Star Guardian Lux edition
Star Guardian Lux edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I love my wife, Riven!!
nobody here is good enough to play her
Any Akali mains?
How do I play MF? I know I have to build penetration but I don't feel like I'm doing as much damage as I would with something like Vayne or Caitlyn
why are you asking?
Jinx is cuddly and cute
xth for Syndra
So which one of them is least likely to kill me during the sex?
How do you possess the autism to do this every thread
posting this now so he doesn't post it later and we can forget about this
>pool's closed
How do you possess the autism to notice it's every thread
He's right and you know it, lolbabs
Shitters ruined the pic I was going to use to mock silverbabs crying about muh duskblade meta
Good thing we can always go swimming in lulu
I want to cuddle with Twitch!
>new qt video
>it's a jared episode
Why can't these faggot nigger lanes just STOP FEEDING?
xth for best
>Walking skeleton
Does Connors still hang out here?
What are good champs to play top lane nowadays
I took a long break and dunno what is meta anymore and all I can remember how to play are Jayce and renekton
It's pretty obvious that qt doesn't really like him that much. It's so awkward when he's constantly shit talking Jared and trying to play it off as a joke. I don't really blame him though since Jared has such a fake personality
bot feeds so much that at this point i don't even get phased at all. i see 0/10 bot at 15min it's normal, it's actually above the average of 0/14.
Reminder that Jinx is Urgot's used goods
i'm lucky enough that my mids are usually sort of competent. although i usually play with a friend who goes mid every game who is really good. it's always bot lane for me.
any other top lane master race ITT?
help me plox
you win this one autistic waifu poster but the war is far from over
>Watching other men play your videogames
Something more useful please
Something that doesn't require autism please
So, are we getting shat on with all the runes being reworked? I heard they aren't throwing any bones to people who spent RP on rune pages.
i dont play ADC a lot, but when i do i play MF.
alternate autos when possible. prep the caster minion line and hold on to them for Q crits. then Q them when someone dares approach and feel them say "wtf is that damage" telepathically
jayce and renekton are peak meta so you'd be fine with just them. off the top of my head - fiora, yasuo, riven, darius, kled, swain, pantheon, jarvan are all good picks
my sleeper OP pick is trundle
What's the correct way to play heal sluts?
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
I used to be before the changes, then i stopped playing. I havent played her since I started playing again
>winning game
>ADC goofing off and mid hiding in the bush as we're trying to get baron before yi does
>lose fight but they can't grab it
>this time bot lane goes bot despite the fact that their entire team is beelining for it
>mid tries to snipe someone in their own jungle and dies
>lose game to baron empowered minions
fucking hate the players in this game. Why is common sense so fucking hard for these people?
nami is not a heal slut
Riot won't let Riven be anything but a top tier pick.
Jayce and Quinn are the best duskblade abusers.
Gnar got buffed and became cancer again.
Jax is a noob trap, he's only good if you are good at him.
>Max W after Q
>Build Lethality
>Learn to position for Ult
>Harass with Q when the enemy is standing behind a low HP minion.
>Q is an Autoattack reset
>Tell dotard he has to hit a skillshot
>Starts sweating profusely
>that time where he went too far when he was shitting on jared and jared got all quiet and lisha had to get qt to apologize
>being autistic
it's just banter bro, that's how qt has fun
Which champion should I play if I want to feel like a Touhou boss?
aurelion sol
>maxes heal first
>2nd highest healing average in the game after soraka
you aren't fooling anyone you fish fucker
*What's the correct way to play a fish slut?
she is NOT a SLUT!
Why does Annie Bot even bother playing with that ape
Syndra or Taliyah. MAAAAAAAAAYBE Xerath or Talon.
okay yeah gnar is good I used to play that fucker he's pretty fun and not too difficult
I'll used to play jarvan and panth so I can easily try them again. I guess maybe I'll buy kled he always looks kinda fun when I watch streams with him
Its not every thread
She's beyond cuddly, she has soft good smelling skin and would feel amazing to hold
They have no lore ties so far
full cdr vel'koz or xerath
Imagine having to live vicariously through other people who simply happen to play the same game as you because your own life is empty
I haven't played this shitty game in over a year.
When did Yorick become a tank/ADC and why is Draven banned in almost every game now?
because qt is the most popular league streamer and he'll get him more exposure. imaqtpie is also the apex of performance of NA solo queue, and a sight to behold.
why he puts up with cakeboi jared i'll never know
go pick pantheon, fucker has been top tier for months
>but le fall off ecks dee
just a meme
Shove a multiple speed anal vibrator up your ass, turn it on when you que in, raise the setting by one by one if your adc gets a kill, turn it to its lowest setting if you KS or your adc dies
>Someone on your team feeds a Yorick to that point
This is why you dodge when you see a shit MMR top and take the 20 minute penalty.
Yorick is ridiculously strong if he snowballs now. He's like old Riven.
>no cute girl/boy to love
somebody will come along, right?
Love me, user! I'll love you back!
Nah, it's not just banter. It's thinly veiled contempt.
Leave him alone. In his defense, Yorick does look insanely OP if you're in Silver.
pantheon has got the be the least fun lane match up for top now that nunu top is dead for now. i will throw a party the day they rework that piece of shit and make his spear a skillshot. it'll be a banger, a fucking rager.
Can i really?
Like this, just alter it to suit League of Legends.
Yes, you can!
>Their Jungle and Top is inting
>Team decides to spend the last 15 minutes farming our jungle very very slowly
>Our support is begging them to act like human beings
>Enemy grabs two dragons and baron
>They steam roll us and push the nexus
I think I just witnessed my team have a collective stroke.
>why is Draven banned in almost every game now
a lethathity item is broke and draven can abuse the shit out of it. Riot is taking ther sweet time fixing it
Tell me about yourself!
I like playing League of Legends! Do you like playing League of Legends?
Is everyone at Riot fucking retarded?
i don't exist get fucked nerd
it's pretty apparent
>I don't want people to make intelligent decisions
Sounds like par for the course for a Riot dev.
Overwatch is a glorified cuckoldry simulator.
Well of course.
is it a possibility that we could play together?
>has his preferred pronouns in his profile
what about runeguard volibear
>They have no lore ties so far
>Urgot "recruits" people by breaking their spirit and making them go crazy
>Urgot has non-ult lines for Jinx (one of the few characters that has them)
>Jinx champ select line
gee i wonder what this means hurrdurr
I can't even bring myself to click on that, that poor fucking guy.
It makes sense for a designer to discourage people from theorycrafting the most optimal solution for any situation because it turns the game predictable and without any sort of on-the-fly decision making.
Using that argument in this context is fucking retarded tho.
why do retarded people have to exist?
What happened to Zenon, man? He was based back as german community manager.
vi is upset about patch 7.14
>Champion Designer at Riot Games, also virtue-signalling door mat. Life is good. Tweets are my own. He/him.
Nobody can convince me these people aren't already dead inside
>only a few champs viable at a time
>champs have no physical bodies and just pass through each other
>every champ has a teleport
This just sounds like a dotard parroting shit he's hear in his echochamber without any actual knowledge.
>Watching qtpies videos
Waste of time he just has some editor edit his stream and uploads a vid. Something about that makes completely uninterested in most streamers youtube videos. Just not the same when someone else is doing most the work.