itt: cars driven by soyboys
Itt: cars driven by soyboys
Other urls found in this thread:
>going to be buying an 86 soon
>not a soyboy
>buying 86 soon
>Not a soyboy
The evidence clearly states otherwise.
this turdbox
or just about any VW really
damn that looks good
Every car posted in
>tfw soyboy
wats a 'soyboy'?
The new buzzword shitposters can't even agree to a meaning for
another name for a vegan
the latest insult
you call someone who has different tastes/opinions from you a soyboy
>Soyboys, manlets, and dicklets buy V8s and then never go fast around corners because they're just compensating so people won't call them soyboys
>Soyboys, manlets, and dicklets buy slower four bangers and go fast around corners because they're afraid of the mystical aura of V8 manliness
Both options point to soyboys irrationally associating cars with personality traits like a buncha women so a soyboy driven car is any car driven by a beta fuck who thinks his car affects what kind of person he is
The new "nu-male"
every owner of a tc i’ve met thinks they’re super hot shit
soyboy is a term associated with the mass paranoia from alt righters of being perceived as girls, mostly stemming from the constant bullying they got from bigger kids growing up and that traumatized them into being terrified of ever displayed such traits.
beg to differ, specifically with a fastback
>work at stealershit
>only known vegan owns a 240 and skyline GTS-4
Guys I am confuse
It comes from the belief that soy products contain something similar to estrogen which has a feminizing effect on men. This makes soyboys men with higher levels of estrogen than normal or with low levels of testosterone.
They all look alike, in the same way feminists and other progs all seem to wear the same "fish mouth" expression.
"Car culture" is easy to get into. It's an accessory to them, to point at and say "I do manly things, I'm a real man". It's a bit like how they grow out beards and spend hours grooming it in the morning instead of just going to the gym.
>this wasn't the first post
Any car made before 2007
[spoiler]Any car made after 2007
[Spoiler] you die in 2021
that would be driven by nerds and filthy fedora encrusted weea*oos, whether or not those fit into the soyboy category or not is up for debate
>the joke
>your head
Hint: look up what tofu is made of
/threading my own post
>mad that someone called your manchild cartoon enthusiasm soiboi
can't do that, you homosex retard
Is this worse than what aftos did yo Cadillac?
Any hybrid or electric car.
Going to an 86 meet today
Will either deny or confirm this post depending on what I see. Either way, OP is a busrider faggot.
jealous boyracer
A new term coined by faggots who like with the word numale, are too cucked to say faggot.
This is kinda funny. I went vegetarian with my girlfriend for like a month and at no point did I consume any soy products.
>unironically using the word """"soyboy""""
You carry more estrogen than them
Why is the Hyundai badge backwards but not the text on the plate?
I wonder how many of the posters who call others "Soyboys" drink beer.
>trusting soyboy news
you're playing right into their hands, Mr. Dubs
>it might seem manly to drink beer
Probably not many.
Unless they have their older siblings buying it for them.
>get maximum depression
>stop shaving for over a year
>people start calling me Charles Mansion
god dam it
I have been mistaken for a girl
because I move like a hungry skeleton
.eg super efficient movement
If it's automatic then yeah. Soyboys can't drive stick
Rapeseedman's sidekick
whatever you say soyim
>Nice bait
as usual OP is a faggot.
This is now a BRFRZ86 thread
post a picture of yourself soyboy
your favorite car
>t. chad brz driver
get played faggot ;)
not sure if genuine faggot or master troll
It's the newest /pol/ buzzword. They're like middle school boys, except with an even smaller vocabulary. One of them hears a funny word, think it's greatest thing ever, and him and all his friends parrot it constantly and try to shoehorn it into every conversation because it makes them feel witty.
You are actually retarded, the guy you are replying to was the one calling it soiboi.
Still doesn't get the joke.
genuine master faggot troll
stupid fkn soyboy meme got exhausted days in its meme career
>proving my point
>any coupe
>any EV/hybrid
>any hatchback (excluding sportbacks)
Men drive executive sedans and pickup trucks. That's it.
Once used 86/BRZ's drop below $7000 AUD I'm gonna buy one just to hoon the fuck out of, not even gonna use it seriously just a joke of a car
>tfw the 86 came out 5 years ago
Doesn't feel like that long, I remember being excited when it was announced like it was yesterday
Millenial males supposedly consume large amounts of soy, which turns into estrogen when digested. This is believed to make them into feminine, weak, beta males.
By calling someone a "soyboy", you're implying that they consume large amounts of soy, and are thus a feminine, beta male cuck
>getting anything other than the WRX
Looks like shit
>not soyboy