ISIS dev among us edition
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
ISIS dev among us edition
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Daily reminder that we are getting cavalry archer lyn and spear lucina.
Kill yourself Tharjafag.
good night /feg/ I'm rank 7k something now and I just spent all my stamina, good night and hope you all rank well
I... I don't understand. Is Berkut some kind of joke? They give him god tier artwork and VA but his stats are completely worthless. They didn't even give him his personal weapon. I couldn't think of a more worthless weapon effect if I tried.
I don't even know what to spend my feathers on. Why do they do this?
Also Brave Breath Roy
Tharja is shit you dumb nigger
Oujay is going to be a free man soon, say something nice to him.
>I couldn't think of a more worthless weapon effect if I tried
Filling Sonya's asshole with cum
Fuck this loser
>They didn't even give him his personal weapon.
What personal weapon? The magical demon spear that he gets after he goes insane? The one that doesn't technically exist or belong to him?
Yeah, think before you speak retard.
>the crit pose Enchantress has
I need to find out if there's a way I can make everyone into the DLC classes but keep their base stats low as fuck. That might make for a fun run.
Nah, I'll bench her though
Takumi's weapon effect.
>Noodlearm archer with cav BST for 0x4 strats
>Lance unit that isn't Camus or Azura
Yeah I'm really excited
Kys spic
I want to be intimately locked with Nailah by her knot for hours.
>tfw camuschads get to sit back and watch as berkutfags fight over whether their shit unit deserved to be less shit or not
Damn, my best friend looks like THAT?
Ok, drill.
But it's a weapon that he actually had. Berkut's lance is something they just pulled out of their ass. At least Clarisse's bow and Legion's axe were real weapons from their game
Why is that thot bullying Oujay?
Asking my best friend to cuddle under a blanket with me, then groping her all over!
>Dropped 80 ranks in the span of checking 5 minutes
>There are still 20 more of these "5" minute intervals.
>You can easily drop 1.6k rank
>Comfy people noticing the drop in rank will try to push back and rank up
>Soon, this autistic fight for feathers will accelerate the rate rank drops
>Actually can result in dropping 2-3k in ranks if this keeps up
She's great for the arena.
She has the 5th highest BST of all blue units, only losing to Donnel, Nowi, Effie, and Gwendolyn
Back to Gaia with you
>implying I'm into butt stuff
>mfw I defeated bercute infernal because my Nino is +HP and tanked a hit from the red tome cav.
Fuck off Rafiel
It's like saying Takumi should have gotten Skadi, it was never his prf weapon. It was weird how everyone just assumed he would get it.
>Berkut's lance is something they just pulled out of their ass.
For the majority of his battles Berkut had an Angel Ring equipped, so he used a nameless, generic lance. It was literally just his lance.
Stop posting my loser wife
I really need a better axe unit. Who turns gold?
I mentioned yesterday that the second time you fight him he has a Coral Ring equipped which gives him Res+4, so that's probably why they made his lance like that.
By this 5, Bartre will be your 5*.
Michalis forever
When is that user going to deliver on this smut.
fucking newfags
>Angel Ring
Berkut's Lance should've have Renewal instead then.
Michalis. He has been great for me.
On the process of getting my Bridal Caeda useful. +spd w/ 1 merge (41 spd), just needs to inherit Blarblade+ and Fury 3.
Wondering if she'll be better than Reinhardt or Nino for arena. Her lower atk is negligible when going for blade tome.
Check my 5 and you 5* Barst
That's so clever I almost doubt IS thought of that, but they've been pretty good at keeping all that straight in Heroes so far, surprisingly.
That would've been much better, but apparently it might've been a Coral Ring all along.
Someone help? What should I put as a B skill for Olwen? For some reason I have pass on her. I don't even use it
Why does she do stupid things like Corrin?
This month I got easily 60k from arena, HM and rewards and today I'm going to get another 10k. I don't know what to do now
I want my cock beaten and stepped on by tanith
>26k from Tempest Trials
I think I'm safe :^)
>mfw I wasted most of that upgrading fodder to 4*
ye some faggot in the last thread said it was impossible
there he is
I like Hana
Stop posting lewd pics of my wife please
We know, Oscar
>mfw they do their first real balance patch and change Siegfried and Gradivus' DC into something else
>20 compensation orbs
atleast they were free
>20 compensation orbs
Fuck that. Make it 20k feathers for each copy of Xander/Camus given out.
Alright someone get this straight for me,
Cancel Affinity only works to reverse Triangle Adept right? Or does it also reverse natural WTA?
Does Selena have a fanbase?
what did you do, user
Only triangle adept
some kind of breaker ability. lancebreaker is rein's favorite, but you can go with any breaker ability
How many compensation Orbs do we get when they nerf Memeblades?
lb and replace that a skill with life n death
Yeah, Siegfried now has Defiant Defense 2 and Gradivus' has Renewal 2 instead. And let's not forget about Ike also having Defiant Defense 2 and Ryoma having Defiant Attack 2. (^:
start a family
Ike and Ryoma aren't free so they're fine.
At about 5k a week, that's 20k a month for that.
A non-renewable resource. Once you've maxed out all HM, you get no more feathers except from new units.
>position 74
Didn't use a single bonus unit either.
I think there are more people who dislike her than like her but believe it or not she has her fans
>tfw the red cav ignored my Nino that he could have one shotted and instead went after bride Lyn, allowing me to kill him on the next turn
Whose the final boss of your own fe game and whats their music /feg/?
Give my feathers now!
Why are you spergs surprised they gave us xander and camus with DC ?
I just want the Xander GHB to run again.
I rerolled during Hero Fest banner, and was not able to get Xander.
it's just retards who spent their feathers on memes and now they can't build a cav team so they are salty
What would Sakura chan reaction be when i show her my LOVE
Not likely, since blades are already rated pretty low on the arena.
With Clarisse? Gladly.
Wrong side flip over
final boss for me is the rope
Final boss would be me and my deadly katanas while His World is playing.
Tough luck then
he is not coming back any time soon
I want to FUCK Saber!!
Vaginal intercourse for the purpose of procreation with Clarisse!
>he is not coming back any time soon
Well shit, at least I got myself a Ryoma and an Ike when I rerolled during Hero Fest.
Fuck off Kelik
You absolute fucker.
Because look at what it's caused.
>literally everyone owns and runs a Xander/Camus/Cecilia/Dancer meme team trivializing all content
>impossible to add another cavalry in a banner that can compete with them without severe power creep
>terrified of giving GHB units good weapons anymore so now we get Character's Weapon+ instead
I'm scared for what they'll do to the villains I've been waiting for. There's almost no way Alondite or Gurgurant will have DC on them now.
I want to Shield Pulse inside Saber!