Cassie Edition
>Patch 2.02
/tswlg/ The Secret World General
Other urls found in this thread:
cassie a whore
>tank as always
>check the dps gear of others in dungeons
>nothing special
>but then
>full mythic 2/1 pip + anima touched AR of warding
>he's barely doing 30% more dps than i do
>cry inside
>other dungeon
>big mouth retard who dies every 2 bosses
>blame me
>"you are dead because you didn't get out of the fire"
>keep on being a whiny cunt
>about to hit eblis, he died on ICB (must have something against not getting killed in the fire)
>check gear
>pic related
I don't even know how much cash this represent but it must be scary. Like Train simulator DLC scary.
posting the whore
When there is superior templar cuties
when's the issue where you bend cassie over
To be fair, if you're not running swole from SSD, it has this habit of starting to cache shit just when boss is about to throw his AoE instakill bullshit. You look like a retard incapable of stepping out of a big white circle but it's actually the shitty unoptimized win32 client that killed you.
speaking of Cassie, does she ever show up again?
haha nope
yeah i figured. she gets mentioned in an investigation mission on a terminal but it wasn't very enlightening. her last known location is Scotland, apparently.
Get some taste plebs!
Callie is pretty cute.
You mean pretty hot
I wonder what happened to her. She ran off with Excalibur, right?
I fucking hate the retreat option.
don't dead, thread
But the kid already got pics of her nude using his toys. Unless she's grinding that teddy, why bother
You know, the 'new' game is called Secret World Legends, not TSW.
With doing my dailies on 2 chars each day after work I don't have time to continue my story mission in Farmlands :(
I think it's pretty obvious at this point that they're gonna release weapon moulds, only purchasable with aurum.
How can I Blood/Elem without being bad? I'm about to hit transylania and I would like to be able to manage it. Currently running Reap/Maleficium/Dread Sigil/Sanguine with Mend as my basic. Ele dump is Mjolnir. Dunno if it's optimal or not. Using and Eldritch Tome, so maybe put scourge instead of sanguine?
you mean like in TSW where the best skins were drops?
what are the viable tank weapon combos
using hammer/shotgun rn but i kinda want to try something else with hammer, not really liking the energy dumps in shotgun
Isn't chaos good for tank?
People have speculated for years that she'll be a major character of the continuing plot after the events of Tokyo.
Nabbing Excalibur is a pretty big deal. 3rd age artefacts are immensely valuable and usually very powerful, but even among those Excalibur seems to be in a league of its own.
Being 3rd age anima tech, and a very powerful device at that, it seems to wreck the filth, and is possibly even a way into repairing/renewing the malfunctioning/aging Gaia Engines.
The hell is she gonna do with it? Use it as a fucking dildo? I thought the Illuminati tracked her?
These retards skipped playing the game, so they don't know how to do anything properly.
I hate these fucking vampires, holy shit. They're like fucking ninjas.
but they are
I use the same weapons for dungeon dps. Maleficium, (the DoT that makes you not take self damage for 6s), Scourge (elite), Reap and Mjolnir from ele. Use the passives for each ability + DoT on crit. Use Maleficium when there's a DoT on target and rotate your DoT so you apply next one after previous runs out. Use Reap last at max corruption. Mjolnir as filler.
Cool, so I was close enough to how I thought it would work out. Thanks.
Oh right, dont use the passive for that skill I dont remember the name for. Also if you need an interrupt swap it with reap and slot its passive
If you played during OG TSW days you'd know the basic melee vampire would knock you down for half an year, if fighting a group each vampire did the knockdown after your current one ended.
>slot contortionist and sleight of hand
>haha fuk u vampires
>next group and get stunned anyway because cooldowns are so long
Fuck vampires
Desecrate? What about your basic? I've been using Mend but it isn't really helping out much.
Yeah Desecrate. And the interrupt is the ability with a heart in its icon.
For basic I just use the damage one, hardly ever need it though.
If we do end up going to Cogo she might appears since she seemed to have a grudge against the Morninglight.
Ive seen people walking around with an AK-47 and using it in combat but all the guns in the pdf and available on the auction house don't look anything like it, the closest would be the shitty toy looking KSR, so what weapon is it and how do i get it?
Ive also seen people using some luger pistols.
The ARG Revenant gun is an AK, IIRC.
i still have that item thingy for a free blue talisman fusion. which blue talisman should I evolve first? the head piece looks like it has better stats.
Head's the best.
Don't waste the free catalyst for upgrading from green to blue, if that's what you meant. Use it when your head's ready to go purple.
m8 you can only use it to fuse lvl 25 blue up to purple.
what is that and how do i get one?
Fair enough, I've not looked into the catalysts at all because I have no desire to pay money for them, just used the freebie.
what the fuck does "bb" mean in the context of finishing a dungeon and saying "thanks all for group"?
Bye bye
ive only ever encountered this as a sleazy way of saying baby but i figured it didn't fit in that context because why would some one hit on you after a dungeon out side of TOR
>those vampires who did a five second stun and a 50% heal each
what is this game, worth playing?
I've unlocked Blood, Ele and Chaos. I main Blood and side Ele. I've unlocked all active abilities from all 3 weapons and I'm nearing max AP again. Do I get capstones or unlock a new weapon? If I unlock a weapon it would be shotgun, hammer or fist. Which should I get? Eventually when I start tanking with Chaos I will need a secondary, but Hammer and Shotgun dungeon weapons have meh passives. How good is fist's "2 fury every second" dungeon weapon? Also which of these 3 would be fun for dps?
Pls help
Yes. Don't expect too much and enjoy the story and ambiance.
Doesn't the first rank in a given capstone give you a costume?
That said, capstones look pretty minor on the whole.
Think of the lewd possibilities.
Just rolled my char, how do these differently "pipped" weapons work?
for talismans (and glyphs i think), more pips=more stats, i think it's supposed to be 10% (with 3 pips being 100%, 2 pips being 90%, 1 pip being 80%). for weapons, more pips=stronger weapon effect, like energy goes from 11% chance to restore energy when you use a power attack to 33% at pip 3.
>put a hit glyph on a weapon instead of a talisman
why. at least they're removeable i guess.
thanks user
You going to be online today or not you piece of shit, we got scenarios to do and dungeons to farm.
no problem. some advice: don't worry about pips too much at the beginning, level what you have. with the way the fusion system works, you can use your shitty 1 pip starter gear to make better 2/3 pip gear when you go up to blue or purple.
Green items can be 1 pip. Blue items ideally should be 2 pips. Purple ones should be ideally 3 pips.
Best girl.
Hey, I remember playing this awhile back. I don't think it was very populated then. Has anything changed?
it relaunched with changed gameplay mechanics so people are playing it again. steam launch is in ten days.
Nice! I'll give it another go.
I was reading a Secret-world/Mass effect fic a few days ago so I'm in the mood for it.
>Secret-world/Mass effect
What the fuck.
Was it good and well written? Share a name, plox.
Yeah sure!
It's alright, very lowkey oddly enough.
i only just finished the story of TSW for the first time yesterday because i was too casual for Transylvania before. Carpathian Fangs was kind of a letdown. why are there so few quests?
How long is it? Does it end properly?
It's not finished I don't think, I seem to remember it getting updated fairly frequently
Got a new computer, downloaded the game in a few sec, but as soon as i launch the game to patch it and play it crash right away. Anyone got an idea on what may be wrong? I haven't encountered anything of the sort on my old one.
thats like 50% of the endgame experience right there
>Carpathian Fangs was kind of a letdown
Dream to Kill is now officially part of the main story, like it was always meant to be. That alone rectifies a lot, even if the zone doesn't feel as good as the others
I hear it's the dx11 client, but if you have a new machine it shouldn't be a problem.
I haven't crashed even once during this relaunch. Old TSW did crash on me, on dx9, but only in Tokyo.
I don't know what the fuck the problem is, but I'm apparently in the lucky minority.
did they delete the quest where you find these pictures? I know they moved the RC plane so it's no longer in the hippie camp
The plane still exists, it's around the junkyard somewhere
I know where it is, it just has pictures of the Orochi base now though.
yeah it finished strong because of that quest line at least. i think i was mostly upset about the lack of missions. the lack of side missions made the zone feel empty. i guess the lack of NPCs did that, too, though i get why there weren't any.
what happened to the Smiths, anyway?
did Emma kill them?
Cassie's pictures are hidden inside one of Danny's tents.
So this means that the games doing good and that we might actually get Congo right ??
I mean ever since i got passed egypt and into the sun gods city the general chat has been dead, even through Transylvania.
i had the same experience, though i actually DID see players pretty often in City of the Sun God and Transylvania. they just didn't talk. i can only assume the chattier players are slower and haven't gotten that far or they quit in Egypt.
Shotgun, fist or hammer?
Tell me pros and cons
Wait, is there really no way to save loadouts?
If I want to switch from, say, tank to healer, I have to change my hotbar, my passives, AND my weapons every single time?
found this on Leddit:
>/gearmanager This will let you save, rename, delete and use a gear build. Syntax: /gearmanager (save name) | (delete name) | (rename oldname newname) | (use name) | list
The ARG, no chance to get one anymore. But basically you have ~20% chance to summon a revenenat that attacks your opponents for Z damage each shot.
pro: ranged attacks, even if it's short. having any sort of range at all is good. has a party wide buff (Opening Shot). it also has a party heal (16~26%) and a party cleanse. it's a good support weapon for those three reasons, but Raging Shot is pretty good on its own if you just want DPS, though it's passive only works at short range.
con: healing ammo comes up way too often and it sucks. as it's a tanking weapon, that means (if you plan to DPS) you can't use pretty much any skill on the third line in group stuff unless you're tanking. it's a ranged weapon, but it has a shorter range than other ranged weapons.
pro: pretty strong. DOTs. one specific weapon (Sov-Tech Wrath Enhancers) provides a party-wide damage buff of 8% every time you use Frenzied Wrath.
con: melee. healing weapon, so the third line is all healing skills. has an ability tax to use it's wrath Gimmick (gotta have Frenzied Wrath or Invigorating Wrath on your bar). doesn't have any hinders on its own unless you use the passive for Berserk, which is an elite.
pro: demolish is really strong. it's a good offhand weapon just for demolish.
con: melee. third line is all tanking skills.
i use fist/shotgun so i know more about those.
If the patcher itsekf crashes, you might try looking for dxwebsetup.exe or smthg bamed similar to that in the game folder and run that, then try again.
when you give funcom money
How often can you use Frenzied Wrath, can you keep that party buff up for 100% of time? Or is the "2 fury per second" weapon better?
>tank gear
>anima touched legendary
>hit rating
Good goy. I mean god.
Alacrity is unironically useful in a lot of cases, and it's not like tanks don't need hit rating.
dunno why the fuck he's using anima touched though
the buff only lasts 3 seconds so it's not possible to keep it up 100% of the time. as DPS you'll be using Frenzied Wrath a lot, though. you need at least 60 fury to use it, Mangle (ST 5 energy consumer you'll be using most of the time) gives 4 fury, Thrash (fist basic) gives 2 fury.
i'm not really sure which would be better. 8% for three seconds 2 or 3 times a minute doesn't seem like that much but someone smarter than me has probably mathed it out on reddit somewhere.
the only problem with having hit rating on a weapon is that the hit glyph only works when you're using that weapon, so it won't work with your offhand. it's better to use it on a talisman, from what i understand.
whenever i look at anyone doing elites they always have about 3 or four oranges.I've been playing since the game came out a week or two ago and im sitting on base purples and 2 blue.
Am i missing some massive farming trick or what ?
this one simple trick called autism
W H A L E S .
They're paying the merchant so that he keeps the servers on.
So 2 fury per second is better?
Also is this a good weapon for tanking?
>Sov-Tech Demolisher: You are more likely to have Depleted Uranium Shells show up as an option when reloading, but less likely to have Anima-Infused Shells show up as an option when reloading.