These fine gentlemen ask for a ride. What do you do?
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>inb4 neckbeards' delusions of "nothing personel" because they bought a handgun
point my draco back at them while playing the race #freetayk
the dude talking the picture must be sweating balls
>all that trigger discipline
I say that only four will fit
Climb aboard, there is room for all.
this is how you tell the difference between a real gangster and a wigger
Maybe they learned a thing after 80% of their gang were accidentally slayed away
KEK, TOP KEK Their probably too stupid to not know where that party bus will take them.
Call them spooks and tell them to get fucked. Drive away playing banjo music
>That M44 Mosin Nagant on the left side
These fine young negros have excellent taste in guns at least. I have the same rifle.
less them being dumb and more them not being underaged white kids obsessed with Hitler
It's probably Russian, doubt it's a nugget brah
>no berretta
all those guns are shit. and amerifats can't produce good weapons. Leave it to the Italians.
It's impossible to tell if it's an authentic Nagant from this pic, but M44s are cheap and I wouldn't be surprised. Mine is an actual Soviet one.
I meant it looked more like a chopper considering the company it kept
First off, how is pic related? Second, why do I find this degenerate shit hot?
Because you're a faggot, Harry
because you have good taste
Wake up because I don't live in a nigger infested shithole
Why the fuck would you reply to Alphonse?
Before you get banned, what fuckin artist is that?
i'll adopt the one in the red hood as my son and teach him to be a football player
Fairly sure it's this guy.
The dude just switches his smartphone connection on and off and has a new IP.
How new are you?
Why don't mods just range ban him? This shit's been going on for over 2 years now
>being a phone poster
>implying they don't
I doubt they have anything useful against him and rangebanning doesn't do shit in most cases it seems
Smartphones were a mistake
They rangebanned VPNs just fine, gotta use a Veeky Forums pass to use one
They guy claimed several times that he has some mental problems and goes to Veeky Forums to let of steam.
I'm sure whatever they do, he finds a way because it's a big part of his sad life
fuck off, mrcummy
>i gave him a complex so he spams this in every thread
say "sperg" please
He needs to take a 9mm pain killer
Stop taking away his words meanie. How is he supposed to post if you take his ammo
post caused a massive trigger
> M44
> Excellent Taste
Neck yourself bus rider
Did he say he was going to rob somebody's laces??? Thats fucking savage
Compliment them on their trigger dicipline and drive away
>That's fucking Savage
You're fucking gay
Pull the trigger of my Aston Martin and send some Brit missiles on their way.
I stop, open the pneumatics doors, let them in, making sure they have a ticked or bought one, close the doors, drive to next stop
Good post
take the killas for a spin in my whip obviously
run up on my niggas u mite lose your life
i do 7 you in heaven i wont think twice
tell them they have supreme trigger discipline and tell them to pile in.
>These fine gentlemen ask for a ride
oh fun!
I don't associate with niggers
I say yes and tell them that a few of them will have to sit on top
shoot them because they're niggers and couldn't hit anything if they tried