Frost players edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.1.0)
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Every time I read a thread about Excal Prime, people are spouting left and right about the legality of (not) releasing him again. Is there really a "legal contract" or is this bullshit?
They're onto my Jewish schemes guys.
Are there any video guides on how to mod and play frames? This pastebin shit is too boring.
fix it please DE :^)
Post raid stories pls
Mag is powered up! U P !
I'm scared.
Finally finished the fucking HEMA in a twomanclan
There is no way this gun is worth five thousand mutagen.
Valkyr is a good kitty.
reminder there is an /aco/ thread up since we went months without one trying to deal with a sperg.
the only surviving member of a twenty person clan with only building and rank permissions here:
I've gotten it about 50% done.
it has been months.
I kind of want to make it just to say that I did but also I don't care enough to farm mutagen.
I want to put that kitty in a mating press
So Im sure these types of questions are asked alot here but I just got into the game again and I wanna play something other than default sword man. After looking through everything nyx seems to be what I want. Should I shell out the 18 canada dollars to buy her right now so I dont have to wait to get to that far away planet to farm it out? or is there an easier way to farm it because that seems like a late game place
What does one do... when the first melee riven I got that required me to solo a level 30 defense alone without letting the pod take damage... turns into THIS
Look at that big fat pussy
Nothing legal, all PR.
Yeah, go to AGuyGayPlays, I'm sure it's more up your speed.
Nyx drops from Phorid, a boss that shows up at random in planets. Don't waste canadabux just for a single base frame.
i wish all you /d/ rejects would stop shitting up /aco/. japmoot should just quarantine you degenerates so i can enjoy normal western cartoon porn in peace.
Holy fuck no, don't spend real money on any normal frame. Don't spend real money on anything.
Easy CL augment, I actually use the Sheev for CL antics so I'd love one.
gonna have to try a little harder than that if you want this (You)
Hey guys. Any requests for PoE?
And no, I'm not going to go fuck myself
they're free. have one.
sheev 2
still thats random and if I understand it correctly even if I had all the parts to make it right now I would have wait like 4 days or so for it to all be crafted right?
Whats the deal with normal frames? does Nyx have a special variant? are the abilities different? I have a blueprint for valkyr prime but I figured that would take forever to get the rest of the pieces for. I dont wanna grind on this one character that I dont really like that much.
ban phoneposters
New Open World Sniper Rifle where you have to lay on your belly.
Imagine the butt pics from Ivara, Mirage and Ember
On shot the butts wiggle
What the hell, I came back to the game after like 2 years and just did the second dream quest. I always thought Tennos were some sort of intangible beings, like light beams or something, not actual genderless looking twinks. At least I got to see Lotus thicc ass.
thats kind if impressive.
>DE is the only company to care about optimization for potato power puters
I want this
>. I always thought Tennos were some sort of intangible beings, like light beams or something, not actual genderless looking twinks.
They kind of still are.
>I always thought Tennos were some sort of intangible beings
That shit is boring
That was one of many theories, yes, but the magic children concept was actually hinted at before too, with Ember Prime and Rhino Prime's codex entries.
Them being fucbois is even more boring
Maybe half the frames have Prime variants that are generally straight upgrades (and new ones are released every few months, the next being Hydroid Prime). Abilities are the same, but they have upgraded stats and usually additional default polarities making fitting mods easier. They can either be farmed via the Relic system or purchased as parts from other players. The normal versions of Primed frames are stopgaps and fodder for Mastery Rank (aka, xp) at best. You do need to build and rank up as many things as possible to progress, but you'll dump the vanilla versions of frames basically forever once you inevitably acquire their Prime.
Are there any decent videos about Warframe lore out there?
giant animu scythe
Meant for
>Loki Deluxe butt jiggle after shooting for 2 million crit with Snipetron Prime
ugggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hnggg
StallorD's videos are pretty good
>normal frames
its basically just trial suits, get one to mastery 30 and scrap
I won't even judge, everyone deserves this.
am i done? am i dont? can i stop? can i fucking stop now? please tell me i can stop
Like what? Something new to record or something to add? For what to see, I want to see a nova use her 3 to somewhere to see how the game handles loading. What I would want added is, since it's a big open space, either new really big pets (like some kind of alien gorilla) or friendly airships that follow you.
fuck you
Prone is not going to happen, sadly nor is butt jiggle
Yeah, It's the WoW mentality. Universal usability is a big thing.
Nothing planned
Snipetron is (technically) Corpus, hence the Vandal variant. It'd have to be..... Rubico Prime.
>not 3 positives with 1 negligible negative
what about releasing it before 2018?
>fuck you
Turn your phone 90 degrees you weenie
pls no. im not rolling it again, fuck this im done id rather dissolve it for endo
>Nothing planned
then can we just get the kaszas, properly at HUGE scale, on foot? archweapons in general, it sleeks into happening once in a while anyway
How can I increase my operator's boob size
>Prone is not going to happen, sadly nor is butt jiggle
You come off as a faggot, stop being a faggot
We will get a Sniper Class Warframe soon enough
>I want to be an even bigger pedophile
Operaters were a mistake.
A Bow isn't a Sniper Rifle. I'm talking Sniper Wolf and that old Sniper smut from Overwatch type of Sniper. You know, big ass fucking Sniper Gun appearing out of nowhere ULT type of Warframe.
It would be niche as hell in Warframe's normally close quarters. Much like sniper rifles in general now.
r8 my qt
The entire game is niche but whatever.
Just use it as a sidegrade if you want. That's all most lowest disposition rivens are good for anyway
so is , im the one that suggested waiting for zen to charge up since the scrublord had energy issues without being able to use pancakes. I dont even know which autist is but he seems desperate for a win or validation of some kind
i dont want to use it ;__; stupid weapon. ill never put down prova, i just need plat for clan giveaways
It'd be a frame designed for open world then
>Love the Cerata
>waited months for it's release
>Ask constantly in the devstream when its going to come out
>Finally came out on halloween my favorite holiday
>Been using it ever since , even though it's completely ignored by everybody
>Save Kuva for months
>Melee Riven comes out
>Finally can make my baby even better
>Think I'm going to have an easy time getting the riven considering no one uses it
>People want at least 400p for even the shitty ones
>Can't even find anyone selling it
fucking bullshit.
Damn right I'm mad
ill keep an eye out, user. rivens need to go to good homes and will always prefer them over plat gouging
does Karyst happen to be a favorite of anyone here?
It's all good then because some tormented soul is bound to buy it from you for good plat I suppose.
I actually like the Karyst. But after this bullshit I think I'm done with rivens. Don't even get me started on sorties. Literally Structures,Lens and sometimes Endo. Never gotten a shotgun or melee riven mod.
I was enjoying the game before this bullshit.
better than anything that hack grineer artist makes :3
true gravity frame when
Are you feeling it?
>bigger tits
>bigger pedophile
you what? I love my space loli and I certainly wouldn't want her chest to get any bigger
maybe operators will get it
idk, some are so terrible regardless of their disposition (i mean the weapons themselves are unsalvagable) that i ended up dissolving 10 rivens just to make room
thats silly of you, farmed at least over 800k kuva for shit i basically never use, and now i use a cc/cd/-zoom opticor riven i rolled on unveiling it, firestorm makes it a somewhat acceptable AOE weapon, but you have to aim at the backmost target because the detonation of the AOE occurs like a full meter away from what u hit
OK Chroma?
This frame is fucking retarded. How am I doing 4 million damage a hit with vex armor and a fucking quanta. I guess two shotting juggies is fun but jesus christ.
if you show me your Karyst stats, i'll sell you an unrolled one for _40p
I know right? Fucking ridiculous amounts of damage, maybe DE should do something about it............
Chroma player should start using his 1 and 4 more ........
oppa loli is a thing but at this point you are in the right since any signs of sexual maturity does mean they are not kids anymore.
yeah that's pretty much perfect
I appreciate the offer user, but I don't use the Kayrst as nearly as much as I do my Cerata so I wouldn't want to waste a riven on it. I'm only like 5.6k kills while almost 20k with my Cerata
And frankly I'm giving myself a week to get the Riven befor eI swear off this Riven Boogaloo bullshit.
It's like a jawbreaker
Sell it for nothing less than 1,300 plat
oppai loli is gross, but perfectly normal and sexually mature pettanko women are fine too - the taters have just enough development/differentiation going on to be at that threshold for ephebobait
>in captura trying to find which warframe has the best idle poses for an 80s action hero picture
>turns out it's fucking noble ember
>girls can begin menstrating at 9
>it's okay guys she's an adult lol.
i will keep this in mind, thank you
You look like an epileptic clown was painted by a blind autistic
I like it
meant to add , in your case its "spastic" so i guess them being locked in that same age for that long could give them rapid aging during some parts of their growth cycle.
void magic
>>>>>girls can begin menstrating at 9
im sure it isn't the drugs we feed everyone. SURELY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
why can't I get heykiddo to visit me again
Forgot my pic
Decided to post it anyway
would you have sex with a 12 year old because that's the average
White/Asian people and their lolis is like niggas to lemonpepper chicken
Nidus is /badass/