League of Legends general /lolg/

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4/10 OP apply yourself

Post gnarito

I paid $130 for this pic

Is he going Shadow Assassin or Rhaast place your bets.

I want Quinn and/or Nidalee to rape me gay.

Use Paypal's chargeback system. You've been scammed.

I know, you've mentioned that before

Post the other commission




I just want him to go Shadow Assassin and show you all that its actually good, but It wont happen.

First for Riven

TRUE new thread

Kayn is literally Gangplank 2.0

Literally sacrifice everything and have the most useless early game possible for no real reason

what champion mains scare the shit out of you?

>autistic MS paint spamming anti-lulufag already left

Just like I said he would, fucking newfags lmao




A legitimately good:


>making a bible reference in a live broadcast from germany

>play kayn for the first time
>get 150 cs
>10 kills and only 2 deaths
what the fuck

That scripted teamfight couldn't be any more obvious

Maybe someone will take his place.
Who knows.

xth for best guy Urgot


shut up merippop

i wish someone would play with me

Lucian tbqh


I am 100% sure teams were offered a bonus to play Kayn

18 minutes in, no transformation, garbage champion.

Karthus because not even killing him can we win. Anivia because of how good she can be at teamfights.
Kayle because she can only be played well by people who have hundreds of games on her.

>Runs in and dies trying to flash away
Kayn is trash

Xth for Jinx

I'm excited for Evelynn's rework

I hate anyone who plays a champion which ensures nothing will happen in lane


xth for breast metal waifu

A good Draven is almost unbeatable

I want to look EXACTLY like Diana!

>kanye lost his first lcs game and looked like shit
Expect +30% bonus ad ratio on Q, +20 base damage on W and +20 base heal on E on top os his current PBE buff. Ain't nobody buying that piece of shit otherwise.

>i-i-i-it's n-not the Kayn pick

Remember when people thought Kayn should be gutted before he even was made and how his kit is cancerous?

I want to help you KILL Leona, because fuck the sun!

And then I want to fill you with my seed, EXACTLY like I would to Diana

First for Riven getting dominated.and liking it

brand mains

I dunno I think the 9/0 Kalista had more to do with it.

>Yasuo slips through bans
>Enemy Yasuo is mast 7 and destroys my midlaner
>Yasuo slips through bans
>My Yasuo is experience changer

I don't understand the appeal of this genre. Why would you want to grind and level up your character for 30-40 minutes and then start over and do it again? Grinding in other games is bad enough, but doing it in an endless cycle sounds like a cruel nightmare to me. It reminds me of the Greek legend of Sisyphus, who was forced to roll a boulder up a mountain only to watch it fall back down and repeat this process ad infinitum.

nigga just CC him haha like stay away from his minions dodge his Q hAHA

As much of a joke as it is, a good Yasuo main is a fucking nightmare

Let's skip the "Kill Leona" part.

That's what happens when you don't have a jungler after the first 3 minutes

*notices bulge*
Oh shit, I'm sorry

>Yasuo slips through bans
>You damn right know someone will pick him

Can't wait for the rework where it will kill of a bunch of yasuo mains. What will they flee to though

Sorry for what?


It is cancerous, it just has shit numbers. I've seen him do more damage with autos than with his ult.

Yasuo is pretty fucking scary and can actually 1v5.

Thank fuck there's like 100 people on earth who can play him like that.

Ezreal too.

its not gay if its futa

what's with these dislikes btw? the stream has like 23 likes

>Riot hates healers because they are unfun
>Riot lets lifesteal exist

It's ok.

>Riot hates healers because they are unfun
>Riot lets 1000 health team wide low cooldown shields exist instead

my friends the thing with Kayn is that his ult isn't for damage in either form

blue kayn uses it to reset his damage shitting passive
red kayn uses it to heal back to full off a tank
both of them use it to set up qs and ws
both of them use it to reset tower aggro

Let's not; I've had some bad experiences with the sun and Leona's going to pay for them

>Diving with Kayn
>No hard CC unless Rhaast

what a terrible idea

If any of you faggots want to be better at the game, open this video while you're playing:
m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMIZQcebfKI [Open]
Look at the minimap everytime you hear the beep
congratulations you're now gold

Now that pedoposter's place and rights have been made clear, I'll go back to chilling.
good night autists

Shields aren't permanent

Shields are low cooldown so you're fucked either way

that noise is giving me anxiety

Why does EU have such a hard on for Xayah/Rakan?

>tfw no qt futa diana gf to wreck your boy hole

Sorry you didn't get a single (You) all thread, here's a pity reply. Sleep well, user.

>Locket has a 90 Second cooldown
really jogs the noggin

>implying I wouldn't wreck her tight puss so hard it'll prolapse

It's as if you're a limp dick, user.

>People still don't know how to play against Kayn because he's always banned
>Rhaast gets nerfed
>Kayn R buffs come in
>Shadow gets nerfed , becomes almost unplayable
>"We're going to nerf duskblade because it's broken xd - Riot"
>Kayn gutted
>1 month riots makes a statement
>We were to ambitious with Kayn and he's really hard to balance , expect rework soon

Alright, I guess the fun part can wait until justice has been served.

Good thing that's not the only shield in the game then isn't it

new locket and redemption suck dicks, fucking Ivern ruining it for everyone

Did you guys miss me? :^)

they're absolutely fine unless you're talking about a secret pbe patch

>new locket
You mean the item that gives you a 1k health shield late game?

Enlighten me on which champ has a 1000 health aoe shield on a low cooldown

>rakan seeing more pro play


How do I build the new singed? Everything I try either Im tanky but no nodmg or I do damage but I melt instantly. Is there a balance im missing?

>If there are enough enemies in an arbitrarily small aoe you can't view


You're really going down, arentcha?
have fun~

>Tank jungle meta

I was being hyperbolic you autist


Rekkles did it first

I-I'm sorry.

How come you arent perma'd yet

Shame this image is going to be outdated in about 5 months

why do I always get the teams who have never heard of GW

That has nothing to do with locket