>Patch 4.05 Notes
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>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
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Previously on /xivg/: →
>Patch 4.05 Notes
>Live Letter Q&A
>Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
Previously on /xivg/: →
tfw no one to pet your lala during maintenance
I wish yda would have never removed the mask
Is it wrong to love Momodi?
>FC member needs a raise in Ruby Sea
> they say their position on map
>fly around for nearly 20 minutes looking for them
>turns out they're in a different instance I am
Why are regular areas instanced again?
no, everyone does
Because of shitty Ixion
Not even kidding
Please understand
good night xivg
>you'll never marry a cute melomaniac lizard
Why even live
since this thread is gonna get deleted anyway for not being the first one linked in the last thread, someone post husbando roulette
>He STILL browses this thread while the game is down for maintenance
You're wasting your own time, you belong in bed, not in front of your computer
Enjoy this premium hyper antique pet on the house.
Is there a balmung discord server?
Make the next one early into 700s, since Liora is going down into 720s
You're not allowed to post the roulette
I'm playing SS13.
can anyone join
jokes on you, i'm on my laptop
someone do it anyway
Daily reminder that DRK is now the undisputed king of tanks of FFXIV and all you other keks should get back in the kekshed where you belong
If you play WAR or PLD, dont you ever DARE reply to my post
Don't you fucking dare
we're gonna get this general banned from vg lol
post your favorite selfie and a secret
Honestly, whenever he does that, just make one earlier. He made this one at 723, so get the idea. Fuck that bimbo.
Was she futa?
who is best /xivg/ waifu?? past or present
no traps/trans
>that image
>your post
they're oppsoites/
I hate other potatoes, they're so fucking obnoxious
fuck off
t. butthurt drk
>first job is GLA/PLD
>have no idea what I'm doing for 90% of dungeons/primals
>coast through almost completely unscathed save for one or two wipes
Eventually I'm going to hit a wall
This is my 11'th lala
I didn't actually go to bed and am instead shitposting further
I actually don't mind catgirls they just get spammed so hard with so many horrid ones they're like a sharp rock stuck in your shoe at this ppoint
Shirou Kuma
Guess I am staying here. 33 vs 12 posts
>no traps/trans
Where do you think you are?
would you ever date a catboy ingame and irl?
i love twinks
>people are now willingly staying in a thread posted later in the thread (but made earlier) because they are THAT tired of that foxfucker
hahahaha, this is new for this board
I just recently moved from keyboard to controller, so far I have paladin and.black mage at 70. I'm looking for even easier dps to play, legit braindead easy dps. What am I looking at that's controller friendly
Are the worst.
kys liora nae'blis
was made earlier, don't let liora make threads at 723, thats retarded
MNK is really easy and it's fun to play on controller.
>This thread has been pruned or deleted.
you're half the posts itt
>Those Who Shitpost Further
they haven't done it for like 2 years of filth why would they do it now
and if they do, good riddance
>Liora's thread was pruned
You don't hit the wall lad, you ARE the wall.
Paladins truly are the patricians tank. During my expert roulette today the healer died during the second boss of kugane castle.
Thankfully it's not too healing intensive so I was able to clemency the two DPS and myself enough to keep us all alive and rotate my defensive CD's and pop my shield when I got really low.
Combine that with my cover and divine veil I was actually able to keep all 3 of us alive just fine the entire boss fight.
Paladins for life.
was made earlier, don't let liora make threads at 723, thats retarded
As much as I try to talk to people and be nice I absolutely despise most social interactions, and do it moreso out of courtesy.
Lovey Dovey stuff makes me so flustered and idk why
To that guy talking about bad steam reviews, its LITERALLY only because they increased russian/br sub price.
Pic related
And this is how we deal with Liora. To make him soil his diaper even harder - he samefagged for half his thread. Pic related.
Thank you everyone for posting in a proper thread, even though he linked his earlier. This is only right.
how pathetic
fuckin loser
This is Rio's house and I set it on fire
>beat 1.0 Savage with PF group by communicating through discord
Feels good man
>got 2.0 to enrage right before servers went down
Should be able to beat 2.0 tomorrow!
I miss playing with all my friends and im lonely as fuck
>Liora so buttmad he resorts to spamming diaper furry porn
What a piece of shit
You can stop posting at anytime now Liora
I have no interest in speaking with, or doing anything with anyone from this general outside of this general, be it in game or otherwise.
Black Steve and Emin Thonal.
explain you samefagging psychopath, you talked to yourself about smn and ast for 25 posts
holy shit, fucking CHEMO was right, you literally samefag
What's the meme about Mado?
literally the same thing in this thread lmao
no ban evasion for you this time liora
what's your favorite race for a twink asking for a friend
I've been posting on this website for some time and I have never seen people collectively choosing a thread posted later just because they have had enough, lmao.
>liora is the spammer and is this mad
Wait does this mean liora is the one who shits on mado?
>numbers are hard
You don't care about me at all.
right I'm supposed to believe the furryposter is liora when a few nights ago, the furryposter spammed a liora thread too. clearly a false flag by literal autists
welcome to vg
most generals are like this because of attentionwhoring namefags
everything love is love friend
you go get that kill user!
dropped your trip guffy
btw how's your "world prog group" going lmao
Zettai you need to stop. You did it to yourself.
not my posts buddy, i don't know why you keep trying when i can easily prove you wrong
All memes aside, I work full time and haven't had much time until recently to play ffxiv much. Is samurai easy? Like, I want really fucking easy. I smoke weed to relax with ffxiv after work and need easy dps
Any suggestions
i havent eliminated any eorzean degenerates in at least three days
no matter the thread, i can't escape this meme
>love is love
I stop and stare at literally every elezen when I'm in towns
I'm not posting a selfie
That midlander person honestly embarrassed himself big time. This is beyond funny.
I don't have a selfie.
i'm desperate for companionship but too terrified to approach anyone and too uncomfortable with extended contact
>that fucking cat
You're the reason I fanta'd from elezen!
>pass user
>more than likely banned multiple times
>still posting
what the shit
>Paladins truly are the patricians tank.
This I do agree with. I've never had more fun. Currently leveling a Lancer on the side, and I can safely say PLD is a lot more rewarding gameplay. Maybe it'll get better after Dragoon, but even so, I think I made the right decision with this as my first job.
FemRoe make my knees weak.
post moar new hair liora pls