Destiny 2 BETA is LIVE (on PS4 + Xbone)
Stay Frosty Edition
Destiny 2 BETA is LIVE (on PS4 + Xbone)
Stay Frosty Edition
bad beta
2nd for exploring absolutely nothing
zozzle at people hoping bungie fixes issues from beta, sorry son, the game goes gold in 1 or 2 weeks. This is what you're getting because the balance patch will be in October
someone post exo female in pvp set, i wanna see that cameltoe
They already stated they are fixing the PVE damage problems, and the heavy drop rates.
Official /dg/ Eliteā¢ Ability Cooldown Poll 2k17 pls respond
someone mentioned a monthly fee in the previous thread, is this true?
Jesus fuck
Every female hunter model is the same minus the face
That person was a liar and you should ignore them
xth for goofy titans
>that terrible photoshop
At least leave the gun undistorted.
Whats the appeal of fuck huge pauldrons? Shit looks dumb imo
Can you preload open beta D2 on xbox one?
Yes, a monthly fee of $1.67, but you can easily make one payment of $59.99 to cover the costs. Additional charges may apply.
Really nigga. Really.
I mean.
Please remember it's a beta bungie won't give all the content yet will they dumb ass and as for supers and ability recharge we haven't got any gear to increase the charge rate just remember in future don't go full retard
Can we just kill anyone who criticizes Destiny?
I bet she wears the cutest strawberry panties.
Yes really or I would be asking nigga wtf don't step up if you got nothing to contribute to the question
Nah, there are legit criticisms.
The problem is a metric fuckton of people lack common sense, and spout the most asinine shit ever. I hope it's just for (You)s. I pray it. I fear the alternative.
Hey lil nigga, you uhhh.....notice anything special about that gun in that picture?
>all these shitter complaining about D2 pvp
Lmao. Im happy for the changes, getting 1 shot by grenades and shoulder charges isn't fun.
I don't care about the gun nigga I wanted to know why niggas like fuck huge pauldrons those shits look retarded af even in game without the photoshoots applied to it
Gotta admit, some of the gear looks mighty silly right now. Hoping for some more subdued armour going forward.
Though to be fair I did wear Mau'ual's Maulers for a long time because they were baller as fuck.
I like it, it puts a more iconic look on them. They kind looked like hunters without cloaks most of the time.
Did anyone else move as slow as molasses during the part where you had to shoot the turbines?
Xth for godly Omolon pulse rifle
Its amazing how all shitposting goes away when the open beta starts.
Basically proving that all shitposters were poorfag babbies that couldn't afford to play D1 or preorder D2.
>"new" Warlock class is Sunbreaker but worse
Really looks like pulses will finally be useful again (In PVE, PVP aways had good ones) after two years.
hunters are breeding
I acknowledge that I have read your post. Have this (You).
This game doens't feel like its 30fps, it feels like 15 when ads
not an argument
Not if you actually look at them. The amount of armor plating was obvious compared to Hunters.
>not an argument
I know. It was a statement. I just said I read your post. Here is another (You).
The amount of time you spent up close, like on a patrol, is absolutely minimal.
Now, when I look at a distance I can say, yeah, that's a titan, or yeah, a hunter, or God dammit, a worthless healslut warlock.
People honestly had a hard time telling Titans apart from scarf!Hunters in D1?
Hunters and Warlocks continue to have the same aesthetic trend. Titans are now just ill-proportioned.
Warlocks had tons of cloth and leather because they are heal bitches.
Titans and hunters were pretty much the same, titans just slightly more shiny. Put a small cloak on a hunter, and with quite a few sets he could pass for a titan at first glance.
Now, that's not a problem
>People honestly had a hard time telling Titans apart from scarf!Hunters in D1?
No they didn't, user is exaggerating, all three classes had different style of armor, different posture, different running animation, different jumps, sounds, and profiles.
It took a special kind of retard to confuse them.
Trials ship shader.
Having the ship orbit on the "bottom" of the planet looks so stupid. Will D3 have the ship orbit on the "side" of the planet?
Yeah I didn't expect pulses to shine
>"I prefer shooters where you die quicker cause they have less room for error. CS:GO being the best example here of course."
I really shouldn't read comments on this shit holy fuck
>They already stated they are fixing the PVE damage problems
Oh really? Nice. Got a source for that?
I know about the ammo changes already but haven't seen anything about damage output.
nth for casual shits in pvp will be getting throat fucked by actually skilled players for the entirety of d2
One can only hope
Damn are all the shitposters finally playing the game?
Jesus, you faggots will find anything to cry about.
It looks fine, just because your autism gets triggered doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. And your example is fucking imbecilic, what the fuck would be wrong with it being on the side? Fucking neck yourself m' man.
I like it, the shimmer on the bottom of the planet is a nice touch.
>people complaining about PvE damage rates
>team abandons me partway through the strike, clear it solo with no real problems with a hunter
>people complain that the supers don't do enough damage, activate arcstaff and with one swing kill 5 cabal legionaries and phalanx, takes two swings for a colossus
I don't understand
you're right, desu
>In The End starts playing
People played D1 endgame for too long and got used to endgame gear and abilities shitstomping everything in their way.
these wounds they will not heal
I mean, the beta was bad, but this seems a little extreme.
What does this have to do with Destiny?
>put to rest what you thought of me
>today this ends.
So that's what he meant by this
Like the vanilla storyline, in the end it doesn't even matter
Bungienon here. Actually the game's "Gold" version was finished a couple weeks ago, but that means absolutely nothing, especially in games like Destiny that are online-only. Gold means the complete version of the game resourcesthat is going to get pressed into the retail copy. As far as development goes the bug fixes, balancing, and changes don't stop, last time I checked there is going to be a Day 1 patch that is going to weigh around 2GB by the latest estimates. And yes that includes entirely new balances which we're partially using the Beta metrics from. I know Activision is making this into a huge publicity thing, but this is a working Beta, its not for you, its for us to gather information which would internally take thousands of work hours.
We literally stop working on balancing on August 30th, that's when the patch has to go to Sony and Microsoft for Cert. Then the game launches on the September 6th, everyone holds their collective breaths while the comments and metrics come in until September 12th, and then we start working on the next patch using all the data we have collected.
That's the plan, anyway.
>Day 1 patch that is going to weigh around 2GB
what a crock of shit
no this is pretty standard game development practice now
mostly because pressing a physical retail copy takes a lot of logistic overhead and modern software teams aren't much for saying "welp its done" and sitting on their hands for some months
Gotta fix those bugs bro.
Its funny there's a one-off quest for a certain exotic kinetic that, in its current, unpatched state, stops at the last mission in the quest line at 99% completion, kicks you out of the mission, gives you a green gauntlet and completes the quest.
The perk clusters are so awful, I really can't get behind this change. Sure D1 wasn't great for build variety but that's something I had hoped would be build on and expanded. Not completely dropped.
Is the quest called "Your experience for the next three years"
>I don't want to be the one the battles always choose
'cause inside I realize that I really hate the Jews
what the fuck, Chester?
You tried to hard to be clever and you lost your point. Wanna ask straight up like a functioning adult or you gonna just fail at trying to be witty? Because I've got better shit to do than feed you attention.
>Day One patches are crock
user pls come out of this general every once in a while
Games these days are getting overly complex for the kind of development and sales cycles these publishers expect. You can only throw so much money and extra personnel at a project until there are no more gains in speed because everyone has to spend time staying on the same page with everyone else anyway. Actually getting a AAA game to not be buggy before release and have sufficient content is almost not even considered a possibility anymore, hence all these massive Day 1 patches for so many games and in some cases even goddamn consoles.
Our AI programmer overlords cannot come soon enough.
I was making a joke about poor drop rates, holy fuck - calm down.
Will you guys fix the ghost bullet problem
Good thing that was found before launch
>ai programmer overlords
welcome to even worse bugs usually go gold like 4 weeks before release. please go back to your stalker mods.
bugs so insidious no human could possibly find them.
>I was making a joke about poor drop rates
Making a joke about what drop rates?
I'm not on the netcode team so don't hold me to this but I think for the most part its not an issue any more. But the way deaths are handled is different so sometimes you'll get deaths that will look like they should be trades but end up being one way kills and people will complain its ghost bullets but its a different thing.
People have been playing through the whole thing so its only normal that it was caught, its not always for everyone, beta had a spot on the nessus strike where you could go up the road you're facing when you start the strike, and jump through a crack then fall to your death and revive to end up on the other side in the patrol area, I was keeping quiet hoping nobody notices but they found it last minute and patched it with 1.02 Beta patch. They really walled in that segment to high hell.
I think you're confusing going gold and beginning manufacturing.
There are videos of players through said crack and discovering small rooms.
Will there be anyway to change cool downs (wisdom, discipline, etc.) or is how things are the way things are? Everything in D2 feels neutered and slow except for the gunplay which has, for the most part,always been good.
well i mean if you can't find a bug, is it worth finding? and by find i mean a customer encounters it
maybe you meant a bug thats almost impossible to reproduce
>Will there be anyway to change cool downs (wisdom, discipline, etc.) or is how things are the way things are?
There are mods for armor. You can put them into slots and it affects charge rates.
We have seen stuff like "Your super recharges faster".
What we do not know is to what degree we can accelerate abilities and supers.
Those are towards the pillar. The one I'm talking about was uphill, when you kill the minotaur and the vex conflux spawns, you would face the conflux and turn left 90 degrees so so you're facing away from the milk waterfall. You'd go up the path until the path just ended in a wall. Before the patch, that wall wasn't there, but rather it was a tunnel that lead to the other side, and then the end of the tunnel was walled off, but there was a spot in the tunnel itself where you could walk into a crack and fall through a floor with no collision mesh and die.
Gold means they have the master copy approved for manufacture.
no man's sky went gold a month and two days before release.
Halo 3 went gold a month and five days before release.
Destiny 1 wasn't confirmed in manufacture until about two weeks before it launched.
Like I said, you're confusing going gold and beginning manufacture. But honestly, I don't care what you think, we went over this, I'm not going to argue with you people and your google titles over what I know about my own job. This is the last (You) that you're getting .
please just stop
Anyone else feel incosistent when shooting the hand cannon? Also i feel like my bullets don't register half of the time even though it says i have full bar.
Holy shit just fuck off.
I've been feeling that too about handcanons. I just stopped using them and went for auto rifle until I got a pulse.
>-insane gibberish-
>"but you're wildly wrong and it's easy to prove"
>"I'm not going to indulge your evidence and instead insist my incorrect understanding of industry terms is correct."
definitely stalker mod guy. who else would just say "you're wrong and i'm leaving" instead of clarifying their non-standard usage with similar evidence?
This is why Bungie hates us