/ovg/ - weeb machine edition

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I like how the road cars in PC2 have odometers that actually tick up with the distance you drive.

gfin stop making new threads the old op is here to stay

/ogc/ thread

>"rally" event
>only 3 entries have co-drivers

rally is shit and will never not be shit.

They finally caught up to San Francisco Rush 2049.

as long as people keep thinking rally is just sliding 300bhp cars around gravel hairpins or circlejerking to group b memecars

Next week I'll prove that to be factually incorrect

Name a better game





Buy Raceroom GT3


Ranek stop shitposting and get back to work




I still can't figure out how.

>ever being anything useful


Test some cars, find one you like and buy it with steam bux its pretty simple whats the issue

>buying games before all the DLC is out
it's like you enjoy getting jew'd

>The Premium Pack contains ALL of the content currently available, and will unlock more than 100 cars and 25+ tracks for endless hours of driving pleasure. With one single purchase you will get everything the game has to offer at this particular moment.


i have just finished the iracing game single player career mode and i must say it pales in comparison to other racing simulators, such as Project CARS 2™, for example

just my 2c

>at this particular moment

Honestly the best R3E feature is that they constantly remind you how retarded you were for buying the game, with each new update being effectively given for free to new players. It's like how iRacing always has these amazing deals for new subscribers but practically nothing if you are already in.

you got to have more fun than the new guy

do you just want to collect content or have fun?