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nice reddit podcast promotion dotards

Am i the only one who has days where nothing happening in dotard makes sense anymore and you just lose?


lol is s4 autistic or some shit

yeah hes definitely on the spectrum

>s4 is against playing GEM TD in bootcamps


he is swedish, so kind of?

>PPD asks a question
>S4: I dunno... maybe. Maybe not.

This fucking guy. PPD is regretting everything.

>ppd trying to get t he exact hours they scrim and team talk to assassinate before ti

lol EG is scared, SAD!

>s4 openly saying he's autistic

>ppd asking how OG trains, what do they look over with their coach

most dota players are like this, just check most interviews done in events or stuff online
>duhhh...i dunno lol....kind of maybe could be yea i guess xD
its like these guys never had any responsibilites that required them to actually think and express what they think (oh wait)

>viewer questions
doesn't that signal the end of the podcast is near?

>he was for game

what he meant my this @puppey captaining

KEK. @boobs

s4 is so fucking retarded and boring holy shit, worse then evny, props to ppd trying to keep this train wreck alive.


>driving in Sweden

why does PPD have the "white supremacist" hair cut?

ppd invited?

this is actually so boring

and its over

k back to envy that was boring as fuck

>check the podcast
>its over
>everyone says it fucking sucks

Next time get someone like Fly or even Ana, Peter.

>those new glasses
>that shirt
wtf peter

What's the best to counter omni or invoker.
Im having a hard time killing them off

Wow 48 minute. His Slacks and Bulba podcasts went almost 20 minutes over the hour. Peter was trying to wring water out of a desert.

San Francisco style. Faggoty.

well all he had was S4, shouldve invited EE or something

should have gotten Mason

The way he talks triggers me, he sounds really fucking autistic.

fly busy ploughing notail
ana just as autistic

Watching Envy steal so much CS as a support good lord.

s4 isn't autistic, he's just swedish, all of us are like that

Gå o lägg dig bögweeb

zai isn't autistic
neither are pajkatt or pld
bulldog is super retarded but not autistic

nej du

>he doesn't know how to release spirit form nuke

Been having a week sort of like that. I did manage to finally win a game just now, but I might as well have not been there. I haven't felt that unnecessary and useless since moving out of my parents house.

Zai is an alpha and is like 6 years younger and speaks perfect english

Gustav is an ultraAutist

yeah that's what i said

no it isn't you dumb

zai is a beta ung vänster nu-male cuck

Jag ska, god natt på dig

posting cute swedes

don't make me post my whole folder

Guess what came in today

pretend this is an insult baiting you into posting more zai

A figure perfect for hot glueing

why cant you guys ever bother to take two seconds to orient the picture right?

cover it in cum and post results

Oh wow, it was actually properly oriented until I posted

is envy in low-prio or what?


What you dudes think of my hero?

Why do that when I can do this instead?


I don't give a fuck about your stupid idea but that pic reminds me of Dampeer from hon
D E A D W O O D when

hopefully soon
man some of the hon heroes were so fun

>deadwood when
monkey king is deadwood. they both are heroes that run through the trees and kill shit with attack damage based nukes

>700 game pugna spammer
>not even top 100 on dotabuff
>still wins beacause decrep has no cooldown and the fucking hero has pretty much a haste so he decreps runs and blinks away
>for some reason ult gives vision in the fog

yo pugna is sleeper op nerf this shit even shitters make it look op, just no one picks him

wow bara is deadwood too

Deadwood sucks big time

Moronic hero

too many passives, but theyre passives that let you farm supports easy, but the ult easily turns teamfights around and ensures kills. kind of feels like tiny or chaos knight because this heroes skills go really well with wisps and he can swoball and stomp pubs.

i always feel like abandoning when i see a pugna on my team during draft

>I'm here for the my interview

lmao dotashits

>face tattoos
kill it with fire


I tried watching Kuroko no Basuke but it was so fucking boring, how do pro players like this shit

damn, SonyaTheEvil really let herself go

who would hire a person with facial tattoos? I guess this is why she's gotta stream for a living

tell me those face tattoos are actually henna

captcha: hollocombe

What with the skeleton that comes out when heroes die now? What dumb Reddit shit did they add this time?

Henna is only a brown color. Black color if you get it done by shady people in mexico. Never color.

probably, I can't imagine her being able to get her face tatted normally

>reach 4.7-4.8k MMR
>consistently the highest MMR player on my team every match

What's the most efficient way to get good at dota?

I calibrated at 3.4k when ranked was released and stopped playing a month later. I haven't played it since then, want to get back into it, but I'm a wagecuck now and only have time for maybe 2 matches a day. I'll never get back to even 3k level at that rate, let alone 4.5k+. I need some sort of practice regiment to speed things up.

I'm considering getting into a different game altogether due to the demands Dota can have on free time and stress levels, but I miss the game too much

Together, we'll be unstoppable!

>old hud
push me to the edge, all my friends are dead

The map was so much darker and nicer-looking in source 1

I keep finding new ways the new HUD sucks shit, it's really kind of fun.

Also if the new HUD uses Panorama which is Valve's tech why don't they just allow for custom HUDs?

I still find annoying that the new HUD has those 2 holes in between the minimap - hero skills - shop

give upskirt

That's like the whole point of it, using less space so you can see more than half of your screen

what if you're envy and you see a gank approaching but you're envy and ignore the gank and die

dude esport lmao gotta make everything bright and visible for normies

>using big hero icons for the minimap
envy truly is the absolute worst

1. mute your entire team
2. focus on farm and push
3. learn how to use your tp's properly (help in team fights and farm juicy creep waves).

Other than that it's about map awareness, mechanical skill, and item/skill build.

Do this if you actually want to get better at dota and increase your mmr at the same time. If you only care about raising your mmr just find the highest win rate hero of the patch and spam it exclusively.

I dunno dude you're basically carrying a complaint that applies to first person or third person games into a genre where it really doesn't. If you prefer it sure it's your right but smaller size is really not an objective or significant merit.

I figure it's because it's easier to notice with peripheral vision.

>minimap is removed from dota

skill cap raised by 150%


>so tired can't keep eyes open
>take a nap
>wake up
>massive splitting headache

Nice fucking game dotards.

it's just a different game at that point, and unsubstantiable "gut feelings" become much more important
plus 1k shitters who don't know to stare at their minimap are suddenly at much less of a skill deficit to the non-braindead

What's going on here?

Muting your team is a meme. If you're such a baby that some guy whining tilts you, you will never be good. Only mute team members that don't speak the same language.

it looks like ana has become very much enamored with that decorative duck

ana has a touch of the 'tism

Team communication becomes essential and probably determines which team wins.

Would be fun to try out though, in some weekly mutator matchmaking maybe.