Felmyst General - /felmg/

Horde Guild

Fake Horde Guild

Tranny Clique

Alliance Guild

Felmyst (Or Gummy) is a TBC server coming out july 21st. 1x rates, no p2w, progressive content release.

>Register and download client

>EJ archive links


>How do I play/gear my class?

>When is it going to come out?
July 21st 3PM EST

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I want to breed M O C K Y

Really makes you go hmmm

Is Amlith a mastermind?

Looking for a non tranny horde guild filled with good gamers? is the place for you!





what if amilith is actually mocky


>Salty Cucks
Will they make it to 5mans before dying this time?

Horde or Ally this time?

>loot council
>clique just a retard one and not a tranny one

Brain can't handle this many levels of meta shitposting

does this sound like mocky?

3 people is hardly "filled".

He own the discord, this is why sanctuary was made Horde I believe

Reminder northcraft and gummycraft will be the revival of /wpsg/

Madti here, going to spill the beans for Mocky's shitposting all over the place. Mocky is not just Bozo, he's also the guy who is making the new Horde guild.
It's your choice if you want to believe me, an anonymous poster.

No he doesn't own shit. Remove this piece of shit from any and all guilds and it's over.

This one is confirmed fake

no thanks. i'll go with normies this time, fuck this shit.

Bozo own Honk Honk
Bozo is Mocky
So Mocky own Honk Honk

>tfw new and have no idea what is what
I think I'm just going to play and if Veeky Forums happens to be on whatever faction I choose, maybe I'll play with some of you. I don't know if these threads are a few people samefagging or not but it kind of feels like it.
Figuring all of this out seems like a lot of fucking effort just to play vidya with Veeky Forums.

When I'm leveling a druid, at level 50 do I want:

Yarrick left the Veeky Forums scene. We only have good gamers left now.

I NEED to know what faction and what guild Puddi is joining. This is important.

>Amlith proves that Merove is the biggest dramaqueen here
>Amlith redpills everyone about the clique of
>Amlith uncovers the truth about Mocky being Bozo and being a fake guild

wtf is happening I thought he was just a retard!?

Like I said. No thanks. Simmer in that shit as much as you want to, I'm fucking out.

Hm I guess I'm leaving DMCA for Sanctuary
I hope it's not full yet!


>as opposed to literal trannies

puddi plays Priest with MoH on Elysium and is probably joining DMCA until it inevitably disbands when manlet/automute/indi try to get GM again.

Everyone already knew this. Amlith is just a shit head wasting everyones time. You can't be a GM if you have ZERO (0) raiding experience and all you do is shitpost.

Retarded memespouting shitters or trannies.
Hmm how about neither and I just play with normies?
I fell for the Salty Cuck meme last time, I ain't falling for this shit again. Fuck off with your cancer.

Literally a ret paladin irl, what a legend

Puddi doesn't play at all.

I'm sure all the posts about puddi are just her fans and not samefag.

According to who? He already stated that he will find a raidleader with experience to do it. He knows what his limits are (unlike inhaler of shit)

Glaston and Tucker are both nice people, don't fall for the memes.
Try getting to know them first.

According to anyone without a peanut brain. Feel free to join that guild of dumbfucks my man, I'm sure a complete newbie will make good decisions for the guild and you'll totally raid!

I played with them before and you're fulla shit. Fuck off.

>the thread is exposing me
>better say it's not true

He isn't affraid to admit that he doesn't have experience and he always looks up to his members who are more experienced than him. Say whatever you want about him but he's very down to earth and humble.

You are a lying shill. Glaston is a great person and tucker has matured quite a bit.

stop posting amlith


he's "Mending" and he pretended he had to take a break after he got MC BiS
he's coming back now that BWL is out and he also posted in discord about "Felmyst hype"

now commence 300samefags about himself

>GM if you have ZERO (0) raiding experience

valkyri stop shitposting

>Glaston is a great person
I love how you have the fucking audacity to call ME a shill you cocksucker.
Fuck off. Glaston is a cancerous piece of shit and his idiot orbiters are even worse.

Guys, you've been rused. He's only pretending

I want to impregnate puddi's butt~~!!

>he got MC BiS
He got jack shit.

Are you saying amlith does have experience?


Yeah I respect Amlith since he could have just lie like 90% of the people here about his retail experience


based Amlith single-handedly saving Veeky Forums and BTFOing baddies

trully, the future of Veeky Forums guilds!!!

Scraps from raids, nothing more.

does meme inhaler have AQ/Naxx raid leading experience and is 17 years old

inhaler doesn't have any experience as far as i'm awae


puddi what class are you going

i know it would be truly ''''''hilarious'''''' if someone advertised a fake guild but seriously what are the horde guild options?

i would like to you know, actually play in a guild but i guess americans find it truly side splitting to LOL TRICKED U XD

he sucked up all tier loot available in that patch then fucked off

he has hearthstone playing exprience, thats enough


Go for a normie guild man. No point wasting your time with either of the Horde "options" here.


you know there's a faction queue right, it won't just be on release. two months in you'll still regularly sit in queue if you want to play.

>but muh PvP racials

>choice between sharding/ah-ing the items or giving them to a player because everyone else has them already

ive been playing alliance for what feels like the last decade and i cant be assed anymore plus horde have far better pve racials and i dont give a shit about pvp

sharding them for the guildbank would be better than giving it to some guy who then fucks off

are you playing female blood elf paladin by any chance?


hindsight is 20/20.

no, blood elves are for faggots and paladins are for the biggest faggots of all

orc shaman

being a retarded asshole that manages to make himself hated on a completely "new" alt is 10/10 skill of Puddi

>pve racials

all the top PvE guilds are going Alliance, retard. it doesn't matter how good the racials are if you can't log in to use them.

Inhaler, stop posting screenshot of me or I'll start posting all the stupid stuff you said.

>all the top PvE guilds are going Alliance

nice source friend

If he wants to go Horde, he should go Horde.
There are normie guilds on Horde side too, use felmyst forums for recruitment and you're golden.

>cock inhaler doesn't gaf about minigames


Hnnnnng cumming inside mo.cky


I honestly believe Reddit is better than this pathetic excuse of a general.

No actual posting relative to the game, instead it's child like shitposting about drama and cliques, while arguing about some guild that will hardly last a few weeks.

Do us all a favour and just stop. You're all pathetic tranny worshipping high school rejected disappointing your parents tier trash, that infest and destroy threads because you lacked so many attention as a children.

What's worse is your all harbour together, as you each have similar traits of worthlessness, and you all recognise this, but drown out the thoughts in mongoloid like shitposting, when deep down, you know you're scum and that you could change
But you don't, because you're a pathetic waste of a human. Imagine you won the sperm race to shitpost on /vg.
Your ancestors are weeping.

>mini game
>gives BiS weapon until TK

uuuh sure you little WPvP'er. You're gonna have to use your brain for this one.

So what happens when blizzard shuts gummys down?

we go to ascension wow and gank people all day

Due to the fact that has been revealed as a fake guild owned by a south american sperg who doesn't even play the game, will be going Horde and will be the only Horde Veeky Forums guild. Whisper us for an invite

Are you going to spam that in every threads

>eu wakes up
>shitposting is at an ALL TIME HIGH

DMCA Disbanded and all their members joined Sanctuary tho

Are you gonna spam tranny shit?
You're a waste of a human being.

Why being so aggressive? I'm part of no guild, I asked to know so i could help

>america wakes up
>school shootings start


It didnt even take an hour and we're already at Elyg levels of cancer.

How is it that the retail General isnt a complete and utter mess like their game But we are the most cancerous General on Veeky Forums

Join on Primal WoW for an amazing raiding experience

> is quite literally dead

bravo retards, your memeing killed another guild

I'm sorry, this general upsets me and I take my rage out on everyone who shitposts

I apologise

But yes I will

Thank you, Amlith. Keep at it.

No problem I understand

since clovermen is dead..
Sanctuary is the last guild standing :S
If everyone unite and join Sanctuary then we can have a future!!!

What are the chances of this server failing, Population Wise?

Will the changes kill the game for only the most annoying types of people that like to brag about shoving their face through a meat grinder because they needed an extra slice of pepperoni for their pizza?

imagine the rush of power you feel when you shitpost another guild to death
it's the quintessential nerd's revenge from being bullied in high school
now is her time, if she can't have fun no one will