Why won't anyone stay positive? Edition
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I want to pump this Ionian full of cum.
Does Akali need buffs?
This is what peak performance looks like
Because life sucks -_-
comfy bfs~
video game auction hall flipping is difficult man
> not even posting butt irelia
the ekko played that so fucking well
oh wait you're pixelbutts fuck you
you cant stop autism
First for /ourboy/
Longzhu playing so I wanted to be somewhat on topic.
When will Soraka's legs get so OP that she start using them as her attacks?
Who is the cutest league girl?
>mf wearing a hat
>at a waterfall
>while in the water
shes a dumb bitch just like the people that play her
>He doesn't love empty headed bimbos
Duskblade is what is making me avoid ADC right now. I just wanna build crit again it's more fun and transfers to the lategame. Armorpen is just boring and falls off hard after midgame.
it's like faker attracts every ability to him every fight
Does anyone actually like MF?
Feels like people only play her when she is freelo
When is she not freelo? lul
this one
I genuinely enjoy crit mf, armor pen for me is just unfun. The feeling when people stand in your ult or you hit someone with an execute powered up q is fantastic.
>build Dirk
>spend 10% of my mana to deal 900 damage
>build Sheen
>spend 7% of my mana to deal 600 damage
every now and then they make her ult scale off AP and do no damage
xth for Syndra
>Teleports behind your waifu
Heh, nothing personal... Kid...
Bot lane is the hardest lane and requires the most skill
>that file name
have you ever heard the phrase 'brevity is the soul of wit'?
>casters actually bitching about Taliyah wanting her nerfed
Jesus Christ there is not allowed to be any variety in this game is there? Yeah, nerf Taliyah. Not Cass, Orianna, or Syndra.
I love Jhin!
no, why
>Put Faker on a Utility Champ
Why does the AoE tank have damage reduction on his basic abilities while the single target tank only has shields?
>SKT losing yet again
People like you ruined ryze for me
Thank god. Faker was starting to return to form, luckily he was stuck with Galio
mfw the filenames just get longer
im dead
I keep fucking up my pic selection but at least I deleted the first one
SKT unironically the worst team in LCK
I mean, I can't recall a game without taliyah, she is being highly picked due to her ultimate
I hate you tumblr fucks
get the fuck out
fuck off
this one had an issue where it wouldnt be saved because it exceeded the character space permitted
this little faggot got outjungled so hard
you first
SKT is just sandbagging r-right?
I want to tie her up, starve and tease her until she is obedient THEN pump her full of cum and make her addicted to my cock to the point where she won't run away aven if she breaks free because being my fucktoy is her life purpose.
Xth for Akali! Also post Akali gifs/webms if you have them!
This LCK waiting music is so annoying, just play it on one fucking audio channel.
Anyone wanna carry my smurf out of silver ?
Im drunk and I will give you a skin if we have a good time
IGN: Dandiv
God I hope not.
>wolf dying
a-are the rumors true?
Sauce sauce sauce pls
>I mean, I can't recall a game without taliyah, she is being highly picked due to her ultimate
Okay? I see tristana every single fucking game but she isn't really a big problem. Taliyah is VERY easy to play around. If you get fucked by a Taliyah that's your fault or they're just better than you.
This is a low quality bait
Why you trying to bait man
I really do wonder what makes you people come to a thread and "thx X", you motherfuckers are mental.
I'd much rather lovingly impregnate her on our wedding night 2bh, but maybe that's just me.
>Taliyah is VERY easy to play around
>If you get fucked by a Taliyah that's your fault or they're just better than you
gee i wonder who is behind this post
What is this face she's making??
>replies to one of those supposedly "mental" people
>gets mad when I reply back
user I do think that you are feeling a bit lonely and need some company, but that's alright.
this would be perfect if she didn't have man shoulders
>If you get fucked by a Taliyah that's your fault
LITERALLY my fetish.
Is this the meta and the patch where Taliyah is SS rank in mid lane and overall the strongest mid laner in the entire game?
What is this art you are posting
this looks straight out of landidzu
disappointment at your cock
Here's another one.
Casual Irelia is best Irelia.
>Kalista is shit tier in my solo queue games
>literal top tier pick in Korea
uhh... lolbabs?
>adc in 2k17
>Well that sucked
>Let's give them the same comp and try again
>LCK champ select theme will never go back to youtube.com
Kalista is an example of good competitive champ design.
>People are unironically calling for Taliyah to be nerfed into oblivion yet again while cassiopia, kassadin, orianna, and syndra still are allowed to exist as is
It literally shows you where it's going to be so you can move out of the way. Or you can flash over it or dash over it since every champion has a fucking dash these days
Worked ground is the drawback of it. Try to position yourself better so she's forced to stay on worked ground, retard.
It's delayed, if you have eyes and pay attention you can walk out of it. Or you can dash out of it.
Either it's all fedora tippers or people really really bad at the game.
>professional league of legends
>tfw we still don't have a skater/surfer Irelia skin, but now that's definitely going to taliyah instead
I got ryze nerfed even though he wasn't even that strong
I got the dick, you will too
fuck you and your stupid main's ass
>That Faker Flash
>Kalista is an example of good competitive champ design.
She is good in Solo Q, the poster just doesn't play kalista, in fact a lot of smurfs use her in korea.
please stop
>champion isn't over powered because it has X Y and Z counterplay
are people still doing this shit? I don't even follow the competitive scene but all of this stuff is completely irrelevant to how strong a champion is overall
> spend every day crying about OMG OP CHAMPS
> act like a crybaby when you get the short end of the stick
haha it sucks right
Fuck you
>faker on karma
This is not gonna go well
Honestly think gragas would of been a better than Jax.
That is relevant though. Counters keep certain champs in check. When some champs are too strong its because they either have legit 0 counterplay (old kalista/azir) or their counters are weak. Take for instance ori, her counters are long rang mages she cant get in range to damage. But her counters are so weak they're not worth picking. Except maybe ziggs still a decent pick in soloq
renekton is useless and so is gonna be elise soon
peanut is so fucking bad
I feel like ori is just a meme from every zone mage main
These are not mutually exclusive. She would cheat with syndra though. Not that I would mind, I'd catch them in the act one day and make it a triangle.
I want Peanut to get benched on my face
Quinn is a babe.
the best midlaner in the world said orianna has no counter
And doublelift said adcs were useless
I don't see your point
What if we made it so that if you dodge you are forced to autofill next game? Will this cause enough ruckus to allow us to kick people from lobbys?
It's just not his meta!
SKT is shitting the bed
Yep, this is their end. SSG Fighting!
SKT is a sleeping beast.
>Faker building Support
Did Rift Rivals cause some sort of disruption in the order of what we originally knew? Everything is completely fucked. SKT should not be looking like they could be swept by Dignitas.
> skt loses a game
> everyone loses their shit
holy fuck you guy have some high expectations