Best getaway car. Post your ideal getaway car

Best getaway car. Post your ideal getaway car.

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golf R. inconspicuous - looks like any econo box. Great acceleration/ maneuverability decent amount of cargo space with seats down. optional manual for when you need to shoot back

Bourdain is the boomer messiah

This or a Focus

Bugatti Veyron

There she is! Chevy Impala, most popular car in the state of California. No one will be looking at you.

Mercedes S with the optional diplomat protection package. Bullet proof, fast, comfortable, so as to add calm to the stress

In the same vein, Fiesta ST. Tiny so it'll fit in narrow alleyways or squeeze through traffic with ease.

Audi s6 for the same reasons

Brown 90s V6 camry with a dent in the rear bumper.

You'll be able to disguise yourself in traffic anywhere.

>fast enough
>drives over stuff
>big enough to push stuff out of the way
>dose jumps



mm. hmm. yup. mhmm. mm. hmm. i drive. hmm. mmmm.

a dirtbike
otherwise, this

I like how he says that and then the car gets made on an APB almost immediately and picked up by the chopper as it crosses the bridge.

"No body" my ass!

This or a Honda Accord any year except brand new. I drive a V6 like a madman and cops don't even look twice at me.


>a dirtbike
Don't use one your hick friend bought you, user.

>literally who

pretty much this

mopeds also work in cities with parks.

v6 accord

one of the few pictures that shows they're actually green, they look black in almost every photo
still the dream car really

wait no fuck that

>he doesn't know who Anthony Bordaddy is

>hit a car
>crushes the intercooler
>cops catch you
yea nah


but with 4 passengers in the car?

Any literpeter with black chinkshit fairings.

Unironically an F56 JCW

Rapid little car that can fit anywhere and won't draw too much attention


Probably a Lancia Delta Integrale.
>looks like a boxy economachine to the non-car person
>fuckin quick
>muh manuverability

Either B8 or underage

literall car of my dreams, cuz ill never have one, no matter what


a beat to shit rotary turbo swap beige 1999 toyota corolla




AU Falcon

I always knew I liked him