Trucking bad idea?

Considering autonomous cars would it be a bad idea to get into trucking now?

Nope, trucking is a field that will always be in need of drivers.
Especially local trucking, local trucking is doing things like picking up and dropping off material, which cannot under any circumstance be automated.
But regardless of automation, long haul trucking would still be an occupation.

automation in driving is a meme and the only way it would work is all or nothing. so yes, get into trucking since we will be needing drivers for many more decades to come.

just buy robot trucks and manage them.

If trains and airplanes have not been automated yet, trucks won't be anytime soon. You might make the case that long haul no touch freight trucks might get partially automated at the most. Automated cars can't drive in poor weather, they can't read poorly maintained roads (most areas with heavy truck traffic the roads are complete ass) they can't determine if an object in the road is a danger or not (tumbleweed vs concrete block) and they drive like grandmas when confused. Studies have shown that the backup driver in automated tests only makes a dangerous situation worse because they have to take over in a bad situation in which they probably weren't paying attention to in the first place. So this will be an all or nothing type of deal, what would the point be of automating the easiest part of the drives anyway.

Also, who is going to load, secure, unload and deal with paperwork? Who will fill the truck and pretrip it to ensure it is safe to drive? That will always have to be someone qualified to drive the damn thing. A CDL is great to have. Even if you find a better job you always have a decent paying easy job to fall back on if you ever need to.

Thoughts on FedEx/UPS jobs?

Trains are automated in some places.
The problem really stems with 100% auto trains is, like you said with roads, rail maintenance. Also huge cost and massive union action as train companies move ahead with automation.

>who is going to secure and unload
Not the recipients and staff at whichever depot or destination?
Not like you need a truck licence for that, just a few pages of health & safety briefing and checklist etc.

You are right about the rest though, tech isn't there just yet.

As a delivery driver you'll be working your ass off. A CDL job it would be much more cozy. UPS even offers a pension if you can survive the holiday hiring.

FedEx driver here. Depending on were you live, it can be enjoyable. I deliver out in the bumshart middle of nowhere, so I get to know most of the people I regularly deliver to and make friends. Drivers that work in the suburbs say it's absolutely hell.

>Is trucking a bad idea?
That depends, do you enjoy smoking meth and killing hookers? If not then it's a bad idea

sitting on your ass for the long run while playing your favorite video games, high off whatever, all while seeing the world and making money

future comfy job incoming

freight trains have too many little breakdowns to be unmanned. there is always an air hose or knuckle that breaks.

You can do that now but instead of panzy ass video games your operating a 650hp caterpillar double clutching 18 speeds.

>Especially local trucking, local trucking is doing things like picking up and dropping off material, which cannot under any circumstance be automated.

uh no sweetie it can all be automated

Maybe in a perfect world without criminals and idiots, honey.


your a shit troll and should feel bad.

don't feed the trolls

Get CDL, drive dumptrucks, get into operating heavy machinery. Companies always like hiring COMPETENT drivers to operate, because they can move machinery around themselves.

Then get paid to play videogames all day, aka run a set of joysticks.

Are unions toxic in this field of work?

> tfw not floating gears

what do those things have anything to do with delivery drivers?
you've watched too much fast and furious

lol, what unions

There aren't any unions that run local construction type companies unless you work for a big ass chain, which would be stupid.

k thx