Incoming nerfs
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Incoming nerfs
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Ginger support when?
>tfw only legendary I got animated
>called thorn anomaly
>no rose queen in deck
what did they mean by this
Next expansion for sure!
Why is her name Ginger? Is that her name in the JP dub? Seems like a silly name if you ask me.
>Ginger support
>s/he still plays shadowverse
I'm fucking desperate trying to come up with a midshadow deck here, Can someone help me (copy his deck)?
If I had a red-headed wife and we named our red-headed daughter Ginger I think I'd have child protection services called on me.
Same as always. 3 Eachtar, 3 zombie party, hit autofill.
Kill yourself.
Are the third world shitters still spamming this thread with kysposting?
I guess that's it for tonight. Another day of rest, another day of grind.
LOL. No, the problem I have with it is, I'm not sure about putting in cerberus/feena, extra removal (undying resentment) and whether to put in underworld watchman KMR or not. I'm also autistic about putting in Oddette, as I think she works pretty good. What I've settled on for now is pic related. Would be glad for any feedback.
That's some organized autism.
I like it.
Last thread there were only 4 posts saying "kys" and one of those was talking about the blood deck.
Kill yourself, shadownigger.
All I need is to key in the highlighted panels and I will get the reading. Nothing makes me happier than daily improvement, even just slightly.
2 Soul Conversion
3 Lurching Corpse
3 Lyrical
3 Soulsquasher
3 Demon Eater
3 Zombie Party
3 Bone Chimera
1 Grimnir
3 Attendant
3 Necroassassin
2 Urd
2 Cerb
2 Odile
2 Death's Breath
2 Khawy
3 Eachtar
I don't understand how the shadownigger meme still applies in this meta. Like is shadow really as oppressive as neutral blood?
Kill yourself, shadownigger.
>Roach is dead
>Haven will rise after nerfs
Please no.
>2nd highest winrate class in the game
>only gets to scapegoat to the t0 cancer that everyone knows will get nerfed anyways
>high possibility of shadowniggers getting away from another nerf the entire class rightfully deserves
There's a group of third world /pol/fags who have their separate inner circle discord and try to force their shit here.
I haven't gotten good use with that pup for a long time. So unless you still want it to be around, consider replacing with ducks to deal with tove going second.
>cerb or feena
I have 2xCerb, and she has never failed by filling the turn 5 or 6 slot. Since you have Odile, perhaps Feena is better since you will have more followers to trade into Odette.
Kill yourself, shadownigger.
>implying 3 fucking months of mid shadow had no part in creating this meme
need concede 67189
Thank you, woofus.
>losing to dragon deck with Odin
Fucking bullshit.
Hang yourself, shadownigger
thanks ding dong!
These same /pol/fags were spamming their memes way before that.
>oy vey remember the banishcaust
since RoB
It's a lowkey meme they tried to force since DE but they kept at it. Incidentally, one of them is a janitor NEET who lurks here 24/7.
>this meme
Meme? You just post "hurr shadownigger" like underage and nothing more.
Whatever floats your boat, assumed bloodfriend.
>oww fucking /pol/ hurting my feelings im literally shaking
>reddit spacing
Shadowniggers have always been the worst posters here, that's why people shit on them since fucking RoB. Also it's not a meme, I really mean it, kill yourself.
>reddit spacing
Hello underage.
>reddit spacing
>tfw my best packs reroll was with shadow cards and I ended up liking the shadow playstyle the best, but bullied for something that happened before I started playing
whatever you say newfag
>neutral oz
Is that even a thing?
Who doesn't like the autowin autopilot dev's favorite playstyle?
Look at this worm squirm as he's been found out.
Oh no my masterplan. Kill yourself, shadownigger.
>Kills your strongest card everytime
You're in the club and this guy slaps your gf's ass, returns to his owner's hand, comes back, and slaps her ass even harder
What do you do?
It is physically painful to read what this retard is shitting out. Someone post cute elves.
No need to reply multiple times you pathetic shadownigger.
What does the text say?
You shouldn't find it this hard to believe that more than once person thinks you're a retard, retard.
>reroll win 1 fores into win 6 ranked
Sure, now stop samefagging, shadownigger.
How's Golem Assault? I've opened three of the card.
You're starting to sound like a broken record. I liked it better when all you did was kyspost. It would appear that your intelligence does not support higher levels of discourse.
When it doesn't it's hilarious. Don't mind the old clip.
Spoken like a true pseudo-intellectual shadownigger redditor. You were found out just give up.
You can stop shitposting now.
After you stop being such a pathetic shadownigger.
Need concede
Just fuck already.
You keep calling me a """"shadownigger"""" even though it's my least played craft. It makes your shitposting storm all the more amusing. You latch on to this idea that anyone you disagree with in any form or fashion is a "shadownigger" yet it's just your scapegoat to channel your repressed anger towards.
Truly, a pitiful existence. You ought to move on to doing something else if something here is bothering you to this extent.
Dude, he's underage NEET. Even if you report him he will just change IP like always. Don't waste your time
Don't butt into this dispute user, you'll be called a samefag.
>reddit spacing
Embarassing, gets found out, proceeds to namecalling and attempts his hardest to sound smart. Just go back already, if anything hurts your feelings so much you can downvote it over there, shadownigger.
>reddit spacing
You keep saying this. I don't think you understand what that's supposed to mean. Reddit has no line breaks so paragraphs look like this.
This is paragraph1.
This is paragraph2.
This is paragraph3.
Normal paragraphs as used everywhere else have line breaks and spacing between them.
This is paragraph1.
This is paragraph2.
This is paragraph3.
That's a nice explanation but you really have to go back.
>reddit spacing expert
Thanks for finally having the guts to admit it.
You keep trying to label me with every post. I don't understand what you hope to achieve. You call me a shadownigger when I'm neither black nor play Shadow more than any other craft. You call me a samefag when other people are replying to you. You call me a redditor with some weird obsessive focus.
It's quite bothersome that your every post is essentially elementary school namecalling. If you have nothing better to say, I would propose that you simply refrain from posting.
>mfw people accusing other people of using reddit spacing is using it themselves
Not the first irony I've seen but definitely one of the best one.
can someone explain this reddit spacing meme to me?
Just been thinking: what's the point of the upcoming nerf? It is Cygame trying to appeal to the leaving players as some user pointed it out so they can potentially sell some of the upcoming prebuilt pack for that sweet sweet dosh. They even stated they will change problematic legendaries.
What if? What if they try to nerf pic related, what will happen? Shadow prebuilt pack suddenly just lost its value (Sorry, neptits). Or if they nerf haven 9pp man-of-control, that pack suddenly lost its value too.
Face it, they are gonna just nerf Alice and (at best) Spawn to give us the illusion that they still try to give a damn about balancing this shit game. Meta will be reverted back to ToTG where Dragon and Shadow are dominant, which Haven might have a shot in it with some of their new broken shits (Snow White, Tea, Tenko, etc..), Sword and Elf will still be in dumpster tier and irrelevant.
Rejoin my Shadow brethren for le balance man of 7pp will save us all. If you have not already yet, join the dark side and remember to spend that hard-earned dollar of yours so you will be blessed with RNG.
>reddit spacing
Just go back already, you're not getting precious karma points for defending the weak in here.
When you type normally in Veeky Forums and want to do a paragraph break you hit the enter key once and it looks like this.
The reddit spacing meme is about pressing the enter key twice so there is a line of space between paragraphs.
>reddit spacing
When they nerf bahamut, dshift, eachtar, themis, aegis, albert, spawn, revelation, alice and everything that kills you before turn 10.
>The reddit spacing meme is about pressing the enter key twice so there is a line of space between paragraphs.
Isn't that how everyone writes though? I've been here since 2006 and that's just standard formatting for everywhere. Seems to me like reddit spacing would look out of place if it were just no spaces between.
Reddit removes line breaks, so if they type
it will look like
>Kys Shadow Nigger
so they have to add extra line breaks to keep the text from bunching together. Said habit, when displayed outside reddit, is called reddit spacing.
Reminder that nerf leaks already came out and the lego being nerfed is snow white
>reddit spacing, the post
Don't know when but recently ppl just refer double spacing between paragraph (or sentences) as reddit spacing.
>reddit spacing is no space between paragraphs
>reddit spacing is space between paragraphs
T-thanks for clearing that up.
People have typed like that on this website for years. Its just a newfag meme for people trying really hard to fit in. People will do anything on this website to attempt to feel like they "won" an argument and have come up with many retarded ways to nitpick a post and claim superiority in the past. Claiming that someone is "reddit-posting" is just the latest fad.
Both posts say the same thing. Read nigga, read
this is reddit spacing for example