>Online maps with loot highlighted
>Flight path calculator
>Resources for statpadders
>Empty wiki
>Month 3 update patch notes
>Whatever the fuck this is
>Online maps with loot highlighted
>Flight path calculator
>Resources for statpadders
>Empty wiki
>Month 3 update patch notes
>Whatever the fuck this is
Other urls found in this thread:
Went from winning nearly every round w/ duo & squad to always dying in top 20?
Wtf happened?
Shit makes you want to drive a motorcycle into the side of a shack
False sense of superiority perhaps?
Your ranking adjusted and you're not playing against complete retards any more?
>no one near you
>get shot
Fucking fix this rendering issue holy fuck
What's a good discord?
Pick only one.
Ded general!
One gazillion people have bought this game and we can't gather ten lousy cocksuckers to keep this thread alive
>spawn in
>get bad loot
>guy shoots me with a rifle
>spawn in
>circle is absurdly far away
>no cars nearby anywhere
Oh, you're on of those anti-social autists. That's cool I guess.
how many of you guys start with no cloths and only wear what you get off of kills?
I only wear pre-warmed clothes
They're too busy playing the game :^)
What causes flinch and what does not? I've seen enemies kill me when they should be flinching because I shot them, and when they shoot me my gun just flips to the sky and I lose the firefight
Nothing anti-social about it, discord is just full of cancer, so is reddit. I bet you came from there. If I was anti-social, I wouldn't even be posting on Veeky Forums.
Can you drop into the Mylta cooling tower?
>I don't know any response, better tell him he's from reddit! That will show him!
>I bet you came from there. If I was anti-social, I wouldn't even be posting on Veeky Forums.
Lmao dude, you're kidding right?
But I did give you a reponse. Discord is cancer. This is true for every discord ever mentioned. If you wanted friends to play the game with, go out and make them, not get them from discord or reddit.
There's a bug that makes your weapon that's on auto not fire auto, right
>reddit spacing
>being this triggered
>lmao dude
Favorite gun combo load out (non crate)
without sniper:
Ak with an uzi
With sniper:
Kar>sks with an ak
You gotta stop repeating that meme or people will actually start believing it.
>go out
Probably shotguns (S18K) and maybe snipers
shhhh don't tell them
*teleports behind you*
Yes, and there are holes in the bottom where you can run in and out
There are some other reachable places where you can not get out. The worst thing are just places between rocks where you run in and just get stuck
UMP + M416
>checking back hall of gas station building for enemies
>looks clear
>go back to main room
>hear quiet "TINK"
>Crossbow bolt on the wall around the corner where I just was
In no specific order or anything
>m16 + vektor
>any automatic rifle + m16
>any automatic rifle + kar
This is what i prefer, i try to stay away from sks and ump, if i have no other options or something, i try getting any rifle + any shotgun while hoarding attachments for some other stuff i might find
Opposite, I had m24 and he had m16, I flinched and he did not
Oh also, in all the combinations where theres m16, i use it for sniping because it just feels so good, also if i possibly can, i try to stay away from m4 as well which i forgot to mention but if i run into 5 of them then who am i to disregard god's will
why am i so bad at this game
is it just me or is it impossible to tell what direction someone is shooting at you at long distances
i can tell the direction of gunshots that aren't aimed at me easily. but as soon as it's aimed at me (and the shooter is far away from me) i can't tell the direction at all
Are you dropping into too heavily populated areas?
Try dropping into a medium or even low density area to get some practice.
M416 and bolt action
Any AR will do, unless im starved for ammo i wont bother with smgs or shotguns
Scar [compensator, vert grip, extended mag, holo]
Kar98k [silencer, cheek pad, 8x]
Try to ignore the whizzing sounds and focus on the boom of the rifle itself that comes slightly later
a shot is basically two sounds. The crack it makes when the person fires (at the shooters location). and the sound of the bullet wizzing past your head. Because bullets go super-sonic, you here the whizz before you here the crack. listen for where the crack is coming from
This. Drop away from people to get a feel for the game. Once you know what's going on in general and understand where loot is in buildings and how to work your inventory efficiently ect start dropping school/pcohinki/military/crazy hot drops to get good stuff fighting so you don't panic as much when you are in a fight
This right here is why the VSS is a good weapon in the right hands
No supersonic sounds and the gun itself is suppressed
Correct. VSS is subsonic
Only thing i dont like about vss is that you cant adjust zeroing
Try firing full auto even at medium ranges and pull down hard on the mouse. you will win more duels
Tell me /pubg/ do you kill downed people?
Because even if I get killed, they can't continue as a whole team anymore.
I only play solo
of course. securing a kill is extremely important. and I know I'm going to die I make an extra effort to kill a downed person to cripple their squad
if you can use the downed guy as bait then no
otherwise yes
It depends, you can use him as a bait to show you the rest of his teammates as he crawls to them or they come out for him, but it really depends on the situation
If im sure gonna go down, as if im surrounded by people, yeah ill take a guy i downed with me if possible
As if I was a fat starving woman looking at a cake in front of her.
Any rifle and double barrel. Kar > SKS > M416
M16 sniping is the tits, agreed. Put a can on that fucker and it's damn near silent.
But you can see the bullets go, that makes it a tad easier.
there's mmr in the game?
Usually. But it's really situational, sometimes it's much better to let em live for a bit.
Statistics -> Rating
I've been under the impression that while there is obviously a ranking system, it is currently NOT used to matchmake. Total heresay though.
M16 = m416 and m4 = m16a4?
Every single time.
user please..
M16 is m16, m4 is m4..
MMR. how do people not realize this still?
Yeah just call the M416 an M4, and call the M16 an M16, because if someone catches only the last bit of you saying "M416 on the ground" they may only hear the 16 part.
In opportune moments. Some of my friends would rather kill a downed person than deal with the immediate threat. Back when you could ks squadmates i had more knockdowns than kills.
Yes, downed players can still see you and tell their team where you are.
Also it ruins the game for them if their m8s survive
I think everybody in the game says m16 for m16 and m4 for m4, not sure why would you say 'm418792' when theres no other weapon with the similar name.. And calling 'kar98' a 'kar' and similar, who the fuck says 'kar98'
>finally make it to top 20
>drive around to the next circle in my trusty buggy
>slow down and get out while driving in a straight line
>somehow run myself over
? ? ?
will they be improving the first person view models in the update because they're fucking garbage right now
>tfw top 2 in solo
Is matchmaking according to rank already in effect? Or is this all just hearsay and memes?
Yeah, right as I submitted that I realized I'm retarded.
We shot some guy in a dacia so he crashed into a house but before that managed to run himself over jumping out
I wish I understood how
i'll add that you can tell where you get shot from based on where the blood goes
>when your squad mates use both kar and car in callouts and expect you to read his mind in the heat of battle
I hate these shitters. Vehicle, Jeep, bike, sedan, Dacia, fast mover... anything but car
can i complain in here
>tfw I just got a headshot with a crossbow last game
>it was more of a luck shot then anything but I'm proud of it
>was easily 100 yards out
Yes it's all we do
What's your solo rank, I wanna know how bad I am
2100, no wins after 100+ rounds
Do you even into context?
teach me senpai
>Was hauling ass down Stalber Mountain in a motorcycle blazing music cause jaded from the last few games of campers.
>Some fucker headshots me with a kar98 when i'm going straight down at 140mph.
I swear to god if I end up on some faggots highlight reel.
Atm The circle does more to ruin the game than make it interesting.
> in decent position with nice gear
> circle suddenly changes to middle of camp rapefield
> try to move in cautiously
> either get shot to pieces or absolutely raped by circle
> 8/10 games end this way
Such fun
>I found a Kar
>What did you find, an AK?
>No, a Kar
minutes later
>Where's the car?
My squad just started saying vehicle or model such as dacia/UAZ for vehicles and kar for sniper, or say sniper.
>no circle
>people never move
wow nice
Yeah cus the only option is have the circle work the exact way it does now or remove it completely. - (You)
Gas yourself faggot
>hear and see enemy heading to door
>doesn't know i'm here
>perfect distance, in prone and first person
>shotgun aimed at the door ready to blast this nigga
>door opens
>i die
4 minutes in, team is about done looting: "found a car"
>squad mates telling you weapons they picked up
ill kill myself when you stop being a little bitch
so never, loser
M16 + S12K
M16 + Kar98
I mean at the start if you drop into a contested area its good to know who has what so you can call for backup if you need it.
but yeah when it's like mid game and you have a guy going AHHH SWAPPING MY SCAR FOR M4 i just wanna tell him to shut the fuck up
i hate to say this but is there a good streamer to watch if lirik isnt streaming.scummit1g is boring af and sux at the game too and im wonderin if dr disrespect is good lul
Yeah that doesn't happen, if anything it gets BOTH of you killed more often than not. Just play like you do in solo's early game
grimmmz is considered the best at the game. But only because he's been playing all day every day since it came out.
Compared to the god beaglrush he's pure poo poo.
Put it this way, I could take grimmmz on. Beaglerush, I would never want to have to meet in game.
>watching lirik
>not watching the best most entertaining streamer
>watching scummit1g