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>Event: 07/20 ~ 07/27 Token "Kawaii make MY day!" (Noriko, Yukari)
>Gacha: 07/18 ~ 07/24 (Risa, Chinami)
>Event: Pending
>Gacha: 07/13 ~ 07/24 (Yuriko, Takane, Konomi)
Game: Cards:
- ML/SM merch campaigns: - SS Update (July 19th): - MASTER SEASONS SUMMER! cover: - CG Theater 918/922/916/929 TS: - TD commu channel: - TD bug fixes (July 20th): - CG Theater batch (July 20th): - U149 shop bonuses: - SM GamiP/TobaP interview TL: - CG Theater 935 UL: - Azusa's birthday 2017: - TD Mizuki commus TS: - SS Update (July 20th): >Archive of :
- NG/TakeP fancomic re-TS: - ML Pacific League Baseball collab art: - SS Noriko commu UL: - KR official JP fanclub: UPCOMING:
July 22nd/23rd: CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater talk show/mini-live
July 25th: KR MUSIC Episode 2 CD
July 25th, 8PM JST: ManletP voice reveal:
/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General
Sweaty idol crotches
kaoru you aren't my fave loli but i'm happy you finally got an op
lovely sunflower girl
>didn't hit Azusa OP number 7
You fools. We stopped at 6. The number of death. Not the lucky number. Now /@/ is cursed forever.
Did ShikiRen kill ShikiRei?
This is fine.
I bet CG Nao's is the sweatiest.
Oh dear, I've caught the gay.
Makabe's commu is so cute.
the curse of greatness
Maybe now we can finally rest in peace.
We will remember this.
im going to shitpost so hard. this will be the worst thread we will have all year.
>We stopped at 6. The number of death.
Thank fucking fuck.
The bar is way too low for a single poster to cross it.
At least we're cursed together. Like one big happy shit family.
Her voice is a miracle, it has a very unique charm.
I like them more as a trio with Shiki messing with the 2 idols that are the least capable of handling him.
*Makabe is so cute.
Makabe is cute
Let's all blame Hotaru!
Don't worry. I bet by the end of this thread, Azusa will have been mentioned far more than Kaoru. Might as well be an Azusa thread.
>/@/ death
>a curse
If anything, this should be a celebration.
Oh yes, it's very cute. I can see why Producer scouted her, even if it was something he should have gotten arrested for.
This is very true too.
Don't be rude.
So Azusa will be mentioned twice and Kaoru once?
Sounds about right.
This would never have happened if Kaoru didn't exist. And she may as well not, since only like five people in the world even care about her.
Gonna punish Hotaru by marrying her and treating her nicely.
4 is the number of death, retard.
Was there a link for the update apk or should I just go through the Japanese Play Store?
how does a bunny go pyon
Fine, you won this round.
I don't have a single image of that loli saved in my iM@S folder. And that shit is 5gigs.
Faggot magic.
It's the sound when they hop.
That's fockin right.
just use qooapp and join the botnet
>dumb EOPs need translated commus to finally realize Makabe is adorable
Fuck off.
Nope, I sill don't like her.
>even if it was something he should have gotten arrested for.
I didn't know visiting an open event and getting lost was a crime
I agree with you, their trio was the best thing to come from their White Day event.
>Shiki telling Rei he considers him a friend and Rei getting embarrassed
>Shiki misunderstanding Ren's disdain of him as affection
If I wasn't on mobile, I'd post trio art.
>It's the sound when they hop.
Cry more about it.
Makabe says her mom has a nice body. I wish to independently verify this.
Mamakabe is not for lewd
4 u
>Million Live's worst songs are still miles better than any song Mio is in
Mio legitimately ruins every single song she's in lad. You cannot disprove this, even her CM is honest to god awful.
Just ignore him, he's a knnown shitposter around here.
Tell me more about this girl, is she the Suzuho of Million Love?
She looks like a fun idol, probably pick ML
Mio is fucking hot.
>Ren:"Shiki, tch"
>"Shiki:"Shikicchi?? FRIEND"
is the funniest thing ever
>even her CM is honest to god awful
Cute that you're trying to turn this into yet another "CG vs. ML" war again though.
Posting Mio is shitposting?
So was that all his doing a few threads ago where Mio was spammed like crazy?
>Cute that you're trying to turn this into yet another "CG vs. ML" war again though.
Surely you meant to quote this pic, right?
Well I knew that since the translated LTP.
Can someone just go into a culture festival?
Her CM is good when Minami sang it.
She obviously is or else she wouldn't have had a Makababy.
She's Suzuho if Suzuho were somehow actually shittier.
Both of you faggots are guilty.
>We stopped at 6. The number of death.
Thank fuck, I am tired of this existence.
Let's not jump to conclusions before seeing her.
I'm pretty sure they can. I mean, what's the point of setting up food booths if only students will attend?
Sexy Guilty or Alice or Guilty
Nowhere near as cool as Suzuho.
I assumed those were for the parents.
Didn't you know?
Any time a non-ML is posted more than once in succession it's a conspiracy by a single samefag shitposter.
You didn't know Azusa was a criminal?
It is like 95% of the time.
hey boys, I still love Victory Believer
Kyosuke, your rapping needs work
To be fair, a lot of CG posting here is forced. The game's old and busted and gameplay discussion died a long time ago. You have to understand it's been years since release on top of the fact that almost all the events and SSRs this year have been entirely shit.
Here's hoping the anime and LoS do more to foster out-of-unit interactions.
Here's a (You) for you on the house.
No it wasn't. That was me, just some random bored user. The word cloud guy said to spam Azusa so I decided to spam Mio because I know she's controversial on /@/. I don't even like Mio. Well I didn't. But I think I committed too hard to playing the role of a Miofag and actually fell in love with her for real. My heart is set aflutter whenever I see her now.
No, the only people calling any posts "forced" are people who can't handle a thread discussing more than one topic at a time.
Doesn't help that any time someone tries to bring up something about actual SS gameplay it's shot down with the same "dead game uninstall lmao" shit every time, and considering how new TD is compared to SS, Million Live discussion has pretty quickly been reduced back to the usual image dumping and "I want to _____ this cute idol" grind that all parties in /@/ are guilty of.
>Sachiko personality without the bullying
Nevermind then, I really liked her parody costumes and Doya face
Forced idols
Ironic, considering she deserves to be bullied as much if not more.
poor Nono
>force posting
Worst /@/ meme to be honest
Literally nothing prevents you from continuing a conversation when some other people start another
>t actual SS gameplay
You what
>the usual image dumping and "I want to _____ this cute idol" grind that all parties in /@/ are guilty of
Hey, you leave DSfags out of this.
>word cloud guy said to spam Azusa
>so I decided to spam Mio
and in the end, you became the one to shit up the thread. nobody spammed Azusa for more than a few posts after while you went crazy with your ERP bait and spam. so thank you for that, you really did help lift the image of Mio and Mioposters from the shit that theyve always wallowed in.
You try to keep comfyly discussing something when someone comes and say "hurr this is kaede describe her with one word".
Literally nothing stopping you from "comfyly" discussing that same thing, you oversensitive prick.
It would truly take superhuman effort to do so. I feel for you.
/@/ posters have the attention spam of a bird.
Like how the scanner dumps manga and everyone stops in their tracks, which makes that one guy incredibly upset.
i hope they start on the original LoS unit train quickly. While I love the orginal units, the SM mobage already have a lot of material for that and I'm dying for new interactions
Sachiko's narcissism is sort of softened by how much of a buttmonkey she is
That's her charm and this is how you do a proper character
I'm sorry ML anons
>shitposting so hard you fall in love
It really isn't that hard. There's a reply tool on this site.