Bully Lulu by taking the only thing to bring her joy in this life from her, her veigar bodypillow -edition
Bully Lulu by taking the only thing to bring her joy in this life from her, her veigar bodypillow -edition
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Stay positive!
This is the biggest bust in league of legends!
Say something nice to it!
>talon ends game 3/18
literally how do you die almost 20 times as THE most mobile assassin
I don't understand
I want to pump this Ionian full of cum.
Breasts don't talk you fucking autist
Advice lads?
my tip is dont play adc untill they fix duskblade
my eyes have been opened to the truth
miss fortune is the most fun adc in league of legend
Just an average Silver game.
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
>enemy team picks all ad into a trundle
>procede to shove meaty troll dick down their throat
finished plat5 promos and got mastery 5 on the trundle in one go. feels good lads
>absolutely shit on every lane, gank, countergank and counter jungle PERFECTLY
>get every single objective in the game
>only death is trying to 1v3 at their nexus while super minions end the game
>get no honor
made me think
It's not possible when every game seems like you're getting worse and worse as an individual player who can't get any confidence in himself.
I feel like climbing for me has just gone downhill.
Duskblade has ruined ADC.
we need about 300% more boob posting than last thread
what is the point of this picture? why is she bending over seductively and calling the viewer a perv for looking?
There's a followup.
Very important poll - \m/ edition
okay! here is some delicious fish boobs!
lulu at your service
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Well, look who it is. My beautiful and perfect wife, Riven!
>Darkness Dragon Wizard
townbike ribbon lmaoo
>the more I climb the more the game looks like shit
why this
>Riven portrayed as a happy and carefree animu girl
>in reality she's a fucking mess struggling with not only her own identity but her nations as well
You can't hide her pain forever, user.
I have realized that it's usually the top laners building Duskblade that hurts the most.
Like I can handle Zed or Talon, even Quinn, because they can die in two-three well done crits, but Garen or Rek'Sai just ruin my day.
unblock me (luluabuser) or youre a racist and lulu will hate you forever
posting best fox.
Have you spent some time with your waifu today user? Have you told her that you love her, and that she means the world to you?
Congratulations to Riot for making Duskblade once again just busted.
how do you carry a horses baby?
Try Jhin and Varus if you like supportish adc.
Well, apart from that there is nothing else I can tell you, without a vod.
My suggestion is to look up that discord channel for free coaching if you really want and give them a replay of yours.
What about a waifu with 300% more boob than normal waifus?
Do you really want me to answer that?
Is Skarner viable now or is my scorpion friend dead forever?
>had shittiest day at work in months
>find out chester bennington killed himself
>lost 3 ranked games in a row
This night can't get any worse, bros.
He's been bullshit OP for ages now.
>my team
>1 unranked and 1 guy with 11 games and 0% winrate
fuck riot and fuck the matchmaking
is ARAM more efficient in terms of IP farming?
well you're just as bad as they are since from the looks of things you have a sub 50% winrate across at least 100 games in bronze
no, someone with 100-300 games is not as bad an unranked guy and one guy with 11 games and 0% winrate, you are literally retarded, im so sorry for you and your family
Veigar will save her from your abuse and they will have a long night of cuddling!
but they do listen!
not really when you factor in having to play ARAM.
>whining about work
>caring about irrelevant celebs
>crying about a few losses
underage pls go
fuck you
It's just how the system works. He'll be in Bronze V shortly, looks like.
>100-300 games
Not gonna lie this is pretty awful.
>Hating on the second best tag
Impregnation always comes first.
I'm twenty, wouldn't surprise me if I was older than half of the people in this general.
u wanna play
comfy bfs~
>just how the system works
>unfair as fuck game
what the fuck r u talking about
>100-300 games
>not gonna lie this is pretty awful
absolutely irrelevant, focus on my point fucking retard
I mean, like, people fresh out of placements. They'll be thrown anywhere between Bronze and low Gold. Does it further shit up games? Probably. Should all accounts start in the depths of Bronze? Probably not.
play more
I've been trying to filter your posts. What am I doing wrong?
I am bored of NTR though, it's always the same thing over and over.
Corruption is the true logical conclusion to moral degradation stories.
>im 20
your normie levels are showing
Literally nobody here cares about your shitty "waaah work was bad today :(" or any other celebrity related trash.talk about Leeg and stop trying to use the forums as your personal blog fag.
you are just the worst kind of person you know that? your taste are just impeccably awful and only a level above vanilla
>morde top
Every single time I get this or face it they feed out their ass. Should I dodge?
>telling him you have a filter so he can bypass it just to piss you off
>tfw immune to NTR because at the end of the day I just want my waifu to be happy and I would amicably end the relationship and wish her truly the best in life if she found someone who makes her happier
Say hello to your new ranged juggernaut, lolg
Why do people who seek advise think anyone on here can help them just by seeing a match history?
>ending the relationship
there's ways to make it work out user.
Hello, I am very excited to play you. I understand Juggernaut is a class with very little high-level presence, but I don't play high level so I am thrilled to have you.
i want to be cucked by ahri
>getting a kill in lane thanks to my crit rune
I don't care if it's suboptimal, each of the two wins I got due to this bullshit felt as good as ten normal wins.
I suppose they want someone to tell them a build that will magically make them win.
That isn't how it works besides the most bare bone champs though.
Nah, I wouldn't complicate things. I would search for a woman who's tastes align with me better, and who I could make happy. I would stay friends with the others though.
retard the reason I use the term "comfy bfs" is so people CAN filter me with ease
I usually just filter specific images so I cant really help you, might need to use the comment filter with the arrows
Gbay is a crybaby cunt.
>Veigar traveling around Rune Terra trying to do evil
>Keeps on saving the day instead
>Everyone praise him for being a hero
>"But I AM evil!"
>Everyone laughs thinking it was a joke
>Veigar dies a little more inside
When will Veigar be the villain?
Literally Invader Zim
I don't think he ever will be, thats the point. He doesn't unintentionally save the day I don't think. I think most cases of his crimes have just been petty and poorly planned so they get foiled very fast.
if i was lucky i'd even be allowed to watch.
Not when he has a qt yordle following him around.
Did Veigar get new lore or something?
>it's the tank meta!
>it's the assassin meta!
>it's the adc meta!
tfw it's actually the mobility meta
Whatever helps you sleep at night friend.
>When you first pick lux then every champion they pick counters you some how
>play yorick
>use w
>doesn't matter because 90% of the champions can dash through it
>Needing to leave the W
Not that I know of. I am just remembering the time he tried to steal the mother ship in bandle city with balloons and Teemo popped them all.
No, that's why we're making our own. This fucker needs new fluff
And maybe a harem of evil bitches
they should give the inside of his w a ground, like singed w
I really wish I could. I just straight up can't because of what's happening to me in a few months.
>morde goes fucking 1/9
>feeding not only the jungle but also the mid lane even though I pinged every time mid was gone but the fuck head kept pushing anyways and getting caught out
>bot lane is feeding out of their fucking heads too
>our adc is leblanc with ignite
>our jungle doesn't even exist
>surrender vote
I swear I wish morde players would be insta-kicked the second they lock him in with a 15 minute dodge timer. I've seen him do well once in my 3-4 years of playing this fucking game.
maybe if someone were to abuse her he'd become really evil!
>got mastery 5 on the trundle
literally means less than nothing, congrats
>tfw champs are so mobile now that they can actually leave the map
what's happening to you in a few months?
>>in reality
It's a fictional world, holy shit, you fucking autist
That would be great actually.
>friend convinces me to play league with him
>he comes off like he knows everything and is highly skilled, we only play normals since "our MMR would be too different and you couldn't play with me lul xdd"
>place bronze3 in my solo placements
>"haha dont worry just keep practicing there is always next season"
>currently gold1 and climbing while friend is hardstuck in silver
really gets my noggin a-joggin
this game is so fucking easy its just pitiful, the most tedious part is that games only give 30lp which forces you to play 4 games per rankup instead of just 3 which fucks you over
on that note, is there a hard and fast rule for for when you skip ranks? I placed bronze4, then jumped to b2->b1->s5->s3->s1->g5->g3->g1
when does it stop, if ever?
yeah, someone like abusefag would immediatly explode by his primordial burst
AA + Q + AA
Twitch is still the king of ADC in current patch though. Take a support like blitz, thresh or even sion and proceed to rape the game.
>be support
>somehow manage to steal rift herald with an AA
>our trash can riven rift dances around it
>she walks mid and gets ulted by ori causing our team to throw a huge lead and me dying cause she used it beside me
>fucker ends 3/15
>our jungler almost had 30 kills and still couldn't carry this scumbag
every fucking time that buff drops some retard has to get it
Here's a thought: there is no such thing as a homeless woman. Have you ever seen a homeless woman? I don't think so. You may have seen plenty of homeless men, and even some homeless kids if you live in a shitty place, but a homeless woman? Think about it. Take the red pill. Riven could never exist because she would certainly find a place to live.
I've seen many homeless women