>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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How do I build Titty Bikini Tiki?
-Spd Delthea is suffering, she can't double anyone.
Best build to save her?
You give her axe valor 3 and bench warmer 3
QR and bonfire/ignis seems good. I'm working on her right now
Buy some orbs and roll a +spd one and then merge.
does anyone have voice rips of SoV?
Cum in Sonya.
>tfw Caeda isn't a Lance with wing spear
>can never run the perfect flier team because of the overlap
I'm still mad and sad
Post your first 5*.
People who rerolled don't need to reply.
tell me what happened in the last three threads
-Spd Delthea is basically neutral Mae.
Someone rolled a Sonya after a few attempts
You did get a picture of your waifu bullying Celica, right?
Nice Serra!
>Cum in Sonya.
How is Corrin before the retard twins?
I use Darting Blow3 but my Doot is +atk so I don't feel I need an A skill that buff atk.
I opened with the 15 orbs before starting the campaign on the first day of release, and then got the other two after.
You need like... two fully invested horse teams.
Luna or Bonfire on Camus?
Probably rolled before he went on the Prologue.
Counter it with your inflated stats units (cavalry)
Wait till you get to 11&12 lunatic.
That shit changes people.
>Mfw bottom right meme is true
Help me build the ultimate summer team. What skills does each character want to maximize their potential?
Robin was my prime bully this time, didn't bother getting any pics though.
>that thigh
I think this was that artists first Cipher card and it's damn good. So is the Deen one.
Berkut absolutly need water boost when glorious Jagen can pass that and use DC/ Distant Def/wathever
I got rid of the handful of units that came before Ryoma in one way or another, but he was one of my first five or so rolls.
How to build Sonya?
Buy some orbs and open the other two greens, it might be a better IV version of her.
And that's also why I make sure to try and restrain myself until I have at least 20 orbs to roll, so I don't get blocked like that.
>4.75% and not a single summer unit
+def/-res Celica
What do I do with her?
>too many red flyers
My plan is Draw Back, Moonbow, Fury, Desperation, and Res Ploy for an eventual +Spd one but a breaker and even just keeping her A skill is probably a solid build too. She doesn't really seem to need too much investment really.
God damn upload cancel didn't work, shit
Hestia was my previous wife.
Sonya feels almost the same as her big sister.
Yeah but having a high percentage also increases your odds of getting 4* heroes, and some are only obtainable as 4*+ with decent skill fodder or just worth unlocking potential.
I remember I had went up to 6.5% on Ike's banner, didn't get Ike but I managed to get six Cains, which is good wings of mercy SI and a bunch of other 4* units.
>had her kill her dad and sisters in the final map
That excalibur crit game is too strong.
I got Hinoka like 3 weeks after I started playing and I'm not running a flier team
Is this hag good for anything besides skill fodder? I don't even want to finish leveling her.
+atk/-def by the way.
I rerolled for Cordelia + another 5*. Lyn hasn't gotten much use since launch though. Thinking of giving her galeforce to someone else.
"Alm's got nothin' on me!"
-Tobin 2017
Inherit ridersbane, cancel infinity is useless in arena.
What's your biggest gripe with FEH?
For me, it's the illusion of a multiplayer game. You have all these online features yet you never really interact with other players, you just get sent copies of their characters.
pic related can deal with nino, julia, any blue mage including +atk db3 thundercock with hone and double goad
Forgot to add that the Cordelia I rerolled for got merged with an optimal one I got later.
She's good for Paizuri.
I was thinking of giving it to Bridelia for voting gauntlets or something. She already has WoM on her (which I use for arena)
I don't have anyone who would benefit from Ridersbane, though.
what are the best IV's for Fae? i have a -HP+ATK 4*, worth promoting?
also what's her best skillset?
I have Draw Back with her but thanks
Also, these are my first units, how fool I was for merge that Odin thinking he could get good
Should I 5* Cordelia to give Effie Brave Lance+ or 5* Camilla to give Cherche Brave Axe+?
Hero Fest was great.
Cordelia is more valuable for galeforce than brave lance. 5* a Donnel if you have one lying around.
>all that fucking gold and silver
How much fucking money do these people have to spend on these games, christ.
I'm jelly af
>unmerged Ryomas
>checked to see how well she can do against Nino without GTBreaker
>a Nino with Fury, +Atk, and the standard Eirika buffbot buddy deals 33 damage to her
>but gets one shot in return thanks to Moonbow+10 damage
>same with a Julia who got Res Ploy'd
Why do you need Sonya to take care of Nino?
Personally I don't need to counter her, but it's nice to have the option I guess.
How? Moonbow without QP needs 2 hits.
yfw you can actually pass brave lance + and galeforce together
You need to kill a virion though
>install game because saw ad in Facebook
>get my free orbs
>roll this
I didn't even knew you could re roll
>Moonbow without QP
The user I was replying to had his Moonbow cooldown on one so I assumed we were considering QP builds. I have no other use for it anyway since I don't run Memehardt so it works perfectly on Sonya.
Where do you get all the Sonya art?
This reminds me of the Ike vs Ryoma debate.
Someone made a build for Ike that beats Ryoma and claimed that makes Ike stronger than Ryoma.
But how does that build do against everything else Ike should be killing?
Hey, pretty good roll.
I got rid of Tharbage though
Twitter and pixiv but it's a gigantic bitch to try and find art on twitter.
I have Desperation on mine instead of a breaker and it's helped her in killing shit like Hectors and DC blues/blue mages before they can counterattack.
I was checking my units IV's and my hector is +RES but it has no -anything, what gives, is he broken or something?
Probably hp bane
Unequip all the skills and weapons and try again.
>183 orbs
>one chance at Sonya
Please game, be kind for once. I need mommy.
You have a seal on him dummy
In your opinion, which units benefit the most from merging? Glass cannons such as Nino or Cordelia? Or bulky units such as Michalis and Zephiel?
Is it Pallaposting hours?
HP bane
Why is you Nino not lvl 40?
I'm getting baited, right?
I rerolled for 3x 5* start.
Roy is dead, but the others are still alive and well.
oh shit you are right, seems like he is -hp, fuck i need some sleep, good night
Glass cannons with offense boons will see the quickest return on investment.
if you don't get her in that amount of orbs, i don't know man
Hinoka banner when? Last time she was on focus she shared a banner with Subaki and Cordelia.
I got her in like 150, good luck. Green orbs show up like 1% of the fucking time.
So we will most likely get an armor banner soon, right? I still don't have that other green armor girl and I still need an hector to give distant counter to Effie.
I ended up re-rolling this as I was after my wife.
my backlog of /feg/ threads has gotten too big, but my autistic fear of missing out prevents me from just letting go of them.
I just 5* her after getting annoyed at her being 4* so I'll level her up this weekend because of Double SP.
Does FEH have the best gameplay of all the gacha games?