>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Benny when?
Tharja is shit.
Sonya is shit.
Azura is shit
the poster below me is wrong
>Mae, Mathilda, Redoot
"The Reddit Trinity"
>Faye, Silque, Tatiana
"The Veeky Forums Triumvirate"
Sonya is my wife.
could you beat it?
hard mode: no dancers
lunatic mode: no tinyhands
infernal mode: free units only, no SI
Azura a best
lmao cuck
Yep I love this game alot despite its obvious flaws.
There will be no more armor units. Please understand.
Tharja is my wife, you bully
Everyone rags on the face but how has nobody ever point out her shoes. I doubt that's comfortable to walk in. Maybe that's why she has 4 mov
Who get to suck dem tiddies?!?!?!
Boey is my boi in Echoes.
He started off with shit stats, but now he's a magic-crit machine.
Why is this game's level-up system so weird?
This will be your Mae for tonight.
>Fates shit
Hopefully never.
>make unit class based on high defenses and reduced movement
>meta is highly mobile units that can ORKO most threats
Good job ISIS
Kill yourself shitppster
Maybe someday. Let's hope he doesn't get stuck with horrible art or something.
Add Celica to ours and we can make it a holy trinity
Or maybe Nuibaba
Don't forget the BEST Sonia
>Echoescucks now shitting on Benny even though no-one had anything bad to say about him when Fates was actually relevant
How pathetic.
tellius never
jugdral never
magvel never
Where is this from? I can't find it anywhere in the datamine shit.
Post sauce, faggot, please.
> tfw can't pull any good blue mages
Just kill me.
>make a unit based on low mov but high defense
>units with double or triple its mov have comparable defense
Who should i promote ?
kill your self you fucking worthless piece of trash echoes is better than your half assed garbage
Finally I got shall know piece
>Nobody even mentions Echoes
>Fatescuck deflecting to a better and more relevant game
The godhead in that situation has to encompass all three. And Celica is like a worse Eirika. I guess the godhead would be "Good Girls" or "Our Girls", rather than an individual girl.
>do no attempt at fixing this but rather perpetuate the problem further
Reposting here in case the user moved to this thread
Fury makes her tank harder with the boost in Spd and Def, any physical unit will have a hard time killing her in one round. Darting Blow works with Dark Breath's debuff effect, but Armored Blow with a +Def would probably be better to make sure she triggers the effect without taking damage so your team mates can sweep nearby units. You won't kill many dudes though.
For a B skill, I don't know, you could still keep Seal Res, and use it with Armored Blow so not only you debuff the enemy team, but you make your target more likely to die on enemy phase if they survive the first combat (or help one of your mages kill, as if they need that).
A breaker skill is always good, if you're going with Armored or Darting blow, Swordbreaker is good for confirming kills against Ryoma and other sword friends. Lancebreker is good against units that she wouldn't double and kill otherwise, like Camus, Summer Robin and the occasional Sharena.
Or if you're a madman, you can run Windsweep or Guard.
What pairings will become canon in the binding blade remake (aside from the obvious roy/lilina)?
I want her to call me worthless while she crushes my cock
Fuck off fates shitter
Roy x Cecilia
Roy x Shanna
Roy x Sophia
Roy x Me
>Worse Eirika
How reddit can someone be
Who is the 4th person on the Zephiel/Hector/Effie team? A dancer or a healer?
laughing my ass off
A snack for Snacki.
reposition thundercock desu
Faye is awful either way. Can we just let Kliff crossdress?
Please shoot a bullet through your head
Lilina x Gonzalez's gross bandit cock
Well, the only thing that has changed between then and now is the release of Echoes.
A bonus unit
Sounds like a terrible idea. Reinhard runs off ahead of everyone else and gets taken out easily.
RIP spirit bomb attack animation.
Fuck off fatescuck go cry somewhere else
I wanna fuck Berkut
it's a meme you dip
The blades coming from the sky is better
at least his lance seems really good on DC Effie
This snack tastes a bit sour
But you're only 4 clears away from an extra 2000 feathers!
And don't forget about tomorrow's daily quests!
What is The Ghast Army so spiteful when it comes to Fates? Disliking something that's good, or even fine, just because it originates somewhere you don't like it retarded.
>removed genny and Caede for Robin and Summer Tiki
>went from losing to dancer memes to single handedly crushing horse memes with one unit
It sucks that healers are shit tier in arena. At least I can justify Genny in chain and TT.
>replacing Cymbeline
never speak to me or my snacks again
It's not.
I want a cute priest boy
mark jr. x sophia
Delete this webm please.
Fuck off back to r.eddit where you belong fatesfag
Kys drill.
I wonder if Sophia is so slow she wouldn't notice I'm gropping her pussy at first
So do it, Rinea. His boypussy is ready and eager to be pulverized by your feminine penis.
if you made casual conversation with her
>They fell for the Darting Blow Camilla meme
>They took the Camus as lead bait
>Ironman arena abuse
This is a new kind of high
I hate it
She's had a disappointing first three levels she's gained a speed and a Mag and has Aura as a crutch so maybe she'll be fine? Hope so.
Blades > Sun
need a safe space drill?
>s-sure it's sandy in this desert haha
>run calcs
>+atk Tharja is actually really great. +spd can be better but only with swift sparrow
>darting blow is the best skill for +atk
>+atk -def is her best nature
>it's what I have
>Disliking something that's good, or even fine
But Fates is neither of these things
I like Hana
>They took the Camus as lead bait
I did the same thing and now I have 4 defenses.
Neither is Echoes, but people will complain about anything.
calcs mean nothing you retard you're against default skills shitters
+atk is never the best on bladetome users you're delusional if you think it is
>no one called him out for using "sample"
*cocks gun*
kill your self
When did you unistall Heroes, /feg/? I did it 3 days ago and feel like I took a weight off my shoulders. Maybe I'll finally play Genealogy one of these days.
>once it became clear that she's not better than Linde either
At bladememes, sure even though she's still more than competent at it.
Delthea's the better support of the two easily, though, unless you want to argue healing beats a potential +9 damage per hit on shit like Brave users. And she's more than capable of holding her own in a fight regardless.
Her attack is already astronomical thanks to the tome so speed actually edges it out a bit for the standard fury+desperation build.
Echoes was fine though.
LuciNYAH!!~ :3
like 3 days after release
>Dancers can no longer dance horses
there, I fixed ~680 arena