Plushie~ Edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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Is she a slut or is he a cuck?
Xth for Camille
Is there a cuter, more pure OTP?
hey camillefag
Want to write me some Camille gurosmut?
What champion pisses you off the most?
idk what this meme is, maybe there is another Camillefag you're thinking of?
he deserves better
she is not attractive
Sona needs to LOSE WEIGHT!
I'm thinking of playing more micro-oriented champions. I have been playing plenty of Camille lately, ever since I bought her. I've been practicing her in Normals, and have about ten or eleven matches in a row with her.
Who's another good and rewarding champion to play in the top lane that's micro oriented? Riven maybe?
>be first pick
>have jungler i want to pick on pick intent
>its a jgleer i have a high kda and winrate with
>my teammate bans it
>my teammate hovered over something else then just switched and banned it in ranked
>oh sorry
time to feed i guess
I'm a Yorick main somebody give me a good one-trick name
xth for breast metal waifu
There used to be some gurosmut guy that would give skins for gorusmut
I got a vi skin, i'd totally write another for another skin
how do I play camile? I got her today and im getting shit on by panth garen and akali
shoveldog gif
>There used to be some gurosmut guy that would give skins for gorusmut
I'm still here
Eugene Kang (he played bass on the Pentakill album)
Goddamn she must have been stunning in her twenties
Maiden is my waifu
comfy bfs~
What happened?
Im a Teemo main, is that bad? should i move to a waifu? Are Yordles the superior creatures?
>chogath locks in top
>gets a ton of farm and Rift Herald and wins lane
>teamfights start happening
>Malph ults and Jinx + Runaan's destroys my entire team before I can even heal any of them
Should I just not support anymore?
>tfw you get an S- but it doesn't count because it was a remake
>Always miss at least one caster of the first wave when playing ADC
lolg is such an interesting place to scroll and read through while your heart struggles to continue beating
Who the fuck are these literal WHOs?
>leave lol for hots because of lethality cancer
>fast forward a few months
>decide to check out lol again
>lethality buffed, tabi nerfed
gonna be waiting much longer it seems.
Aren't Sonas boobs too big for her to be metal?
It's just a matter of weaving q/e/q2 and using your ult to dodge important spells/disrupt. Also level 4 is a big powerspike for her.
but honestly for all new Camille players I recomend checking out Weeknd on Youtube, watch this vid when you can if you're serious about learning Camille
magic dust
I was gonna use it but you can have it
>equivalent of 60 LP for dodging
At least games are quick.
Cute spider.
>breast size having anything to do with it
>Be on tilt for whole month
>Finally come out of tilt.
>Carrying one game as akali
>Get first blood from enemy talon by outplaying him twice.
>counter gank bot and get triple kills.
>Help top get a kill and 2 assists despite he feeding enemy top
>We are losing a lot of shit because garen goes and split pushes.
>Gets killed 4 times because he has 0 vision and doesn't even wait for other lanes to have pressure so he can take down a tower or at least contest it.
>Blame me and jungler for not helping him.
>Start inting in top and feeds every single enemy champ
>Can't kill anyone anymore
>start being toxic at me and acting dumb by saying shit like "I'm not doing it on purpose you asshole".
>ends up with a score of 0/10/4
>Tilted again.
why are people toxic and intentionally fucks a game?
if you do some of this shit, honestly, fuck you man, why the fuck do you ruin other people's game?
is malthael cancer
why is she so lewd bros
Lily was always molesting george to duo/ stream with him
he was obv tired of her
glad to see Lily is now free to take all the nigger dicks
no, he's gutter tier since nerfs
we spider posting?
He's meant to counter the heavy frontline/bruiser compositions, which he does, but also works reasonably well into everything else.
Is it worth learning swain even though he's going to get a rework soon?
Calm down, this is "small indie company" riot we're talking about. We still have a new champion, eve VGU, probably another champion or two before swain.
wow, Camillie is pretty!
Sona is perfect, and I love her no matter what she looks like!
you'll have at least 5 months + before it happens. If you want to learn him, go for it, he is fun
you know what's funny is I'm slightly afraid of spiders in real life but Elise is my favorite champ
nothing dreadfully paralyzing just get a bit nervous and don't like the vellicating feeling when they crawl on me
that is a cute sona
Yeah, if you'd like an easy/quick to learn top that shits on most melee. He isn't getting a discount any time soon and the rework is months away.
too lazy to open and check but this might be more
Let's try this again. 3 or 4 chooses what Akali skin I get.
xth for Cute Ashe
Remember, it's never your team's fault
Blood moon, first skin I ever got in this game. I like it a lot.
man roll odds or evens aint nobody give a fuck what skin you get for that boring ass bitch
more Camille fanart in general when desu
I might just get that one. Only thing that puts me off is the mask.
what the hell is the brutalizer actually supposed to be? a gnarled branch? the end of a wooden battle staff?
corki's special delivery slows so fucking much like wtf man it's basically a wall
Righteous Glory is busted in new Cho. After minute 30 Cho will just pop Righteous Glory and rush right at whoever he wants and easily kill them. If you don't end a game vs Cho in 30 minutes you're basically toast.
How are we so lucky that we met all these wonderful people? How did we get so lucky? Some people go their whole lives without meeting someone.
Let's all take a second to appreciate.
BBest one
Pick Maokai
Peel like a motherfucker.
Laugh as Cho waddles around like the poor cuckold void monster he is unable to reach important targets
>All these Camillefags
>But none of them want to write me some gurosmut
What a shame
I just wish she was real and actually cared about me.
I always feel worried of picking Elise, she is way too unreliable. If you miss your cocoon you lose half your damage and if you are not building tanky you are basically dead after you kill the adc, but if you build a lot of tanky items your damage will be garbage.
I either do really good with elise, or feed to the point that everybody in my team hates me.
Any good elise players that I could watch on youtube?
Wrestle beetle champion fucking when?
Never mind, I got untilted. Thx based riot.
if that's your own post you screencapped kill yourself
She's as real as you want her to be, user.
Should I buy leona
We used to be so many more, i will take this minute to remmember all those waifumans that left behind on the road
>tfw no qt trap gf to cuddle and play lol with
what the h*ck bros?
Sashimi is her best
you guys are just joking with this waifu stuff right
You still giving out skins for smut?
Thanks this helps
Of course she cares about you user. If you love her truly then she will appreciate it.
and if you keep her in your heart and in your mind, and she affects how you live your life such as by doing something you think would make her proud, then how is she not real?
Blood Moon
Nothing, it's not real
When your topic gets screenshotted even if it just was someone's response. Feels good man.
>Need to hurry up and climb ranked
>But Subwars is on now
I need two monitors so I can do both at once.
why is he ?-pinging me
me unga
team bunga
Here's another one my man, on the house.
Looks like I am getting sashimi.
Officer Akali skin when?
I guess that's one way to look at it.
Thanks man. Feels good.
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
Just do X user holy shit.
"UHH EXCUSE ME WHERE'S MY TROPHY????? I didnt get a piece for my collection omfg quinn why didnt you kill him earlier?
I'm sure Meteos has vods of him playing Elise
Peanut if you're a koreaboo
I want to pump this Ionian full of cum.
What's the biggest problem with this game and how would you fix it?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
designers like certainlyT
the balance team
Dude she's like 15
I'm just now realizing people into amputee fetish must dig Camille