10,000 years of spite edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
10,000 years of spite edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
Threadly reminder that Hylia is a false god.
Companion Zelda in the Dlc when
not even Mipha's Grace can save this thread anymore. We're done here
Why are the amiibos so fucking expensive
Supply and demand. Supply is low, demand is high.
>literally just started, presumably for the first time
>all about exploring and figuring shit out
>he's already ran for help
Open up a guide you piece of shit
Redpill me /lozg/ how many souls will I have to sell in order to get the champion amiibos
This thread is now Gerudo territory. A Gerudo wife is being sent to you leader to ensure a Gerudo succession. Thank you for your cooperation.
Fine. Post Urbosa. And Riju.
OG Gerudo first
Why would Link perv on Zelda when he can fuck her whenever he wants
because he gets off on her embarrassment and frustration plus he loves the fact that she's royalty and he's a commoner but she's practically dripping over him
he can't get all that anywhere else
Release date on new years eve. All you have to do is ignore your family and friends while you spend the day and night spamming f5 on various internet stores.
Yahaha you found me
Amazon Japan does pre-order right now.
I will be fucking heartbroken if I don't get a chance to complete my BotW collection with the Champions.
they had better not have any retailer exclusivity or anything.
The old champions are being sold everywhere.
Sidon, Riju, and the other new ones are being exclusively sold at Target.
Just kidding.
I don't care about those guys. I'd skip the third wave if it was just Riju/Teba/Yunobo etc
What do you think was going through their minds?
Guardian lasers.
I'd buy a Riju one but what could the successors do that couldn't be done by the champion amiibos
>Nom d'une feuille! Tu m'as trouvé!
The Koroks are a little cuter in French.
If you don't understand, basically he's cursing.
An English equivalent would be something like "Son of a sapling!" or something like that.
Be alive?
>There will never be a revision that lets you choose a different language for each race.
That would be wild.
I meant the Amiibo
Talking about the Successors am I the only one who thinks that Sidon is the only upgrade over his predecessor.
Yunobo isn't as brave as Daruk and probably not a skilled fighter seeing as we never see him wield a weapon
Riju seems a lot more likely to talk things out than she is to start cutting people up probably because of her youth nobody is intimidated by her
Teba is a question mark
>you're going to be just fine
>no I'm fucking not, Zelda
Sidon can't heal jack shit.
Where was that healing when it would've been most useful? Getting overloaded by a Guardian spear through the guts from Water Blight
You sound like that Zelda shipper.
Got the wrong guy. If I ship Link with anyone it's Riju and even that not too seriously
For my compendium issue, even though I cannot access folder security settings which is one step for ""fixing"" it, the images I copied from BotW's defaults (i.e. the ones you get when you buy the entries) show up when I manage to capture something, except it's not the picture I captured but rather the default one which overwrites the one I took. It sounds complicated, yet it's the only way to get compendium entries to show. Another issue is getting the orange box to outline the object since it keeps flickering between outlining an object and not, and the orange box needs to be present to be able to add the entry. One thing I saw was that it could be related to graphics packs, but playing without them defeats the purpose of using Cemu since I want it for screenshots.
Fuck me, all these other fixes for Cemu and yet the compendium and album bug seemed doomed to be forever broken.
he can heal your feelings
Link should have been taken to a hot spring desu tbf. Works faster than waiting 100 years to go from a quarter heart left to full hearts. Or just find some hearty radish, cook it and shove it down Link's throat.
Or just have Mipha travel with them
>Considering the order of events with the death of the champions...
>Champions see Ganon appear from afar. (memory cutscene)
>Ganon takes over beasts quickly with purple rain. (King or Impa cutscene)
>Champions get their weapons at try to wrestle back beasts.
>Immediately curb stomped, possibly while still outside.
>Friends retrieve their belongings from ground outside beast.
>Their stuff held in chests for Link to find later. (in game)
Wasn't she already dead by that point though. Zelda could have gotten some hearty radish or truffle, threw it in a cooking pot and force fed Link before he went completely. Instant replenished health. No need to wait 100 years. Or just grab a load of mushrooms and herbs growing in abundance, throw them in a pot and bring back back enough for Link to go about his business.
Ok here we go, my second run of the game, I want all the shrines
There is no timetable to establish when the parallel events occurred in relation to each other, not that it should matter in regards to user's hypothetical statement.
Made a screenshot inspired from the OP because why not.
Would you fuck a Guardian, /lozg/?
I would fuck Zelda in Ancient Armour maybe Loone as well
>Zelda, please give me a blowjob so I don't die a complete virgin
Maybe. I mean, it's pretty wet right now.
(Why does the probability of rain increase every time I want to take a screenshot).
Zelda would probably want you to wear the ancient armor
>implying ancient armor wouldn't trigger Zelda's Guardian PTSD
I bought Oracle of Ages and Seasons for 3DS and now I'm wondering which one I should play first. Is there a canon timeline that places one game before the other?
Start with Seasons.
there's no differentiation so it's just how you please. I did Ages first because it was harder
>possibly while still outside.
according to their own dialogues, they were done in by the blights themselves.
I wanted to play Majora's Mask but I don't really want to do it on the 3ds so I guess I'm going to go through Wind Waker again instead.
just watching the introduction. Way to go Zelda.
Oh god this game is looks so bad
No part of that prevents that from being so.
What makes you think that?
[dazzling intensifies]
I ate a fucking frog, and still you didn't give me dat ass.
>sudden Blood"moon"s at 3pm when it was all sunny and nice
This shits me up when I least expect it, considering the rapid change.
So play it on the N64, or the Gamecube, or the Wii, or an emulator.
That can't be comfortable.
Can I request screenshots of Dinraal?
Where is the face sitting?
Depends how you want it and where, unless it doesn't matter. I'll have another look at the spawn points other than the ones I already know. I'll see if I can get to it at some point soonish.
Right, you said screenshot"s", not just singular. Well, I'll give it a shot once I've done some shrines and heading in the right direction. Maybe get a couple in some different areas and angles, I dunno.
Thank you!
How do I stop the donkey abuse?
Put down the sword.
Is that off an emulator? That resolution is mighty tasty.
The best I can do is denoise and upscale the Switch's shitty JPG screenshots.
Dude, are you me? Literally face sitting is my jam.
Are the four eyes a reference of Iwata having glasses?
>handle the Forsaken Fortress so pro I don't get caught once
Yep. Cemu.
I still have to use JPG, but the original quality is too good for that to matter here. So I can compress them just below the 4 MB limit and still have them looking good. Uncompressed for me is around 56 MB with compressed being between 3 and 4 MB (I try and get it just below 4 MB if possible), whereas those jpgs from the Switch are around 146 KB compared to mine being between 3 and 4 MB.
Actually just to clarify, the off shots I took on the Switch actually seemed to range from 141 KB to 500 something KB. Depends how much lightning and how many objects are in the scene. Which still applies to me since it would determine how much to compress the images, not that anyone would notice a difference on here if I were to compare between 100% quality and something slightly less.
>smile for the camera
I use ReShade along with CEMU but whenever I press printscreen button to take a screenshot I get a black screen. Is there something special what I need to do? Please help.
What's the point of the whole island chain off akkala? There's only the one shrine there. Is it just to be cool and interesting looking?
challenge to get there
I actually don't use ReShade. I make do with the high res shadows and contrast graphics pack, with some slight alterations to the latter. I think my game looks good enough already, and I heard of problems arising from using ReShade with Cemu and BotW. Also, if I'm using 5K then I'm thinking adding post-processing effects would slow the game down considerably. If I'm ill-informed though then I can give it another shot, since my computer is pretty good. I just use shift+print screen while Cemu is at fullscreen. Captures it at the full 5K resolution.
Not him but you could use another program. Cemu in general seems pretty shitty with screenshots and I always have trouble with it. The last time I tried BOTW with Reshade I would get crashes taking screenshots sometimes. And there are some weird graphical issues that Reshade brings out when playing BOTW. Annoying as hell.
Okay I'll try shift+prntscreen.
I didn't use the high contrast pack as I want to tweak my own settings and I always use sharpening filter as well.
Only issue is that you can't use all the shaders with CEMU as it messes the way framebuffer is rendered and will cause visual glitches otherwise. Shaders which don't access depth buffer or anything else are fine like vibrance, tonemap and levels and sharpening effects.
But essentially they are doing the same as the 'more contrast' graphics pack. One thing which is always really important for almost any game is sharpening though. It creates so much more visible detail even in BOTW which is kind of flat texture wise. That's what the graphic pack is missing and this is why I have used ReShade.
This also shows how hacky CEMU is. ReShade is very usable even on old vidya from 2000s and it never gives much issues.
I'll post some comparison screenshots later on if I manage to capture them properly.
Not him again but I tried removing most or maybe even all of the shaders but I still had a garbled background image when I open the pause menu. Do you get that too?
What armor isn't worth buying?
Everyone says Ganondorf ruined Ganon but we only got him 3 times. If he's going to ruin Ganon I'm going to need multiple doses
Yeah I do. It's like weird contour filter instead of blurring the image nicely. It's beacause the way ReShade accesses the framebuffer vs how CEMU has been coded I guess.
Also I can't seem to take fullscreen screenshots with CEMU and Reshade. Saved .bmp files are black and when I paste the image to mspaint it pastes the original frame without reshade applied. But with any other game Reshade works always flawlessly.
Here's comparison from ReShade with sharpening on vs off (with more saturation and contrast in both images). I can still take a screenshot from desktop. It brings out quite a bit of extra detail.
warm doublet
Just to add - I guess this goes over to nitpicking. Apples and oranges I guess.
Also, what's the point of ingredients like goat butter and tabantha wheat, anyway? It always seems really clunky to go around buying them for meals, when food is so readily dumped on you.