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>Patch 4.05 Notes
>Live Letter Q&A
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Other urls found in this thread:
post rdm opener
post omega savage BLM parses
Namedropping cute boys
I'm going to buy a Lavender Beds house for myself and an elezen~!
make the next thread earlier than him, it's that simple, after a while he will go so low on postcount, mods will delete his shit again
This image reminds me that I have to prepare some of my alts for the Moonfire Faire.
Thank you, best girl!
Posted in old thread, dont make me wipe to edda another 11 times.
Time for ~200 posts of shitposting. Make the next one at 720. Neck the motherfucker.
pet lalas heavily
>making a thread 20 posts early so you can make your lewd selfie teehee the op pic
are there even people playing blm in savage, almost all groups i see have rdm as their only caster
Were the sprint changes an indirect nerf to BLMs movement?
reminder the last time you did that, your thread got deleted, but sure, let's see how low you go next time
>are there even people playing blm in savage, almost all groups i see have rdm as their only caster
I know of at least one BLM working on V4S
>Were the sprint changes an indirect nerf to BLMs movement?
A little bit. Triplecast being on 1min cooldown almost makes up for it though
>No deleted posts in the previous general
Something is very very fishy with the OP, to the point of being ridiculous and retarded.
>the c@boi thinks he (she) can tank
Post kino screenshots
It says 1 but when you go to start a new one, it will let you choose 1 or 51.
reminder to npc your carbonized matter
Are there any sheep minions? An aldgoat is fine too.
Always 10% earlier than him. At some point, mods will delete it. Just like the last time.
There is but it was an Easter event years ago.
It might be purchasable on Mog Station for munny.
Have any ebins cleared the new raid or are they all shit at the game?
Weavers can make a wind-up aldgoat and a sheep minion can be bought on the mog station
I want to fall in love with an elezen. I want to go on cute dates together, and we'll be SO in love that we'll be able to walk side by side perfectly in sync while nervously trying to steal quick glances at each other.
Why are you even asking? The only one who ever did raid shit was silveroe, but she's ded.
Like the whole thing? Only a handful of groups in the world have cleared.
Embolden, accelerate, jolt, wind, fleche, impact, thunder, follow the sparklies.
I dunno if that's right or not. It's just what I do.
There are both actually.
>ask him nicely why he's doing that for soon to be a month
>no reply
>ask him nicely why can't he post something else in the op if he cares for the thread
>no reply
>someone tells him to post ass
>instant reply
pls explain
Don't do that
Okay. What do you suggest?
I don't suppose it'll be available again next easter, will it? I'm not to keen on dropping more money on top of my sub.
Holy shit, that's cute.
its spite at this point
I'm too busy to type up a full opener. But use common sense and don't use Embolden until your melee burst, and precast either Verthunder or Veraero with Acceleration so that they connect on second zero and dualcast the other
It's been from the very beginning. Thus everyone should just report the motherfucker.
Literally who? I find it hard to believe only a single ebin in this general raids.
Yes, the whole thing. There's over two dozen groups that have cleared and the first was over a day ago.
Can one of you fellers post that picture of the tranny who cut itself because of the discord channel? Thanks.
>There's over two dozen groups
2 dozen groups? Source?
Fuck off
>Too busy to type a full opener
I guess I misunderstood embolden. Thought it was telling me it only increased my magic and physical of everyone else and I guess I thought the melee combo was all physical.
If two dozen groups have cleared O4S they're not reporting their kills to the leaderboard guy
how do I find an FC/static to do savage with?
The melee combo is magic damage. That's why it's called Enchanted Redoublement and not "poke them with the pointy stick" And yes, too busy to type up a full opener up to the first Manafication because I'm working
Friendly reminder that white mages are NOT for lewd.
That's exactly what I'm assuming.
She predates you, friendo.
the reason liora shitposts is because you all make fun of guffy, its so fucking obvious
>probably would have leveled next to this elezen if Yoshida didn't fuck Mateus
Forever lv1 in Gridania.
But an ELEZEN white mage?
They're for protecting. And petting, and praising, and calling cute, and dating, and eventually...
does liora erp with anyone that's not guffy?
I want to pump
how early was this one made? need it for reference
50 posts.
he erps with anyone who asks
If you have to point out you were being nice, you probably weren't being nice.
nigga I don't give a flying fuck if someone gets butturt because people talk shit about their gay ass nuzzle partner about being an obnoxious twat, but the correct response sure as hell isn't being an obnoxious super twat at the entire thread.
729. Yeah, it's getting ridiculous.
I miss the buff too!
D-Don't finish that sentence, user!
O4S is totally dependent on your group's ability to do mechanics, 1 person screwing up Final Battle with Allagan Field is an instant wipe, no questions
>sam 55
>so fucking tired of POTD
the af gear says other wise
I've fapped to the character in op many times. Liora pls post an updated imgur album. The new hair is good.
go ask him yourself
then do dungeons you idiot
Elezen white mages are the best!
>4 hour queues
>70 posts
>34 posters
>one guy spamming about how early it was made when he's made every single thread early for the past two days
>the past two days
This has been going on for weeks.
they said they don't ERP
>long hoodie robe
>long coat
>shoulderless dress
Look at AST, they're literally wearing curtains over their tits, all they need is a gust of wind coming from below and they'll flash it to everyone.
>ywn lie side-by-side on a sunny day in the forest with best Highlander
Honestly why can't you autistics just ignore the op image. It's so easy and has so little effect on your life. Like really who the fuck gives a shit?
>He keeps forcing himself in the OP and spends all day samefagging to make people think anyone likes him, and defends guffy's day 2 world prog o3s clear
You're wasting everyone's time, you should be banned, not shitposting
You rang?
why deny the pants part
the same gust of wind has whm showing their panties to everyone
>Honestly why can't you autistics just ignore the op image.
You answered your own question. How new are you.
>Had everything set up for a weekend static
>WHM fucks us over and pugs V1S on tuesday, blowing us off and ghosting us when we try to contact him
>Now having to scramble to find another healer before saturday
Fuck my life.
I'll help. If you're on Primal.
Or SE could just make the loot lockouts personal rather than group wide so shit like this isn't an issue.
Rain is nice in Kugane
:hyper: :nuttest2:
Post catboys you would drain!
Starting at 0/0 mana:
7 seconds before pull, cast diversion, 6 seconds before pull cast acceleration, 5 seconds start to cast varero. Build up mana to 45/45, casting your ogcds off-cd. At 45/45+, cast manaification, dash in, melee swing 1, embolden, melee swing 2+3, oGCD, verflare/verholy (depending if black/white mana is higher. If even, go with whatever one doesn't have a stone/fire proc up).
Always use embolden after first melee swing to ensure you get the full buff on verflare/verholy. IDK if this is the most ideal opener but it works well enough for me.
>loot lockouts personal rather than group wide
Wait what? Explain. If I clear V1.0S but don't get any loot except the book, can I not do it again and roll on loot?
Why haven't all the highlanders killed each other yet?
It would be a bigger issue if they weren't wearing panties under their skirt.
Also AF2 pants aren't panties, they're shorts.
you just aren't asking the right questions
>Start a character on the french sounding EU server to abuse the xp bonus
>Complete the ultimate weapon
>"Finally, right now on to heavensward!"
>Start getting shit xp mainstory quests that all stay at level 50
>Google the MSQ line
>Another 101 quests to do before I can even TOUCH heavensward
>Heavensward is another 150 odd quests before stormblood can be seen
>30-50 minute queues just to do story dungeons/trials
Atleast the hildibrand stuff was there to help the pain go away.
Gating your expansions behind MANDATORY GIANT QUESTLINES should be an offense punishable by a cactus shoved into the anus alongside a kick to the scrotum with steel-tipped boots.
>tfw no mumu gf
Why would they do that?
No, you only get one chance at gear per week.