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shoulda just painted him against the barrier
I hope the biker homosex got caught
Cagers will defend this
>losing control of a vehicle in a straight line at 60mph on dry surface
Revoke that guy's license immediately and permanently
it's called a car
fucking lol he gets his dashcam stolen
that was definitely a hit and run, even though it was just a kick the biker completely initiated that accident.
>but whatever we all know bikers can do nooooooo wrong
>biker barely touch the car.
>car tried to kill biker
>riding motorcycles when more and more soccer moms are buying bigger and heavier suv's
Lol, at least natural selection will take most of these fags out of the genepool.
if biker just slowed down and didn't try to kick the car, there wouldn't be anything here to see
>but whatever we all know bikers can kick doors whenever they feel a little bit threatened because they're special little exposed snowflakes
In America, who started the altercation gets the biggest penalty. Magnitude is a side dish
>tried to kill the biker
Maybe he/she/xir is just a shit driver that can't bump motored bicycles that well in high speed
Lel i cam imagine a 2 ton bmw suv full of children passing over that 1% tough guy. Best part is they wont even notice it
This is the future they chose.
Crotch rocket BTFO.
what the fuck started this, i don't even understand why the biker was flipping the guy off
if i saw someone pull into the middle of an intersection on a red light, i wouldn't ride right up to the line in self preservation.
Because FUCK YOU that's why. The car was a fucking CAGER that's why.
The biker fag was hogging the passing lane and got pissed because the old dude *almost* passed him on the right.
this is beautiful. bikers should be respected.
The suv was in the next lane over, it could have have happened after the bike stopped
um he just rode off after being involved in a traffic accident. if he wasn't in the wrong, he should have stuck around
It's a left turn lane though. Old dude rightfully thought the bike would just stay there and turn left.
>biker starts talking
>has redneck country accent
I'm not surprised with how the events turned out.
a comedy in 3 acts
Is that a Canyon bike?
Those fags are pariahs even among bikers. The driver did him a favor.
>tfw not a squid/obnoxious biker and quite annoyed by them
>witness Veeky Forums's hate directed at all motorcyclists on a daily basis
>feel bad
W-we're not all bad, guys
man I love how I know exactly where that is, right on that down hill slope on the 14 freeway before you hit the junction.
theres a reason theres always chp hiding out at night over there
also 14 freeway is probably one of the most scenic freeways in solcal. LA fags wouldn't know cause they never leave the basin
>"Pull the fuck over"
>Gets ass kicked
>"Get the fuck back into your car you fucking maniac"
people like this should be gassed
He tried, but no skillz
lel cagers btfo
nobody said that all riders are losers
Begin the purge and we'll respect the survivors
>Women driving bigger and bigger suv's
>Not a terrible outcome for everyone on the road
>steals camera
>uploads it
Is there a name for Chad but for old people?
Yeah this is bad for everyone not just bikers.
Bikers and cyclists can just fuck off
They are.
The temptation to be act like jackass is too strong.
Literally every individual in this video is a retarded piece of shit.
That's a pretty retarded line of thought. That's like saying anyone who drives anything other than an econobox or owns anything other than a bolt action rifle is a boiracer or an unstable mass shooter.
Why worry about what edgy teens have to say about us, senpai?
> leaves his plate in the vid
>Texas BXY-6713
>ID's some guy from Cali as the dude he stole the helmet from
>Cali guy has to explain to "redditors" that he's not from Texas
There's just a whole lot of dumb in Texas (and Reddit), isn't there?
Maybe for you.
Only those of us who don't have gear on are called squids
A squid is someone who rides with no gear or regards to their own safety. They usually do stunts and stuff with no helmets on.
>chad with bodykit
You sound like a liberal.
>I would never own a gun. I don't trust myself around again. The temptation to kill anyone I get mad at is too strong.
Fat guy is now jailbird.
>a gun
That's a goofy-ass typo on my part
I'm absolutely shocked someone didn't get fucking shot. Literally 90% of bikers carry here and those were Oklahoma tags. No way I wouldn't have shot shotgun faggot or the fat fuck once things started.
A squid is someone who rides recklessly without gear.
>That's like saying anyone who drives anything other than an econobox-
A lot more often than econoboxes, yes. Not as much as bikers, because fast cars aren't as maneuverable as a bike, cost more, and have a higher chance of getting caught.
I'm simply stating a fact m8. A bike is not a car is not a truck. Most drivers are retarded, but bikerfags can actually give wings to their imagination and shit all over the road. I would trust myself with a bike, that's why I don't own one (if you drive correctly it offers almost almost no advantage over a car).
Remarkable restraint
Everyone but the truckfag was in the wrong here. Maybe even the truckfag, actually.
>Carboy for drifting into the lane like a retard and then getting homicidal.
>Bikeboy for getting mad and kicking instead of just evading. Also for leaving the scene of an accident, assuming he didn't pull over later
>Truckboy for driving a vehicle with a high center of mass.
This. All the people taking sides and shouting BTFO are retarded little children.
I don't blame him for not sticking around the guy who just tried to murder him.
>carboy for being a godawful driver with anger issues and also literally retarded at driving
>bikefag for generally being a fag
>truckgoy for buying a chebby that gets tossed like a ragdoll by some shitbox
Thanks for translating what I said so the retarded nu/pol/ teens could understand.
Gotta include everyone ;)
This is probably hands down my favorite Veeky Forums related video ever.
>he took the faggots camera
>and then uploaded the ass beating himself
The guy that got his ass kicked was cali you redditor faggot.
>A squid is someone who rides with no gear or regards to their own safety
The Two Car anime has lots of examples of girls riding racing sidecar motorcycles without helmets. The problem is that anime needs to promote the attractive female characters, so sometimes they wear helmets and sometimes they do not.
2 people being retarded and causing a random pickup truck to flip over baka
Biker has legit autism. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>Biker got his camera back after the cops met up with the elderly gentleman.
>Biker uploaded to youtube to get people to side with him
>Got BTFO by everyone who sided with the old guy
>Took it down
>Someone else downloaded the video and reuploaded
and nothing of value was lost
>CALL 911
It's always great when retarded bikers get what they deserve
Honda's are nice, friend :)
What the fuck
>when you sperg on a motorcycle in your $3000 shitbox and end up crashing and flipping over a $50000 truck
I hope he had to pay for all damages. What a faggot.
Of all the ways you can get back at someone for putting your life in danger why would you choose that path that puts your life in further danger?
szuk szuk life senpai
>tfw no viffer
>Honda is are
>do a flip
Stupid cantleans
pedal bikers and sports motorcyclers are the worst in the world
I need context.
>he didn't just scoot out of the way in first gear
around cager-acks never relax
all the context you need
Those are ok as well. But only in yellow and for doing hoodrat shit
This and OP's webm are good examples of everyone involved being at fault.
jesus christ man...