>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases in the west in Fall 2017, yes, Europe as well
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
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>Everything EO (References, Music, Art Books, etc.)
EOV releases in the west in Fall 2017, yes, Europe as well
EMD2 releases in Japan August 31
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>bestiality edition
nice trips for pants-shaman
>sunflowers also drop a special item if you kill them with non-physical attacks
>don't have mage
>also realised I don't have a strike physical
wat do
Changed it a bit more. Does this look better than the exhibitionist potato we have now?
>strike physical
Bash damage is only on axes, claws and some Ronin skills so most groups don't hat it at hand.
Protectors can pick up axes in EO2U I believe. Or use Shield Bash but that might be wasted SP.
For non-physical damage you also can use poison or wait until you can craft consumable attack items.
Axes aren't slash? Weird but I'll take it.
What's the deal with Ronin? What are stances? The skill says that I can only do it in High Stance, but I don't even know how to go into whatever stance.
Ronin has four Stances:
Upper for more attack
Clear for more defense
Drawing for more speed/accuracy/evade
Peerless which combines all three.
In EO and EOU you take a Stance by using it (Just use the skill Upper Stance to take the Upper Stance).
In EO2U there are extra attack skills i.e. Upward Slash to get into Upper Stance. Sadly those skills are little more than glorified normal attacks with a different physical element (except Upward Slash which is still cut).
Peerless is different in that it needs the Ronin to be in another stance before being able to activate it. And it gets no attack skill to activate it in EO2U.
Thankfully Stances (except Peerless) also get a chance to activate automatically at the start of the fight when they are at 10.
Each Stance has a few skills associated which can not be used without that Stance or Peerless Stance.
This means Ronin has a delay in everything they do unless a stance activates automatically.
Also Stances fall off way to quickly and need to be reapplied.
All that is why Ronin was only really good in EOII where Stances god removed as a mechanic and became passives.
Ronin has some damage but they are so cumbersome to use I don't feel it's worth it.
Ronin has access to all six elements spread across their three Stances but trying to use all six costs way too much skill points and leaves you with half a dozen weak skills.
If you want to use a Ronin pick a Stance and focus on taht until late game when you can try branching out more.
no, slut it Shaman is best shaman
Massive improvement.
I would probably still run the other portrait but at least it would actually be a decision not a foregone conclusion.
spotted the potatophile
stop bullying the etrians
>not liking lolis taking huge tiger dongs
baked sweet potatoes are the best
Do you guys consider EO as the pinnacle of dungeon crawling games?
I haven't played any others
Dungeon Crawler is a really, really wide genre.
Many of them are otherwise unremarkable RPGs light on story that just happen in dungeons.
Stuff like Diablo are Dungeon Crawlers but they are action combat loot pinatas.
Wizardy is turn based but it's mostly about hazards and dealing with the game throwing shit at you constantly.
It's really hard to compare them.
Basically the only requirement to be a Dungeon Crawler is "happens mostly in dungeons". And that "mostly" can get stretched pretty far...
EO is kind of it's own thing.
Sometimes it's close to the unremakable RPG kind but the FOE system and good map integration gives it some puzzle elements.
I like what EO offers best, I think. Especially when it comes to skill trees.
I really don't care for the Wizardy character progression where mages get books worth of situational skills they can use three times before being completely spent while other classes get like two passives and a skill, if they are lucky.
The board is rather fast today.
Wait, what?
Everyone is just busy playing EO, r-right? That's just how it is... haha
Medico, those aren't sweets!
And by everyone I mean etrianbros
I'll just shitpost a bit so we don't die after 25 posts
I'm busy playing fighting games
>Basically the only requirement to be a Dungeon Crawler is "happens mostly in dungeons". And that "mostly" can get stretched pretty far...
Are you sure? I've only ever seen dungeon crawler (or at least, DRPG) to refer to first-person titles. Which a number of have spawned after EO's success. Because if it's not first person I don't see why you wouldn't just call it a JRPG.
Darkest Dungeon is definitely being called a Dungeon Crawler. And I would also call it that.
It's probably not called a DRPG though.
I hope you beat your opponents and win
Why is male Kirjonen fishing for the dead?
I'm busy playing LoT2
I'm playing a better dungeon crawler.
In this one you don't have to worry about even xp .
You rng roll character stats and levels and skill points in this game. There is no leveling up through random encounters
You build your character really fast through a board game and HOPE that rng is on your side
It's called "monokuma's evil test"
The skill system is kind of similar to EO.
I think Chunsoft may have partnered with the EO team when making it.
The team building aspect is really on point.
You need to focus some characters on specific jobs like guarding physical attacks and having another one that focuses on guarding a specific elemental attack, this system makes it so you make tons of characters.
I could talk about it all day.
>30 minute fight for a single boss
Garage kit.
>Slogging through Champion's Hall on floor 17
>Have multiple luxury forts established throughout the mystery dungeon to serve as warp points, and radar zones
>DOE just materializes on floor 3, and starts making a beeline for the exit
>Have to warp out, and clobberfuck this moron before he destroys my unmanned fort at the exit, because I don't trust any B-teams with fort defense
I can't wait to deplete this dungeons DOE spawns, and then eventually realize that I need 8000 DOE materials for gear, forcing me to completely reset the dungeon.
Not him but seems like they changed it greatly in Untold 2 compared to EO2.
Any other serious mechanics changes?
To people who played EO V so far - whats the best balanced party now? And whats the most minmaxed?
Well Loyalty Mastery in EOII made the Beast utter trash as it would randomly take hits for other party members - with the defensive stats of said party member.
So they would regularely take massive amounts of damage and die.
Now Loyalty Mastery just randomly halfes the damage you take while taking hits for party members is done with active skills (either one person or the entire group) making them great tanks.
Their attack skills took a nosedive though...
War Magus also no longer needs specific ailments for their skills instead any ailment will suffice.
They did however lose both Curse Cut and Transfer so no endless TP generation anymore.
Instead Ailing Slash is now one of the best damage skills in the game having a massive multiplier and dealing cut + almighty damage (so it deals more damage if the enemy is weak to cut but ignores if the enemy is resistant to cut - except for two enemies in the post-game).
Biggest change across the board is probably the rework of the Force system.
You now start with full Force whenever you enter the labyrinth and you can use it to activate a Force Boost - basically tree turns of a supercharged mode dependant on your class. Activating them does not take a turn.
What does take a turn is the Force Break which is basically the Force of EOII - but while Force Boost just empties your gauge a Force Break destroys it, meaning you can no longer gain Force until you return to town.
So while Force Boosts strengthen you and can maybe used multiple times in a single battle/exploration Force Breaks are finishers or panic buttons.
The rest is a lot of balancing. Gunners got a lot of new-ish attack skills, Revenge is less broken, Climax is less reliable - stuff like that.
Oh and Survivalists got some ailments with blind, paralysis and sleep so they now have a slightly different role than they used to have.
Also there are three new classes with Princess from EOIII, Highlander from EOU and the new Fafnir class.
Gladiator on everything, right?
Yeah man, I hate U2 bosses too
>2U battles
>taking up more than 15 times
why ur party so weak?
Because it's the story party.
Why is your story party so weak?
>30 minutes.
you need more damage output my man. i obliterated all bosses left and right
I can't tell you because second names are their own classes.
Safe parties consist of masurao, dragoon, herb warlock shaman
Sounds terrible
How much RNG are we talking here?
The one where you have to reset over and over, because anything that isn't close to optimal will fail you quickly or is it just a nice bonus to get lucky over average dudes?
Spoonfeed me pls. Scylla was an ass
Is this in V3? All I know about what you've said is the board game bonus mode.
It's terrible on purpose.
Nice bonuses.
If you build your team smart you won't have to re-roll again.
The board game is leveling up and chosing what skills/class of character you want
The dungeon is using the characters you've made in order to unlock more RNG rara gacha higher stat characters[/spoilers]
How am I supposed to 1v1 Master Bird?
Picnic or very slowly killing him with a Protector or Beast.
user if i'm going to fight him solo, i want to actually feel the accomplishment
how am i going to deal damage if she's gonna be busy doing front guard/fire wall every turn?
don't have one
its about the high vit and the self def buff and tons of items
that's pretty awesome man, good job
please someone contact ATLUS USA talking about muh children or w/e in the off chance that pants shaman actually becomes a thing
Why are you all obsessing over her pants when she literally has no feet? How the fuck does she walk on those little nubs?
But yeah, that's a good edit and it looks much better.
>replying to yourself
kill great dragon and get the accessory that nulls fire. you're gonna need that no matter what. can't remember if I did the 1v1 or not. I know I did 2v1 with DH+Hexer, so DH solo would probably work. Get the hazardous tea (extends bind turns by 3), bind him, buff with prelude, snake eyes, draconic fury (if time / RNG permitting) and drop Trance Ecstasy on his ass. Something like that. Takes some luck to do it solo but with enough buffs DH can trash anything in the game.
blank post
Loli Wildling > other Wildling
Onaholes are for fucking. There's nothing wrong with using tools for what they're intended.
Arianna pls
Ricky, you don't have enough STR to pull that off...
If it deals physical damage Gladiator is the way to go.
Hoplite picks Ninja to get two Hoplites for the price of one and Monk takes Princess and vice versa.
why do none of the tribal classes wear underwear?
>tfw you can even charge Meteors
>attack order
>atk food
>physical debuff
Of course - "Meteor" is just a fancy name for the Zodiac throwing rocks at the enemy.
Too much chaving.
Are there any easy ways to let a Hexer have access to Paralysis?
I've been trying Eye of Madness, but it keeps inflicting Panic instead.
If untold 2 just look any paralysis grimoire on the pastebin in the OP
Paralysis Arrow - if you have a bow grimoire you can use a bow.
And there even is a LUC bow in the postgame.
For the first Untold the scorpions should have a paralysis sting.
I want to stick my dick down those ears.
just her ears?
Where else could I do that?
Yes. The rest of her is pretty standard but those ears are obscene.
Nice proportions you got there Ricky
10 years, 2 non-blondes.
Sounds about right.
Anyone else kinda miffed that IV got two mascots, while others got only one?
>EOU2 Classic expert
>Fighting Ice Bitch Scylla
>Doing pretty damn well for a while, I somehow got a head bind and an ailment on her quickly
>Then I forgot about Lullaby; forgot to put a prevent order grimoire on somebody
>Party wiped
Sweet dreams to you and your guild, user.
Schould have been Bandanashark - she is both blonde and a Landshark.
>IV got two mascots
There's one and only one.
There sure is.. Sad that she doesn't wear a bandana
Bobshark is not Fang.
Did you guys get physical copies of each game? Or are they not that much worth it?
I found Untold and IV in a store, and since it's no longer listed online around here, and given that 3DS is no longer produced (or soon won't) I'm thinking of which ones are worth having at home.