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Complaining About Meta Edition

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Need healing

Mystery Heroes > 6v6 Lockout Elimination > 3v3 Lockout Elimination >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally all other gamemodes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> competitive

here cums t.racer xD

Comic sucks. It's just more Doomfist cockstroking. Here he is bossing Reaper. Here he is being so smart. Here he is going ape and beating up some skinny white men. Here he is throwing a skinny white man over a balcony saying his time is over.

Akande talks a lot of shit to The Reaper but don't ever make any kind of physically threatening statements or moves.

Zarya! Ready for Booty!

No homo but these two should get together

Well, I guess it's time to abandon Symmetra. I hit the rank threshold where every game has tons of Winstons, Reapers, and Zaryas.

D.va maining, here I come.


Do these people have anything better to do than post porn? Actually play the game?

Are the Shadow Step changes going through with the Doomfist patch?

>enemy has a T500 on their team
>Lv.43 Soldier main
>using kb&m
How can someone's life be so damn empty that they not only have to cheat in a game, but also make another account. Like what's the point of having another account? To make it to T500? You already did once it's not that special the second time, fucking fag.

I should just quit this game and sell my PS4 and save for a PC. At least people can't so freely cheat there

How big is Tracer's penis?

>playing on ps4

>At least people can't so freely cheat there


>mystery heroes
>ever being a mystery

The Reaper is BBC's bitch.
No homo.

M8 you got the full picture of that? Reverse doesn't give shit.


Oh, she's nude.
Thanks anyways man.

Smaller than Widow's.

Me on bottom

>T500 on ps4
Something like low silver on pc i'd wager.

Doomfist is ravaging you man, you should have fought widowmaker.

how can you tell hes using kb&mouse

They are keyboard mousing, all of them, so probably no. I'm in plat and I met a lot of "grand-master on PC" people heading up with their smurf friends.

Yeah but at least the shallow threat of a ban exists. There's nothing stopping someone from using kb&m on console

forced losses are real

Mystery Heroes is really fun up until the enemy rolls 4 tanks and 2 healers.

Killcam. You quickly learn the difference between what a 100% console sensitivity and a mouse looks like.

or you get 4 mercies and a junkrat

>leader makes it out of jail after some time
>said leader has to assert dominance to show who is true alpha male
>has to make a point by showing who he does fw
>doesnt physically punish reaper because he's actually a use to talon
>this is a suprise

>friend is pressuring me to do placements
>do them, knowing s5 is by far the worst meta and worst for shitty games
>get a GrandMaster S:76 boosting an account on my team, he goes 33-0 on first round
>still lose because widow one trick plays like shit
>heal most games
>get tired of playing lucio/mercy, go zen(my best character)
>instantly win my two zenyatta games
>2-8 final score
>2987 placement
>scared to play because I want to hit 3k without losing my next game

You know? That's an honest assessment.

I don't care what people are up to in their spare time. It's none of my business and while I don't have the highest opinion of shit I don't like, it's completely fair that others do like that shit. Sure. Whatever. Your porn is your porn and my porn is my porn. But when some small segment of the community begins to have a serious impact on the direction of the game because of porn shit and shipping? When our lore can't be anything conclusive, when we lose 400+ pages of lore because it might impede some crackshippers homo fantasy?

That's just stupid and fucked up and it's not going to engender any warm feelings to that segment of the community. I can't understand why this is an issue for this game.

You have me reconsidering my position if it's completely the crackshippers fault or if the devs of this game are equally retarded and to blame for listening to these stupid shits and trying to make everyone feel validated.

Yeah. I guess I need a drink.

So who's actually viable and who's garbage? It seems to me certain character are not very good/picked at all? What's the overall balance to someone high up? I just got back into the game and only noticing a handful being picked vs the whole pool.

Being a super villain sounds like hard business. You'd think a self-proclaimed superior human wouldn't bother with meaninglessly difficult avenues of life. Soldier doesn't even have to try to be a leader, no matte how hard he fucks up his general behavior just kind of sells him as a hero, even when he doesn't want it. And he's got friends who love him. So he doesn't have to be looking over his back and assert dominance all the time. Being a villain sounds like a default inferior position if you ask me.

d.va winston soldier genji tracer lucio zen ana sombra

Well that wasn't so hard

I knew you could do it user

76 nor his 'friends' dont have to worry about launching a 'war' in hopes of a new world order. Akande is a leader of a group filled with people who would gladly take his place, so he has to show he is the better man. DF is used to being organized and has a dream to shape the world in what he believes is best. All 76 has to do is just hang back and hope to sort whatever beef he has with Reyes.

i think the reapers more powerful in canon than we been shown

losing to winston aint a burial anymore


I dipped under 2500 again because I normally solo Q fill (aka normally heal or tank with bad heals) and the people at this rank are all awful

I had 4 medals as zen on KOTH
then lost 2 super hard with hanzo only shitters

I'm going insane

when i play well i lose, when i feel useless and a liability, i win

i got better and now have lost over 400 sr

Is this the new OTP?

Are you sure it's not you? You can't blame the team entirely.

I actually only do good with good teamwork, If my team does good i'll do better, if i do shitty my team does shitty.
This seaosn i was bronze while last season i was mid gold

why am i suspended for 7 minutes??? i didnt do anything?

Classic big tall powerful quiet handsome top with short energetic loud happy cute bottom. It's the Gravitation of Overwatch.

How many of you play on console.

Just wonderin.

I know i should be able to solo carry but i'm not that good and this game with the way it's made if you have just one bad teammate it's gonna weigh you down bad.


I play on pc, my aim is just as bad as a console player's though,

Reminder that this player allegedly doesn't not use KB+M.

i am diamond on ps4 and low gold(and falling rapidly) on pc

my accuracy on ps4 is 5% higher with s76 and my overall final blows to deaths is like 2.50 whereas on pc its somewhere negative lmao

>4golds as zen and stuck with hanzo mains that can't hit a shot
I'm pretty sure it's not me

>Be aimbotter
>Pick Zarya

For what purpose? S76 or Mcmeme would be an infinitely better choice

competitive > 3v3 > 6v6 elimination > shit > other gamemodes

So Lucio/Doomfist is like every bad yaoi ever?

It's like I never left 2006.

No wonder why you fags always complain about Pharah and Roadhog being OP, you all play on fucking console

You now realize that it's the straight pairings that are so rare and "left field".

So let me get this straight Doomfist essentially outranks reaper and in the comic Doomfist basically tells reaper that they fucked up in russia and it was Sombra that saved their ass and its people like Sombra that he is happy to have as a part of Talon.

Its like wherever gabriel goes he is a cuckboy

so wait does the tube get shoved in her ass or her vagina?

Diamond on Bone.

That's funny considering that Sombra basically hijacked the mission for her own hidden agenda so not only is Reaper a cuck but apparently Doomfist too.


Angela is a smart and kind doctor and a great role model for young people!

I admire her a great deal!

Why do so many people want Tracer to cheat on her girlfriend?

this, what the fuck is going on...i mean, they actually consider kb+m on console cheating, even though it sucks on console

Doomfist stated that Sombras actions and her self agenda thing is something worth being proud of in a enterprising talon start-up which basically shows he didnt get a shit about Gabriel wire-tapping on Sombra's actions..

Sombra was under Gabriel's command at the time. Its also worth noting that in the same conversation that doomfist jabbed out how gabriel is still fucking up by having not killed soldier and ana yet


i dont think their parents would appreciate the kind of videos you did to support your medical school expenses

And here I thought that the average owg player were silver shitters
but they're sub bronze (=cosnole) shitters ad the one on PC keep playing quick play and mystery heroes
why is this general so full of casuals

because you react faster with kb+m while everyone else is handicapped with controller movement

lmfao, nah, there were so many known aimbotters in season 4 that never got banned.

and honestly, there's nothing stopping you from getting a kb+m. it's not even that expensive compared to paying however much a week/month for an aimbot program

I don't think she'd have much of an issue with that. The Swiss education system is pretty robust.

its not actually that she HAD to, but because she wanted to..

Just one shot, better make it count.

Is sombra good? Is tracer better or worse?

Quite the inaccurate picture. Reaper's suppose to be the white girl in the picture.

>you now realize
I have friends who are raging fujos. I basically expect gay ships at this point.

>I have friends who are raging fujos.

Hacked health kits are handy. Otherwise no not really.

Tracer is better by like a billion times.

Who else immediately fell in love with this character?

Do you think he could be a fleshed out "Ivon" concept that leaked earlier, what with the red suit or all?

Personally, he screams Vampire to me, especially with the hair/goatee and red and black color scheme.

you do realize the rest of the overwatch (((community))) are either raging fujos or bitter lesbians

I've said this before, a support that's ult gives his team health steal would be lit.

Hacked HP kit + winston/dva abusing it = infinite EMPs

Other than that, getting hacks off on mercy/tanks is satisfying but usually too unreliable. DPS output is shit unless you have godlike tracking.

>its mondatta transferred to a new body

it was me zenyatta, IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!


I've known them for a long time and most of our other interests align pretty well. Basically they're fine as long as politics or shipping don't come up.


>the first month i played this game
>minutes on minutes of people contesting
>99% each for both teams
>everyone screaming in voice chat
>everyone typing on all chat
>everyone having the time of their lives

where did the good times go?

I'm more surprised when there isn't overtime, it happens just about every game

>Doomfist essentially outranks reaper

No, they both sit on the council. Reaper does act like his subordinate though

>Gaze into the anus

That looks like controller aim to me. They rely heavily on moving to aim and most shots are someone walking into their crosshair.

Also keep in mind that a montage of clips of individual kills can make anyone look incredible. You don't see the 500 misses, just the shots that hit.

I dunno she was a bit cold in the uprising comic.

doomfist is the mace windu to reaper's qui gon jinn

Here comes T.Racer!

I can't even play this game anymore, I just fap to Pharmercy cuteshit.