just wanted to play a video game... ;_;


post babes

>doing falcosaur world quest on DH alt
>see some prot warrior pull 3 packs along with 2 patriarchs
>run up and do 2 eye beams in a row because head legendary
>everything dies
>he goes "jesus christ, you fuckin melted them"

I impressed someone today

3 posts in and we got our first one

>meet girl from /wowg/
>we hit it off
>we're like mirror images of each other, same interests and everything
>she's a NEET and wants a sugardaddy to pay for her bills/wow sub
>said she'll kill herself if she doesn't find one before she gets kicked out
>I don't have a job anymore
>have no intention of supporting a NEET gf hundreds of miles away
>she removes me

wow, greats quality of women you have here, /wowg/

You posted this in the last thread.

is that rule 63'd Archimonde and Kil'jaeden?

what % of the thread needs to be nothing but copypasta before /wowg/ gets moved to /trash/

I did this for awhile.

Cut all contact now.

>tfw 90% of the greentexts you make get reposted endlessly for all eternity

It's a good and a bad feel. On one hand I'm immortalized by my actions, and on the other it's from this autistic dweeb just spamming it.

>new trial arms warrior in raid group
>not really expierienced pvp'ed most of the time
>we start the boss
>RL explains the tactic
>see the warriors voice chat icon blinking because he doesnt have his mic on push to talk
> playing in the background
>tank goes in we start the encounter
>warrior charges in avatars with battle cry followed by a pummel
>he proceds to heroic leap back to charge in again
>his macros arent updated so he says on /say /cast berserker stance
>raid leader confused because we are supposed to stack and hes like 30 yards away from us
>suddenly he starts yelling the song lyrics "YOU WON'T CATCH ME FOR GRANTING MY DECISION"
>RL is like "wtf?"


So when are they going to kill Khagdar?

>Decide to start PvPing on DK
>Get into group and asked to TC
>Everyone silent
>Get into BG
>Call targets
>Everyone keeps replying "Yes Mistress."
God fucking dammit..

>Three whispers from people and requests
>"You're a good TC, maybe we can run some dungeons sometime! :)"
>"Hey do you wanna go level some alts cutie? ;]"
>"Haha its so cool to meet a non-guy target caller! So how long have you been doing PvP?? XD"

I'm finally starting to understand the stereotype of why girls stay in the back and heal...

>guild starts treating me different when they find out I'm a girl

>Spend $80+ on steam games
>Just end up playing WoW instead
I'm too far gone.

>he dosn't have Balance of power skin on at least 4 alts
wtf u doing son

Goddamnit, last night was a depressing first night in ToS.

We killed Goroth in three attempts, but I knew he'd be a joke fight.

But goddamnit, we spent three hours on Demonic Inquisition and just kept fucking wiping at the very beginning of the fight. At one point we were able to make it reliably to the second phase, but eventually, we just continuously wiped to the fucking aoe.

I don't know what to think anymore... whether the guild's falling apart or it's the encounters themselves...

Would you guys say Demonic inquisition is overtuned at all? Or is it just that my guild and I suck?

ww monk is both easy and fun to play.
outlaw rogue it's easy too, I've been leveling a human rogue on the alliance and it's pretty chill.

>personalami will draw ugly ass worgen but not tauren

it hurts so fucking bad

WHITE PEOPLE ARE A MINORITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is your healer tonight

>Using a pre-Legion title

I'm 901 and only doing like 600k dps, guess my spec

the mog is less important then the fact your playing the game on a toaster

>join a raid
>the group description didn't mention it was a guild run
>from ragnaros

is that the dude that draws everyone with huge pepperoni nipples?

Was it a real girl

Welp, so long, peeps.

My monthly check-up-on-/wowg/-to-see-if-it-stopped-sucking visit is coming to an end, and as before, I shouldn't have bothered. I don’t even know why it’s called "World of Warcraft General" anymore.

If you're here now and you think /wowg/ is funny, you might be right. Perhaps it is funny, but it is but walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, compared to the old /wowg/.

What you are seeing today is just an endless looping rehash of the fun we had. If you think it's funny now, try to imagine the fun we had when it was fresh, and people had the time to shop, improve and alter a birthing meme. It was a time of creativity, good quality trolling and the occasional WORLD OF WARCRAFT discussion. Good times.
Feeling like Milton's Satan reminiscing about the splendor of heaven where he once dwelt, comparing everything to that glory now lost and unable to see his surroundings for what they are, but only what they are in comparison, I bid you adieu. See you next month, and keep on trying.
Obviously, I will stick around for the remainder of this thread. If you remember the old ways as well but are stuck in here because the internets are basically pretty empty, bland, and boring outside of /wowg/, feel free to drop in and describe your pet theory about where and when /wowg/ went wrong.

Never understood what the fuck that Undead guy was supposed to be. Rogue? Old school Fury warrior?

600k dps is ok

holy paladin

>BF tells me to log on
>he asks if i've logged on yet tell him "no"
>he tells me log on
>i get on
>he says check the inventory
>Ashes of Al'ar and Reins of the Raven Lord are in the inventory
>don't really care they're just mounts so don't say anything
>he asks if i saw what he got me
>tell him unconcernedly yes
>he asks me if i'm happy
>just said "yeah"

i don't care for being fake but now that i think about it i feel a little bad.

>copy pasta about leaving a thread

Welp, I think I'm done with /wowg/. Not for any particular reason, just kind of disinterested with the thread and what gets posted here.

Goodbye /wowg/.

what's this

wow badass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck, clothies have it the best. literally only need 2 pieces of gear to mog

not to look good though


>same thing, every thread
>he does it for free

I love mistweaver but the artifact is kind of boring looking to be honest, I transmogged mine into that made dragon glaive


thanks for the blog post, faggot

theres no one to stop him. im sure its a mod angry about not having a vanilla server to play

If you don't main the one true master race class, Druid, don't even think about replying to me.

I hope we finally see what sargeras looks like on argus, I'm tired of waiting to see if He s ugly

Go fuck yourself. Nobody cares about your life story.

OC. A friend put her together.

I got a story for you copypasta spamming nerds

>be me
>2009, late Wrath, everyones geared up by now
>on my arms warrior running through STV because no flight in azeroth yet
>friends wanted me to gome to Guru for a group
>running on the roads, watching for ambushes
>surprise, freezing trap, snake trap and immolation trap all stacked together
>immediately pop defensives, pet is all over me
>hunter hiding somewhere
>see his nameplate pop up
>charge, instantly scattershotted, wing clipped and disengaged
>heroic leap
>little level 30 shaman running through the jungle sees us
>starts running towards me
>try to run
>concussive shot
>shaman getting closer
>hunter is low health, concussive shots me again
>shaman is right behind me
>executing execution.exe on huntard
>dont have time to thunderclap before shaman thunderstorms me off a cliff
>low hp so i die
>shaman does the retarded draenei laugh and runs away

resistance will only bring pain

why aren't the sjws mad at the odyn/helya story? shouldn't they be fuming that blizzard forces us to help the peak figurehead of all things patriarchy to stop a woman from exposing him for the fiend he is?

I am having a stroke at this very moment

I am dead fucking serious

I would go get a phone, but i'm having a stroke and can't move my legs

This will be the last thing I will ever type in my life

goodbye /wowg/

out skilled


nice blog faggot

You seem angry user, is everything ok?

>be me
>do things
>things happen in consequence
>impressive reaction


>start visiting wowg pretty REGULARLY
>notice reoccurring copypasta
>start to notice every thread is the same
>every post, pasta, questions the same
>continue visiting
Is wowg a simulation?

gave me a chuckle

if it was we couldn't tell your post apart

What's the major difference between Volley and Multishot? Just more damage?

git good faggot

affliction warlocks are so trash now, it hurts

at least detro gets some spotlight time

What's wrong with Affi? Just really easy?

>2000k Health
>complain about how it plays


>two thousand thousand

wow so funny duder nice response. really got me

tfw solo healing sisters

lol that screenshot was from months ago

the damage from UA got rekt, and Malefic Grasp got nerfed from 75% increased damage to 25%, and they switched a bunch of talents so now it plays totally differently

Inky Black Potion is the best thing to happen to wow

>Inky Black Potion
What's that.

whats a good title for a warlock


undead lady in the forest on darkmoon island sells them, makes anywhere look light night time.

I need a chef outfit transmog. Where can I get a chef hat?

>join kj pug
>join their discord
>there's an gril in it talking
>some guy starts talking about masturbating
>starts making masturbation noises
>girl starts laughing hysterically
>can hear her talking to people about how funny it is
>30 seconds later she mutes her mic

>make a +5 DHT
>Healer is fucking trash
>If i kick my key gets wasted either way

people can literally solo +15s and you think you need a healer for a +5?

heroic leap in wrath. you aren't fooling me buddy

>ready steady go

As a 875 i am out dps'ing the others who are 880+
The tank is 915 and dying to adds in the dragon fight
The healer died in the first 6 mob pulls, and at every single boss


Male Dranaei Pally or Belf/Human DK?

Waifu fags need not apply

What streamers do you watch? Are any worth watching? I know there's a huge culture surrounding it but I just want to know if any are actually good.

Old Thread Since OP is a retard:

>visit Valdisdall in Stormheim
>see a lvl 106 paladin standing still next to the inn with demonsteel stirrups and leystone stirrups
>go afk
>come back and they're still in the same position and not afk
>start spamming emotes
>after a few minutes, decide to kill her
>she respawns but she's 30 ft floating in the air
>kill her again and she spawns floating in the air higher up

What demon bot is this?


That thread is almost at 800 posts.

Get outta here.

>at the stage where i have to rely on other players competence to advance

man this fucking sucks


standard practice is to link the previous thread when creating a new one
i dunno why, probably archival reasons or something

Ah shit, you right.

Disregard my post, I am a retard.


>923 mage doing 500k dps