Old eyosongive.us
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
xth for breast metal waifu
secondary xth for NEW ALBUM SOON HYPE
Why Soraka is so fun? The more I play her the more I am addicted to her gameplay and theme overall.
>early lane dominance
>scales well
>global ulti
>multiple possible builds
>tilts enemies
>helps hypercarries survive laning phase
A perfect champ. Thresh is for pussies.
what are your hobbies outside of league of legends
surely you must have some
a cute
Doran’s Dagger is an experimental starting item that gives you +12% Attack Speed, +60 Health, +2 Life on Hit and +5 Bonus Minion Damage
How do you feel about this new starting item they're adding?
there is literally too much cancer to ban right now
>Project SMURF's and Experience changers
>BEWM...headshot *traps behind ur turret*
>Shycombo 100-0's you from full HP and flashes Mastery while Nightcore blares
>the boy who cried SHAAARK
>the goat acolyte and funsucker of botlane
>Tyler1 (only because of Deaths Dance and lethal bullshit)
>THIS'LL BE A SLAUGHTER (of tower and inhibitors)
>BLAM BLAM *dash* "ayo hol up" BLAM BLAM *dash*
You already posted this last thread, slut.
stop creating new threads.
the other one didn't reach post limit yet
could you shut up?
The jans killed it for whatever reason
It doesn't give very good sustain or combat stats. May as well start dagger 4 pots.
>akali's now run flat ad/ap runes instead of hybrid penetration
When did that happen? is running that better now?
Is Akali mid still good?
>Discussing the game is a sin
How autistic can you be
> Hey friends,
> In May we announced that new Runes will be free when they launch this preseason. We've since seen tons of questions about how we'll transition to the new system, as well as what players should do about purchasing runes now. We're still working on the first question, but let's talk about the second.
> So here's our plan: when preseason arrives we'll refund all the IP you've spent on runes since May 30th, 2017 (the date we published the Riot Pls video linked above). This deal is effective now, so if you've got the IP for some runes you want, go ahead and grab 'em! We'll refund you later. We were originally going to roll these changes out with our bigger announcement in September, but we wanted to put this out there now since many of you have been asking about rune prices.
> At some point before the transition to the new runes system we'll also drastically reduce the prices of all runes. We won't refund rune purchases made after that point.
> But what about rune pages, you ask? The plan is for your rune pages to carry over into the new runes system, so prices on rune pages aren't being changed and they won't be refunded. The difference is you'll be able to edit them in champ select.
> Let us know if you've got any questions and we'll be happy to answer in the comments.
Takeaways here, we still don't know what will happen with runes purchased before, they plan to buff everyone which will lead to hilarious balance changes.
what in the shitting fuck is a shycombo
Yeah this is shaping up to be THE MOST disastrous preseason yet. Still, it's gonna be worth it for the fact this stupid system is finally getting changed.
>lead singer of Linkin Park hung himself
Shit now it's going to feel weird using Crawling lyrics to make fun of Aatrox/Kayn players.
Man I used to listen to them as an edgy teenager, this sucks.
why did the old thread get deleted what the fuck
I enjoy tyler1's stream.
They should just update the ones they have now. They don't need more members in the band, they need a rival group.
post the closeup of his head
I'm really good at this game. AMA
where were you when Riot announced the end of League of Legends for preseason 8?
Fast as fuck Riven combo
Yeah, same. That was sad to see.
how tall is he
Holy fuck, I didn't know he was a hobbit.
>riven top, yasuo mid
>riven goes 0/8 to a zed
>yasuo goes 3/10 to an AP MAOKAI
>Pentakill rival band
Call them First Blood
thanks senpai
I witnessed it
First, we plan to directly change champion base stats. We’ll give every champion in the game an offensive boost tailored to what their kit needs. This ranges from attack speed on Tryndamere, Master Yi, and Yasuo, to starting ability power on Ahri. Sometimes we'll split this boost between multiple offensive stats, sometimes we'll concentrate it into one. We’re going through each champion individually and customizing a package to make sure that they get the stats most crucial to their needs.
Holy shit, I haven't seen that edit before. That's fucking fantastic.
I can't wait for a new one
She's meh at best mid lane while great top lane. She also does really do true hybrid damage. Her e is her only ad move while the rest are ap. Mostly you take ap since u get the most out of it as its her main source of damage. U run ad runes against lanes you know u won't win like panth/leblanc and max e (ONLY in lanes you won't win). Trick is to use w, e wave killing 1+ minion which resets cd by 60% hide in shroud and rinse and repeat. Ad runes are to help you cs when u know you can't snowball in lane.
how is this bad exactly
>tfw to smart to not run it down mid
Rate my profile lolbabs.
Wow. Unironic RIP.
Doesn't really*
Am I the only one looking forward to the shitshow of preseaon 8? There's gonna be so much cheesy shit
good taste
never mind
Why? we need less base stats, not more.
>j4 picked again
metacrafting and experimenting is the heart of dota and lol
the meta is just a meme to let the shitters feel at home
>tfw my best and only friend is from crimea
>lived here in the states since he was 16, he's 32 now
>played league and many other vidya together
>hung out on a daily basis
>best of bros
>i have to move to the next town over for a job
>still come to visit and hang out with him as much as i can
>eventually his paperwork allowing him to live and work here expires
>he is stuck working at an appliance repair company, getting paid under the table
>cant use his skills to start his own company due to the expired paperwork
>cant do much of anything unless he gets married and becomes a citizen
>spends years trying to find the right girl to marry
>it doesnt work out
>he becomes very sad and depressed
>starts giving away all of his stuff
>visit him again a couple weeks ago
>he has a tiny cot on the floor, a tv on the floor, one cup, one plate, one fork
>nothing else in his apartment
>"i have to go soon. things arent working out here. i need to start over. dont worry though, we'll hang out again before i go."
>call him today to see if he wants to hang out this weekend
>his cellphone is disconnected
>panic and reach out to other friends of his
>"yeah man he left this last weekend"
dont care if this is blogposting, i dont think ive ever been so sad in my life.
i'm growing gray hair because of this elo
I will be back soon
>b-but he's just a bad camille!!!
It's so funny watching now how fucking hilariously retarded muh powercreep fags are now in hindsight.
i know tyler is generally hated but i can't help but fucking love this retard
literally just the way he really gets immersed in story driven games is fucking adorable
of course he's also a toxic fuck but i feel like that's due to his lack of intelligence and because of him being insecure and thin skinned
braindead loving cuck
He's only played because other options got nerfed, so yeah, before Camille nerfs, he WAS worse Camille.
The runes will make him busted and then of course we have to wait for the incoming miniwork
They're going to have to rebalance every champion in the game after they change all the base stats. Which they can barelly do as is
Let alone they need to balance the new runes, masteries, items, whatever else changes in season 8 too. It's going to be such a mess
>Watch high elo Riven main
>Its like completely difrent champion
Why is this allowed?
Yeah man it only takes Camille getting several hefty nerfs and to be banned over him so he can be picked!!!
Camille really is Jarvan 2.0, thing is her numbers were gutted and Jarvan's base damages and tank stats are really solid
>20k viewers
to be fair, he received plenty buffs that brought him back
ulti didn't do AOE damage before
W was much worse
also stoneplate gargoyle exists now
and lethality j4 is pretty fun desu
>Kayn picked on your team
>Kayne picked on the enemy team
Really activates my almonds
Who would want to watch that shitshow? EU here btw.
Hardly. Camille's nerfs were utterly irrelevant to his viability because the way they function is radically different.
The real reason why is because he abuses current itemization harder than probably any other bruiser in the game. He can have his cake in being a 2 damage item carry exploding threat and eat it too in being a super tanky frontline thanks to Stoneplate+ his W providing ridiculous damage mitigation
>5 months later they change the hp-on-hit to lifesteal %
>next season they change it back
>rinse and repeat
man i fucked up bad
fuck this im saving that for next thread when i do it right
>tfw no cute girl/boy i can hug tightly and fall asleep next to
maybe in the afterlife
league of legends
>Cho'gath being exposed on screen
They'll do my work for me...
tank fucking meta boys, get your free elo
>goes in from fuck off distance
>explodes you
>dies afterwards
>radically different
hahaha FAGGOT
The game would be better off if Lee Sin was straight up deleted or fully reworked with almost nothing of his previous kit being kept.
People would get super giga angry but actually not leave. The game would be much healthier after the storm.
>captcha: golf golfview
Tfw Rush is never returning
Hey, I'm a cute girl/boy!
Jarvan actually survives though.
Camille is much more geared to straight up 1v1 splitpushing. She doesn't want to teamfight unless she absolutely has to
will jarvan ever notice her?
Sega just gave Yasuo mains another song to listen to while being straight dogshit
Dont cut yourselves over that guy from Linkin Park killing themselves, remember you've got more low elo matches to ruin.
can't wait for this to happen in front of tens of thousands of players in pro play so you faggots can't say
>j-just kite bro
>p-position better
shits broken, retards
im willing to agree but only on his ult where youre not allowed to flash on cast, before it even deals the damage. that part alone could easily fix most of lee's bullshit
You see boys, THIS is an actual tank meta.
Tank junglers are great, tank supports are ok, tank toplaners are a thing.
Tanks have a big place in the game right now.
It was NOT a tank meta when the only tanks in the game were nautipoppykai toplane and tanks in all other roles were garbage.
Remember that for the next time we argue, ADCucks.
how's life been treating you?
>Deathfire Grasp
Tanks are not good top lane at all though.
>tank meta
>Poppy is super bad
Why live?
NA has a decent amount of talent in jungle compared to other roles.
Imports are just needed more elsewhere.
The only reason you're nogastalgic for rush is that Contractz has been on megatilt since rift rivals
I skipped all my classes today because splatoon comes out tonight, I have a midterm tomorrow, and I just can't be assed in general, but other than that I'm pretty good
Also I'm on a serious lose streak in league of legends, I don't get why but I don't care that much
>play mundo with full armor/mr runes
>still get melted
She's an ass jungler because her CC is very situational which is honestly the biggest reason you even bring tanks into the jungle
>cho clearly starts walking towards adc
>adc still has flash
>doesnt just walk away
nigga what are you doing.
>full scaling mr runes
>bonus 80 mr at 18
>stack armor and a little more mr
>literally invincible
your mistake was armor runes
I don't understand how/why Nunu has such a good winrate. He barely even does anything compared to the overloaded kits of other junglers. Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of him at all. His ganks are shit and he can't teamfight at all without his ult. Even then, he needs someone to set it up for him. Really all he does reliably is just waddle around and eat the enemy's jungle.
>want to play kayne because hes actually fun
>people keep banning him
Ye, her CC is realy shity compared to Naut/Mao. Its not reliable
what do yall think of the balancing in this game
i think its pretty retarded they're too scared to take away 3 AD from precious Lee Sin
I wish it was more like DOTA where 80% of heroes get very small tweaks based on the meta
Riot's balancing is picking 5 random champs or items and accidentally buffing the fuck out of one until meta shifts.
>implying they didn't have hot sweaty tired dirty sex in their first (canon) lore after killing the evil dragon bigot
remember, shyvana hadn't seen a man for years
wew lad
nothin personell/10
arent most top laners AD? i believe 30 armor from runes should make me very hard to kill early
What are the chances of Vlad being a guest Pentakill vocalist?