League of Legends General - /lolg/



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Cool story babe. now make me a sandwich

>When the 4 girl champions know who the real carry is and crave your big undead cock

who /rites/ here

>Our top wants to go vayne
>Ban her
>"You have been returned to queue"

it honestly looks pretty shit
>b-but its expensive
literally doesnt matter unless you sell the account

If Vlad gets a Pentakill skin I mail my underwear to Riot.

Screencap this.

>frog posts
>makes sexist comment

Damn son, 0/10 for effort

xth for foul stench

How many chests would I have to buy to get dreadnova darius?

you hate frogs because you are a women.

>watch youtube videos/replays of high elo players
jesus christ some of these people are in challenger and take bad fights, underestimate champs and seemingly just dont know matchups and advantages
it just makes me think how bad I must be to be below them

Maybe 1. Maybe 1000

No way to tell.

>Women have penises

yeah but... who you honored is the real question here

>bitch at my team all game about not buying executioners calling
>literally spam chat with the "Can Purchase - Executioner's Calling" ping all game without ceasing
>including tilt proof which clearly wasn't true at all
This system means nothing.

I'm almost 100% certain it's going to be a VU to all the current Pentakill skins judging by the wording of the announcement.

I approve of this thread


Is it really that random?

All the others needed 15 seconds of brain reaction time to come and collect the free barons


> ban Jayce, get Gnared
> ban Gnar, get Jayced

Fun lane lolbabs

Darius can suck my fat Demacian cock and cry his menstrual blood ass all the way home to daddy swain

Yes. Occasionally Riot does "Buy these chests for a guaranteed Gemstone in each one!" events but outside of that it's all random.

Isn't it?

>lethality retarded again]

I'll be back in a month

>ban both
>pantheon outplays you for 15 minutes and then you have to hope your support knows how to peel him
>ban both, plus pantheon
>you're now up against a tank that waveclears at 800 range

reminder that no matter how bad you think league is other games have it worse

>8 shards away from a chainsaw axe

thats gross

PK Olaf just got a retexture. They wouldn't have spoiled it if that was the case.


>blood will spill

I feel there is a chance

Yeah I'm 100% staying away from toplane until Duskblade sees actual nerfs. MAYBE to try out Nu Urgot

Swain must go!

>tfw I've only gotten one gem on main
>random smurf got two from recent Vs. event orb
>plus another from first S chest
It's not fair.


Best ship.
Sg ezreal then. It's been how many months already?

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

>OTP on team has sub 54% winrate on their main
>ban their champ
>free dodge

If you're a OTP and has dogshit stats with your main you should honestly kill yourself. You're pathetic.




Not even gonna take that long. the nerfs for 1.15 are pretty harsh and will curb it immediately.

We are going to be fucking neck deep in a tank meta though so that's fun.

where is my new vel koz skin

thats paragon user

Literally just play tanks for free wins
Holy shit you fucking whiners

now you ruined the meme

Yeah, I know. Just always look at Hots whenever things feel rough over here.


>Playing tanks

Genuinely would rather watch paint dry desu famalam

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Is new eve going to be AD or AP? It seems like Riot is really pushing all assassin related things into AD territory, and eve already had hybrid scalings to begin with

What champion pisses you off the most?

> omg x is overpowered
> well try y
> y? Lmao loser that's so boring

That's Paragon right? I've been enjoying that game a lot. I like Dekker the most, she's kind of like Nami. I've been learning with bots recently and it seems like a good game.

>like Kalista a lot
>she's perpetually either too good or too bad
feels bad man

Swain did nothing wrong


Stay away from my non-magical sister you vagrant scum warlock, lest you find twelve inches of Demacian justice rending your asshole.

this webm and meme make me so, so happy

ban kled every game

>yes pick a tank carry adn buy armor on your adc yes yesss

its shit and about to get shittier. every support besides phase is trash compared to her and half the roster is nigh unplayable, not to mention the counterpart to nasus (sevarog) has the stupidest playerbase ive ever seen. god forbid you use your abilities to get stacks you retards

>Announce Pentakill release
>Instead of doing what makes perfect sense and releasing it in tandem with a Morde rework choose to rework a champ that by all accounts is perfectly fucking fine.
God damn Riot can eat a dick

If you are an adcuck you can just pick mf or jhin or whatever and abuse duskblade yourself
you people will whine about anything

>tfw I used that map all the time
>tfw for some reason it started bugging out and had to uninstall it


"internal data shows the most likely role you are to carry rom if you are the highest mmr on your team is: top, mid, jungle, adc, support"

There, you have heard it. Jungle is and never was the most op role to carry from, especially not in season 7. Only in pro play and even then it ties with mid.

Fucking retards and their "cant win gaem jgl nver gank xDD"

post memes

Started this game eariler this year from dota but now i'm being paired with plat players and the game feels pretty shitty, everyone is rude and everyone acts like they are amazing but it's not much difference than gold other than everyone fucking flames so much. does it get better?

They are making her AP. Riot is removing hybrid scaling slowly (Kayle is next) so they can better balance items.

My guess is that Eve's attack speed buff and on-hit will be removed in favor of spell-based burst and one enhanced auto attack.

>play attack damage carry
>be not able to carry
Only in league of legends

>its shit and about to get shittier.
>half the roster is nigh unplayable
i took a break from league some time ago and playing other online games has actually made me appreciate riot's balance
there is nothing out there


It does.

in high diamond

0 decides my main
9 decides my pocked main.

>my special snowflake champ will lose his warlock vibe and bird form


Cool, but you got it wrong. He says "mid is number one."


Well, sort of, yeah. I've been buying Tabis as my boots on adc, and I've been getting a pretty early GA as well, usually like after 1 ad item and boots. These give you a pretty nice chunk of armor while still being a relatively "normal" adc build. Plus the passive on GA is nice against duckblade since they use their passive on your first life.

It's also not like duskblade, youmuu's, and last whisper aren't good on most adc's either.

To tackle it from another angle, I've been playing a lot of sejuani and she seems to do well in this meta. A lot of the lethality items have a flat or scaling armor reduction, not a % armor reduction, so when you have like 4 armor items and a ton of hp it seems to be effective against the flat/scaling armor ignoring of lethality.

I see. I don't actually know much about the game or the meta, I've just been picking characters I think look cool and learning.

Dekker a cute!

But if they make her ap how will i abuse all this cool assassin shit on her

I love my wife, Riven, SO MUCH!!!!

>Comparing Swain to Trump
>When Swain is a successful Politician who doesn't hide his balding and doesn't marry dumb sluts who ditch him if he fucking blows his dough on coke
>Also Swain doesn't need his deceased Daddy's and Onii-chan's inheritance to bail him out of having a 0$ bank account

Swain is a gift to Noxus.

>on the losing team
>2 free infernals for the enemy team
>automatically lose

infernal added NOTHING to the game, give me at least the HOPE that I could carry 4 feeders if I stick it out
>hurrr its just 2000g of stats per person bro just outplay it


xth for breast metal waifu

They are new pentakill skins. A rioter let it slip on REDDIT that the female voice in the video is not sona's but a different female champ

How the fuck is this even bait? Go back to /v/ and cry faggot.

i just realized infernal drakes increase the AD Darius gets from his passive

just grab the dragon before they can bro
just hope the game spawns any dragon other than infernal bro

Why aren't people playing Diana more? Her ap ratios are completely out of control, her q provides great poke both when in lane and when seiging, her r+e provides so much cc in teamfights, her shields are huge, and she can go completely tanky and still shit out massive amounts of damage.

So, this might be a bit of a stretch, but what if the first voice in the new Pentakill teaser is the upcoming Freljordian vanguard?

>I've played this fucking game long enough to have thousands of games and I am only now getting gold

I actually was comparing him to Assad you dumb asshole
D minus on /pol/ memes, come see me after the new shoah, Shlomo.

That would be an extremely interesting way of doing it, its not too far fetched.

Why do I feel Illaoi wlll be part of new Penta kill?

Ezfag thinking Ezreal is in a relationship with someone he's never even talked with before.

hey Rivenfag
want to write me some gurosmut

sorry I got here late

so SKT have lost 9 games in a row?

Only true americans main garen

She is god fucking awful in a tank meta and as a jungler she provides next to zero presence until 6.

You're better off either picking actual assassins or a meta control mage

>have to abuse stoneplate cho to get gold
lmaoing at your life

Because Diana sucks dick

>hit diamond last season for the first time despite playing since season two
>they keep the shitty pearly border despite changing it every season prior
>hardstuck plat 4 this season in all queues but 3s
this game isnt worth it

I do admire is dedication to his autism.

why arent u playing gnar and collecting free LP Veeky Forums?

51 of my games are Skarner though. Only 8 of them are Cho.

In lane Diana pushes the lane due to her passive and she has no escape. There are champions that push just as hard as she does but have a safety net against ganks. Good junglers camp the Diana lane and make her useless until 30 minutes. She's great late game, and scales incredibly well with items due to becoming tanky and doing a ton of damage. Her only safe role to get to late game is jungle. Her ganks aren't good before she gets her gap-closer at 6 and this jungle meta is all about early game ganks.

Why play Diana when you can play a meta champion and put in half the effort for the same effect? She's fun with items, but she feels bad without 3 items.

time to play some sivir