/wfg/ - Warframe General

Nezha the BEST edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/7P8Y63T
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit#gid=157275360
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS

CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.1.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/820014-chains-of-harrow-update-2110/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/801884-oberon-prime-hotfix-2062/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


Nezhas slippery boipussi

third for -1 post



Well, if Warframes are indeed all made up of gribblies like those greens say they are, then yes. Yes Nezha does indeed have a boipussi.

>some kid cant wait for plains of eidolon
>he wants to play it
>he hasnt done second dream
>he'll need to do that and the war within
>bitches that they shouldnt gate it behind second dream
>says its because destiny 2 is coming and needs to keep people interested
>he hasnt even gotten to saturn
this lil twat has to be one of you

Twitch Frost memes

Did DE break syndicate standing in last patch? Not getting any from syndicate missions.

best frame!

Been gone for awhile, when is this new open world patch coming out?

Jesus christ, why is Bleeding Willow so goddamn hard to find? What's the droprate for it off the Corrupted MOAs, anyway?

Corrupted mods is everything wrong with Warframe.

The reason everything is so easy is because frame abilities trivialize everything. The reason frame mods trivialize everything is purely due to the existence of corrupted mods. Fleeting Expertise is the biggest offender, because it completely negates energy problems.

Spells like RD, Stomp, MP, etc. were never intended to have 60m+ range. Chroma, Excal, etc. were never supposed to have 200-300% strength. At base level using only basic mods like Intensify/Stretch, these frames would be balanced. Stacking corrupted mods and spamming/maintaining abilities endlessly is what breaks all semblance of difficulty. If corrupted mods did not exist, Warframe would be a balanced game.

Octavia's Mallet scales so well with enemies holy shit
in sortie the enemies went pop pop pop three shots and the mallet started murdering them like nothing, I love her so much

how else do you make specialized builds?
dont you like having a speed nova on low level defence?

>corrupted mods
>not rivens
at least corrupted mods have tradeoffs, you can roll a riven to have no/insignificant maluses

>If corrupted mods did not exist, Warframe would be a balanced game.

What's with this thread this last couple of days and going full retard? We got the guy explaining the theorem of memes, the most retarded excavation discussion ever and now shit like this.

P o E

ah, very good counter argument

Every gun, that somehow able to kill lvl 100 sortie grineer is good.

There's no need to 4xCP, and even having sinlge of it is not that important.

Only bad weapon was one-handed swords, and even now rivens had fixed them.

Also, blast + toxin for 0-5 status.

Radiation + Toxin for small status.

Viral + Electricity for high status and low rate of attacks.

Corrosive+cold for high status AND high rate of attacks.

I'm not gonna argue against your literal autism.

you don't

it's both a good and bad thing. You can no longer specialize, but specializing w/corrupted mods neuters some abilities while making others stronger. So instead of playing with 4 abilities, you're just spamming 1 or 2 over and over.

Don't get me wrong, I like corrupted mods, but they completely break the game

Not even remotely similar. Riven mods are utterly irrelevant to the conversation

"balanced" was probably too strong. "Much more balanced" is a better term

>was never supposed to have 200-300% strength
>but was long released after currupted mods were introduced
nice try, here is your (you)

Remember Damage 3.0?
Remember when they said they were going to fix everything?

How about you losers shut up and plat the game?

ignore it

Mag is a good Warframe.

how about you buy some plat and go suck DE's cock some more

I'm using this with a Radiation+Viral Pox, wondering if i have the idea right for a CO build? Still gathering rep for a Secura Lecta, but I do have a Mios made and am close to Caustacyst if those are better status weapons.
I know I could look up a build and copy it but I'm making sure I have the logic down--which is basically to just vomit status on things and slide attack them for silly damage, right?
The slash proc from Mios probably ends up doing more anyway, and Reach isn't super crucial right? I don't have worthwhile melee rivens, or blood rush/maiming strike. Most meta mod I have is CO.

rebecca show me your butthole

>plat the game
Nice try, Steve.

it was clearly never intended. It only happened because DE absolutely sucks dick at the game and never accounted for the possibility. Similarly, Equinox Maim was clearly never intended to one-shot everything in 60m around her, but DE probably just built her using shitty basic mods because they can't into builds

-Donald Trump

Its all wrong because you are using the Lecta and not the Secura Lecta, pretty much a wasted potato

I still can't understand why doesn't just hirea dude or maybe or group of players that actually play the game and playtest their shit

>Donald Trump
So that mean's she IS good.

I love Octavia, she's my waifu, one of the best midriffs in the game

in the end it was just a "thought of things that would be nice to implement" and nothing more, personally i dont mind current system, its unique in its own way. Only things that require adjust are retarded enemy armor scaling and oneshots (possibly will be delivered with shield gates, but we all know DE and possible outcomes)

>tfw did a LOR bus to try to learn the raid
>The drive abandoned us last second and a mexican that can barely speak english guided us
>tfw hardly understood anything

At least it went smooth...

Why is this funny as hell.

You're imagining a clueless idiot being guided by a mexican that can barely communicate with the rest of the group.
That idiot would be me.

Heads up. Sortie 2 Defense Operator can still instantly die and fail the mission from you know what that DE said they fixed you know what.

>I don't get what you're trying to say
Good because neither will DE. Let them learn from their own mistakes.

>Still gathering rep for a Secura Lecta
a-user please i can only grind so fast slow down ember-chan you're hurting me

what music does /wfg/ listen to while playing warframe?


is there any way to put both viral and corrosive on one weapon?
both use toxin.


some weapons have innate corrosive or viral damage, add elemental mods of the other combined type

Sure. But only weapons with nascant element because of how mixing works.

When the fuck is DE gonna let me use my clan emblem as a glyph so I can meme at people midgame?

>shitter thinks PoE is coming out before he can complete TWO (2) quests

No one here could possibly be laboring under that level of delusion (except TQ, but that's a delusion of self-importance rather than DE being competent.)


PoE will be low-level content. NIGHTTIME PoE will be TWW-restricted.

i have this piece of software running all the time. Its quite nice

Okay so the wiki says that the power strength gain from energy conversion stacks, but when I press escape and look at my abilities it only increases the value of strength-scaling factors after one energy orb, and does not increase them when I pick up additional orbs.
Is this just a bug with the display, or is the wiki wrong about energy conversion stacking?

It doesn't stack, never did. THE VISUAL EFFECTS do, whoever.


forgot pic cuz retard

so the wiki is full of shit?

>Can't farm mats because I need to level my stuff
>Can't level my stuff because I don't want to waste time on low level missions that don't give mats I need

How do I grind efficiently?

you dumb FUCKING retard

wiki is right, you're fucking stupid

"additive" in this sense means that it gives a flat +50% power strength, not that it stacks

What this means is that the power strenght gain is a flat 50%, unlike the boosts from basic crit chance mods.

No, you're just illiterate.

okay, thanks.
I'm just really, really stupid and misinterpreted it.

The flaw in your argument is best highlighted here;
>Spells like RD, Stomp, MP, etc. were never intended to have 60m+ range.
>never intended

You say that as if there's actual intent in DE'S design, some level of greater vision behind the game, and that shit isn't just added with zero foresight, hindsight, or consideration of how anything interacts with anything else.

Warframes would never be balanced with the removal of (X) because they were never designed with balance in mind in the first place.

the intent is obviously to design a fun and balanced game that generates money. you don't need some "greater vision," you're talking like you need oracle-level of foresight to strive towards fun and interesting game balance.

>implying I'm advocating for removal of corrupted mods
they're the problem, but removing them would only cause more problems. They're already so set in the game that removing them would completely upset it

In order for 250% range stomps to be unintended it first must be intended at something lower, balanced with the other frames. This is not the case.

This is just an example, of course. DE throws frame abilities at the wall. They keep what sticks to it, and nerf anything that comes flying back at them with enough force to hurt

>the intent is obviously to design a fun
Well yeah
>and balanced game
Was it, though, or was balance a consequence of the interplay of the frames when they were designed?
>that generates money
::sound of hands rubbing in the distance::

first of all, rhino came before corrupted mods

second of all, see You're giving DE way too much credit. Their intent is completely separate from the actual results

>corrupted mods are a problem
>i don't want them removed

Is that really confusing to you?

removing them would cause even more problems

corrupted mods have been the game for years. every single frame build utilizes corrupted mods. Taking frames into sortie-level content practically requires corrupted mods. Removing corrupted mods would neuter almost every build on every frame and would subsequently require a complete restructuring of the game's difficulty and level progression

I swear I use Mesa's Peacemakers to counteract the effects other players powers like Frost globes or Mag bubbles more than anything else.

>you don't need some "greater vision," you're talking like you need oracle-level of foresight

Not at all, I just mean "some level of knowledge about the systems in the game and how they interact."

Look at oberon's passive. They added that thinking "nature, animals, friends with animals." Had they given it a second's worth of thought, they'd have seen the obvious problem (that it's completely invalid in all but 3 tilesets, and in the ones where it does work it's STILL not with a damn), but they tossed it into the game anyway because it fit the concept.

>t. Mesa


DE give me the option to extract my potato's pl0x

or at least refund them to me when I sell the weapon or frame

that's just DE being incompetent. Being incompetent is not the same as actively trying to make a shitty game, or actively trying to make an unbalanced game. DE has no idea what they're doing and Steve has no clue what he wants the game to be, but DE still attempts to abide by the core principles of game design - balance, challenge, fun.

which melee D mod is good on a dragon nikana?
i got north wind on there currently but i'd rather have something else, but i cant find anything better

>Let me press 4 so I can twirl my Mouse over my head and kill things before you! re-
t. Mesafag

>You're giving DE way too much credit
In a post where I describe them flinging things at a proverbial wall to see what sticks?

not sure if this is a recent change or not, but I think syndicate procs now count as being blasts from the weapon itself and not the frame

So we're supposed to farm the endless grind of warframe with warframes that have the strenght of a level 20 moa and have to leave every mission at wave 3?

so you have no idea what my argument is, so you just focus and pick on the one sentence you actually did understand.

You know it

I am really excited to try out titania, I know everyone say's she's mediocre but she looks like a lot of fun for 90% of the game's content.

Nice Job DE

the thing about the tier lists is that it's honestly totally irrelevant for 99% of the game. The only times i've noticed they actually matter are if you're doing endless missions for over 1 and a half hours and the enemies are hitting ridiculous levels at a ridiculous density.

You honestly don't even have to forma weapons or warframes if you just plan on fighting level 80s - 100s.

bUILD FOR THER 4 , Shotgun mods work on her primary and the multishot mod for shotties is better than the rifle one

Shoulda tried harder, Luis

shes fun, but most frames are better.
still one of the must have frames, only cause shes fun

oooh that sounds fun as shit, so wait if I have a shotgun like the hek, would the hek specific multishot mod also carry over to her twin pistols in the 4 mode?

Helps more than the Mag putting her retarded bubbles down on top of the Operative

are you saying that because mesas kill enemies before you, mesa isn't helpful?

she's a lot worse than mediocre

>You honestly don't even have to forma weapons or warframes if you just plan on fighting level 80s - 100s.
blatantly wrong for all but a handful of frames

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post

this post incubated my kubrow, boy howdy

Maybe like 3 weapons and frames but dude I basically soloed all 3 parts of the sortie today with an unformad ember, soma, furis, and 1 forma atterax.

In the mobile defense the enemies were just over level 100 for the last point and I was still shredding them.

>he thinks you need to forma to handle level 100s
holy shit how bad are you?


atterax I can believe, but that's one of the few handful