Fighting Games General /fgg/
I'm excited for MVC:I and will probably quit SFV for it.
how many literal faggots we have here?
Reminder: Arika EX is actually the new version of SFV. Look at the timeline.
-announced at the start of CPT
-all characters have used Street Fighter fonts for introducing new challengers as well as the PS1 announcer for EX
-Running on UE4
-Uses the same clay anime aesthetic as SFV with the only difference being hair rendering
-beta in December on PS4 after Capcom Cup
-Capcom has done official SFV art for all the Arika EX characters
-the proposed launch is at the start of the next season of Capcom Pro Tour
Now for the clincher
-Reliable rumors have been pushed forward by industry insiders and some SF pros that Capcom is announcing Super SFV at the end of Capcom Cup
-Capcom Cup is held on the last day of Playstation Experience
Arika EX will become Street Fighter V EX at Playstation EXperience.
Play Wagner the badass.
anyone have a ultra SFII tier list?
reminder that Abigail looks fun
I'm not gay
Which one of you was this? Tell me the truth because ill know if youre lying.
> make ram 10/10 character design
> stuck her in a gameplay design that is impossible to make good without being absolute cancer as well
Poor girl
me neither, is just that like in spain we say, i like fish and meat.
Is anyone going to buy Wagner's game?
I would but im waiting for my physical copy. Its suffering.
I bought it
>tfw your favorite characters is shit tier
>tfw the next game not only makes your favorite charcter shit tier if not destroys her gameplay
I voted straight because I only like girls and traps
Well I like girls and traps so bisexual
Juri was good in SFIV though. She just had difficult execution that is also impossible with pad so the waifufags can't play her
i remenber when i have the "i only like girls and traps" phase.
Juri was was good in USF4, but who am I kidding, you don't actually play fighting games. You masturbate to the characters.
stop spamming fag
yes, i played with her on PS3 wiht the PS3 gamepad, my english is not perect, i am just saying SFV juri is shit, everybody knows that.
>elder god tier
e.ryu, v.ken
>irrelevant tier
everyone else
I can't pick a character to learn game. Should I settle on jin or go with oppai loli?
not sexy enough in MVCI desu
if that's the best sniff, no buy
Jin's good
Go with whoever you like the most
i hate this pasta
Kill succ
>"Indestructible" Japanese Opening
awful. 15s is what the menu music to tekken 7 sounds like but done wrong
>SSFIV Theme of Akuma
starts off with potential but then goes to shit and has nothing memorable about it except being repetitive
>SSFIV Cruise Ship Stern Stage
like the rest of the soundtrack, in your face for no reason and doesn't even have a good melody. repetitive and annoying
>SSFIV Volcanic Rim Stage
almost tolerable because it embraces being over the top with the synth guitar solos but stuck out too much during the game's downtime/between rounds
>SSFIV Character Select Theme (VS)
shitty jap dancey industrial that gets into fusion but doesn't have anything memorable about it and is quite agressive as well. the jazz harmony makes me think it's going to go somewhere way more interesting and then it doesn't.
>USFIV Main Menu Theme
shitty generic menu music cribbing some dubstep characteristics but sounds like any other xbox live arcade menu music for the main bits
>Juri Theme (long version)
the idea and sounds are mostly good here, i like the bass and percussion but it's too understated for its own good. the melody and noise are bad and don't make for a good fight track. breakdown is why?
>Akuma's (Gouki's) Theme
wubshit for no reason under flute and koto samples. it's shit at being memorable but not at being repetitive
instrumentation is better but the vocals are absolutely horrible. most of this shit sounds like kid's first song in frooty loops
>Main Menu Music
overly compressed but it's obvious they spent time on this song. it brings up emotions whenever you hear it, your memory and experiences you have with sfv. i'm not a fan of the song as a song but for its purpose this song is great at what it does. this is sfv
good, and telling how anything that's a throwback and not modern whatever japanese dance/metal/rock they go for is much better than the new shit. the winter theme is also good.
Shes the worst sniff n Darkstalkers too shes pathetic.
She looks good in mvci. Yeah, not quite as good as in mvc 3 and shows less cleavage, but still fairly nice. The only bad looking morrigan is the usa cartoon. Wouldn't be surprised if they made that like her dlc costume or something though.
Really reminds me of that old trip who used to play guile
I want somebody simple to pick up common mechanics. Character gimmicks seem to be really strong compared to goober gear, and games seem to have even more differences compared how first games in bb series related to ac+r
Reminder Skullgirls is the best FG and has the best active community
are SDCC panels streamed?
Rude. Luv succ, not kill.
Anyone want to play Cyberbots?
I'll buy Hilda's new game when it comes to Steam.
Where is the "not sure" option?
I have a problem.
I only play with people who look like this.
"not sure" almost always translates as "i am a huge bislut"
id love to play cyberbots but its always unplayable when we try to play :c
i just bought the steam version of guilty gear plus R since its on sale. anyone want to play?
you must have had to dig pretty deep for that
JMD archive?
Everybody's gay for Buri, after all.
I'm not a whore, I just have a problem.
There are no asexual or pansexual options. This poll could be really offensive to some people.
Someone posted the JMD archive its from and said you were the really fat guy.
Fatfeels or somebody posted it a while back, and the " friendly reminder sfv sux lmao" poster has been using the one with you next to the big guy at some tournament
guess not
Both Jin and Es are good for that, Es isn't as reliant on her Drive as it seems.
I have good speeds
I've expierenced a very shitty delay with steamfriend I usually play fightans, so I'm afraid that game requires perfect connection to be playable.
Could've at least named your region, you know.
I voted straight, even though there are some 3D traps I wouldn't mind sucking off. Kalindra, for example, is perfection.
>made it to GF
Is he the true GOAT?
Jin's gimmick is that he has EX moves and gets X factor.
probably. no stopping him it seems
>goobers at EVO 2017
I don't play twinks
but that's a girl...
Sure, and so is this.
Nothing. Play rhythm games instead.
They are. So is bridget.
No, you don't understand. Erika Wagner is actually a girl., or is this a joke about you calling her manly and ugly?
hey buhrick just wanted 2 say melty's pretty fun dude
Are you backing Shark Girl's game?
Play blue and birth
What were the tiers like throughout the older GG games?
is he /ourguy/?
Who is this man with impeccable taste in vidya?
Almost bought Central Fiction then I read it didn't have a dub. Getting Guilty Gear and tekken instead it seems instead
When did people like the SFEX games?
people used to think they were kusoge what happened?
>dubcancer can't write a proper sentence
Guilty Gear is the better game anyways so he made a good choice.
Tekken is pretty patrician taste too
is there any reason to buy those once bbxtb is out? seems better to just wait
EX1 plus and ex2 plus have always been liked. The game were good.
Haven't been paying attention to Infinite since it looks awful but does Dante have his bold cancel move like in MvC3?
How about the fact that they're going to be completely different games that don't play anything like each other
but it's called BB xtb
why would they change all their moves
I've never played it anyway. As long as I get the character flavor and mostly the same shit I don't really care
our guy max says they were fuckin fun dood HYPE
The game will probably be alot more vanilla in terms of BB mechanics and also have a higher focus on tagging and stuff like that so it'll be pretty different
Our boy Pot was actually good.
>people on twitter talking about how they couldnt show the character select screen or go to training mode on wso
>people start believing that Capcom has a surprise
>they literally couldnt show it because it wasatest build so it didnt have training mode
i honestly don't know why you think shitcom has anything for you
fgg brick is epsilon brick?
the fugg is an epsilon brick
Why are you quoting me?
Why are you quoting me?
Why are you quoting him?
its a mistake relax yourself