Why are modern cars such boring colours?

It seems 9/10 cars are either white, grey or black, why aren't more bright colours?

are people scared of bright colours these days or something?

Women trends made people want white cars and white home decor.

Atleast that has been the most popular color in Europe for last 5 years, previously people laughed about white being rental car or primer color.

I like the mustang's deep impact blue. Good color.
Grabber blue...not so much.

exactly what i am talking about, how is the dark blue better than the sky blue?

Do you have to make everything a bright obnoxious color to match your flaming homosexual personality? The only cars that deserve to be bright colors are certain performance cars like Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc.

Not sure what you mean,
European style has always been white/light grey, minimalistic.
At least it's been that was in the US since the 90's.
I hate France so much.

are you such a homophobe that the thought of a colour other than black or white makes you feel insecure about your sexuality?

Cuts down on cost, heaps less wasted paint if you're painting the same colour over and over.

yeah some luxury cars tend to come in some really bland colours

People don't want something that stands out, they want something that blends in and doesn't ruin the resale value.

how does a bright colour ruin the resale value exactly?

The majority of people don't want a car that sticks out or is a conspicuous colour.

Plebs gonna pleb.

most people just wanna drive their washing machine to work, and drive it home. they dont want to stand out

why though?
where has this mentality of having to own cars that are bland and boring to look at in every way including the colour come from?
go back 10-20 years and most cars were coming out in vibrant colours, was mainly rental cars or fleet vehicles that were grey, black or white.

average testosterone has dropped

>all these commodores without even posting the best colour of all time

I hear you OP. Ive been looking for my next car for about a year now and all the cars Ive seen are all grayscale. I dont like this trend.

We are becoming the gooks

I blame asia.

Too many automotive virgins

Eat shit, Lambo cancer

The fuck is that supposed to mean?

plenty of people say my car is very a pretty color

I think it's mostly because we are coming off the tail end of a big global recession so auto makers have been playing things very safe in terms of models, options and trims. The new civic coupe has a bright green though and some lower volume models have gotten funky colors like the fiesta and Chevy spark so maybe things will get more interesting.


Probably this.

I bet you wear a bright colored t-shirt you faggot

How is it "natural"? It's beige or some shit

why are you arguing with random people who didn't make that graph?

terracotta, bronze, brown, poop

Jesus christ what an eye sore

>assmad contrarian

Turismo blue > Bionic blue
prove me wrong

>bright ass eyesore neon blue
>not contrarian

How'd I do?


Absolutely correct.
However, True Blue>all. With BMW's Laguna Seca Blue a close second.
>not liking bright colours in a bright colour thread
>not contrarian

>Absolutely correct.
kek, meant to be

I can't imagine most crossovers looking good in lime green or something

>liking contrarian colors

>not liking bright colours in a bright colour thread
You'd be talking about yourself

I like white cars tho I just hate boring looking cars


>not liking contrarian colors in a contrarian thread

because their the cheapest color and people would just wrap then in any colour they want while protecting the paint.


American education right there.
Can't even type in your own fucking language

>these days
Was it really that much better in the past?

Eik nachui


You did the colors backwards

>best color
>not midnight purple
Pick one and only one
It is unfortunate that the only colors you can get stock now are grey white black dark red dark blue. Why cant we have nice thing?

Yes and your image is proof

>nobody does midnight purple types anymore
>nobody does dark or British racing green except Jag
I just want my special snowflake colors again.

why not just get a dart at that point

I'm never buying a modern fucking car again. I don't want fucking fuel injection or fucking computer bullshit or emissions faggotry or plastic fucking anything. Fuck fuel costs. Fuck the planet. Fuck any bumper that isn't chrome. I want to change fluids without a fucking 9 man team, a robotic fucking factory, and a voodoo preist charging me hourly rate.

eh i like that its faster, and i've never been a fan of 4 cylinders turbos

>tfw you're the one to bring color into the lot

>previously people laughed about white being rental car or primer color.
Also, back in the day, white, cream, and other light colors were typically applied to cars with bodies/panels that came out less straight, while only the best examples could be painted black. Modern manufacturing tech has made this less of an issue, of course.

I've known people that say cars with brighter colors cost more to insure, but that sounds like a shitty rumor on par with "if you play Pokemon red upside down for three hours Mew will appear".

make sure if you buy new, buy a color that's fucken wacky-tobacky boys
like Kawasaki green or something. I deeply regret owning a black MR2, but I got it used so I won't complain

Butthurt lithuanian found. Get back to toilet cleaning, loser.

>all the brainlets spelling cuhler wrong


>that pic
>multiple shades of blue, green, and red, all ranging from light to dark
>white cars aren't minimalist iphone white, they're cream
>very few black cars because there are so many darker shades of other colors
>likewise, few white cars because off-white was a more attractive option

Today there's either the boring whites and blacks or the oversaturated, obnoxious reds and blues. Lots of 60s colors wouldn't look half bad on modern cars, but car companies keep using all the "muh clean white" in ads because they look more "modern". Instead you have to special order even the factory greens/blues because they don't build any of them for no reason except their own circular logic.

I bought plain white cause the cool colors were hundreds of dollars more expensive, also white weighs the least and is the cheapest to correct

>being such a cockmongler that you are afraid of having a brightly colored car for fear of exposing your homosexuality

2005-2010 Ford AU had some fucking excellent colours.

That's what ur mum said when you were born, m8.

>tfw no LSB E46

Because people have become literal drones who can't think for themselves, and believe a car is for point a to b. I blame gen X, since in the boomer generation you could get any color you wanted, and people actually cared about what they owned.

My car is purple do i win something?

>nobody does dark or British racing green except Jag
Audi does

So does McLaren on the 570S

Dodge does

All I see is a sea of pale blues with a few sprinkles of beige and brick red inbetween. This is really not that much different from today's parking lots.

I like black for reasons unknown to me. I think it looks great on any car.

>that fuckhead in the...Pontiac? Buick?
Whatever, look at his parking job, next to the blue Nova. What a jackass.

Looks great on that car because it hides the butt ugly black bars under the smol windows that are supposed to make them look bigger.

I disagree. The boomer generation was and still is running those companies and are solely to blame for the current state of car color choices (and America in general). Even the "fuck it all , I give up" mentality of later generations is a direct result of the boomer generation's poor economic choices.

Respraying a car hurts its resale value a lot, right?
If I got a newer car, I'd feel compelled to get it repainted to something more fun.

>resale value
Yeah right, gotta keep it nice and clean for that next owner.

I honestly like this.

Shit meme desu

Still better than the endless sea of white/black/gray that I see everywhere.

that is not racing green you humongous turd eater

boring colors make it easier to resell the car. that's the whole reason.

i'd like to own a wine red car. tasteful shit.


what's this?

Am I conspicuous enough?

yellow is the new red?

Well. don't kill yourself just yet user!

>complaining about car colors
there are these places that will paint your car any color you want if you give them money
or you could diy if you're feeling kinky

10-20 years ago, most cars were tan Camrys. 30-40 years ago, most cars were silver or brown. Nothing has changed for commuter boxes. There was no golden age of Chad drivers driving flaming yellow Pintos. Pencil necked accountant drones have always driven beigeboxes to work, and the average blue collar worker wouldn't give a rat's ass about the color of his work truck. Besides that, most commuter boxes are being styled ridiculously now as a response to your sort calling 90s and 00s cars boring as fuck. That's why we now have an edgy Prius that looks like it just drank dog piss.

>That SA22
>That CR-X
>That two tone Foxbody
>That blue Celica

What a time to be alive.

HSV Racing Green
Cosmo Purple
Hothouse Green

Were all amazing Holden AU colours.

One I like of recent is Grabber Blue from Ford.

Atleast kia doesnt like to be boring with colors.

read a review of the stinger in the notoriously biased german car club ADAC magazine today, and literally their only criticism was "back seats slightly too short"

it's over, they won

>not a single crossover or $70,000 mall crawler truck to be found.

not bad

any color = well maintained black > white > poorly maintained black > grey/silver