Why does Veeky Forums hate Florida so much? It seems like a pretty nice place to be into cars to me
Why does Veeky Forums hate Florida so much? It seems like a pretty nice place to be into cars to me
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Everyone here is a dick and the car scene is a bunch of cucks
This. Especially down here in Miami. But I did see an R32 on college campus which was neat.
Flat straight roads are shit and boring to drive also the dumb crazy news stories that come out of florida makes me think you're all meth/crackheads
What are:
>vapefaggot edgelords
>retard drivers
>niggers that will pull a gun on you if you look at their “ride” the wrong way
>hurricanes... again
>white moms in SUVS
Yeah you see some cool cars though it’s totally worth it XD
Florida is like a retarded version of California but with added hurricanes.
Florida is like California without the cucked laws and taxes, but also meth. Lots and lots of meth.
I lived in Florida for a year, and here are my impressions as far as car stuff goes:
>no winter which is good for doing stuff with your car, no need for a winter beater
>roads are all flat and straight, boring af
>cost of living of not South Florida isn't bad, more money for mods
>car scene in my city was pretty active
>if you aren't into classics or Mustangs your only alternative is assorted vapelords and stance fags
The heat and humidity drive everyone insane.
Breathing the air in the summer is like inhaling water.
When people get tired of the heat and hurricanes and crazy citizens they move halfway back north and end up in NC where they shit up the roads because we have actual elevation changes and curves.
My mom's family is from FL -- Her mother was bipolar, her father committed suicide, and she is about as stable as a Jenga tower after a two-hour game.
I hope that means people from Florida are good swimmers
I lived in Florida all my life, I pretty much keep to myself. However I am moving to GA soon. Here is what I gather from living here all my life.
>No state income taxes
>No emissions testing
>Pretty reasonable taxes and DMV fees
>Car culture is pretty active, I am into Classics and BMW's
>Roads are pretty well maintained
>No salt etc from freezing weather
>Decent cost of living
>Women here kind shitty
>All roads are pretty much grid pattern
>Jobs pay less than other states
>Old people driving slow
>60 degree weather
>Yfw when seeing people everywhere in jackets
but muh california
nigga get the fuck outta here, next you will tell me ocean water at 15c is hot.
You're asking too much of Floridans. They have a single digit IQ. Passing middle school there is like passing kindergarten in an actually-developed part of the USA.
I never said it was hot. It is nice weather.
It's mostly us making fun of Florida man.
I live in florida and honestly the only thing i feel we are missing are scenic roads
You can find literally any type of car scene here, there’s a club for anything (saw a 30+ member group of just Scion XBs a few months ago)
No emission testing and there are circuits everywhere. Personally I’m okay with sacrificing a once a month mountain trip for doing anything else i want with my car
I live in South Florida and all the drivers here are garbage.
Top Worst Drivers:
NJ drivers
Drivers who text and drive
Old people
MA drivers
Soccer moms
NY drivers
>all the drivers here are garbage
>but here are drivers who are more garbage
>floridan """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'education"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
Move to Meriwether county ga for no emissions and cozy country roads.
They just decommissioned a police force here we don't even have cops user
Join us. The population in Gay, Ga is like 80 people. The roads are there.
>tfw the area of CA I live in will flood
Thank God
I have lived in florida for a year
>no emissions
>NOLA is 4 hours away
>low pay
>no active car community unless you enjoy 40 y/o's jerking off eathother on their corvettes
>boring straight roads literal only fun is 2 roundabouts 3 miles away
>gas is still pretty expensive
>no snow so no fun
overall this place is fucking cancer. It was a mistake moving here and I'm trying to leave as soon as i can
>be florida legislature
>build long, flat, level roads with wide medians and clear space on either side of road
>speed limit 35mph
I want out
Seeing this image makes me want to exacerbate climate change in any way since this would take care of the worst parts of the country
Roads are straight and flat. But there's no snow, so that's nice.
But without earthquakes and wildfires
>most boring roads
>drivers so bad they achieve nationwide meme status
>humid sweatbox full of mosquitos
>where geriatrics go to wait for death
>implying the entirely of central california outside of Sacramento isn't infested with metheads
>If you don't live by the coast, it;s hot as fuck
>If you do, the climate is great with the seabreeze
>If you live in the right place, it can be very comfy and a nice place to live
>I'm a freshman in college and the car scene here is basically a parking lot with five interesting cars and 900 base model mustangs and camaros; I feel VERY out of place with my 987 S
>In Tampa(especially south tampa, where I live) All of the nice cars are driven by old rich people who don't appreciate them at all; most kids get a jeep, mustang, or a brand new economy car and future shitbox for one of us
>of the 1500+ kid who went to my high school, maybe twenty actually knew what their cars were capable of and were actually "in" to cars
>everyone here is just about looks, so if you have a brand new v6 mustang you are a fucking chad
>brand is EVERYTHING: people only like my car because its a "porsh," not the fact I bought it myself through four years of working shit jobs during high school, running three different businesses, and grinding like fucking crazy for years; or because of what its capable of. all that matters is the fucking badge(which is why I debadged it)
Jacksonville coast is God's chosen city
>implying Sacramento isn't full of methheads
How bad do cars from Florida rust?
I almost bought one sight unseen over the internet
The Retired
Rust is minimal but heat/ sun down here is merciless. Cars around the bible belt dont rust that much though from what Ive seen. Florida has the worst car owners though so a lot of cars are overpriced and neglected.
Florida is where old people go to die.
Of all the places you could pick in America, why would you pick Florida?
>>Car culture is pretty active,
if by car culture you mean meeting up with a bunch of losers n an empty parking lot then wow so COOL
>It seems like a pretty nice place to be into cars to me
It is a good place to be into cars. Rust isn't so bad, no emissions tests and inspections, but the roads are all straight aside from a couple of places.
i-is that a fellow usf fag?
There are a few meme cars, supra here mr2 there, but other than that right on the money
I see tons of Floridian drivers in North Dakota and they all drive like fucking idiots. Usually going way too slow, as well.
What part of Miami, user?
>all these whiny ass fudgepackin bitches
take your can't hack it asses out of my swamp, ifyou can't deal with the heat take your bitch ass to Michigan
so long as you don't live south of Okeechobee, within 10 miles of the coast or in a major city you're golden
>no state income tax
>great gun laws
>stand you'r ground with no duty to retreat
>roads aren't fucked from frost heaves and potholes
>mild winters
>lot's of state/federal land(for a state this size) to go innawoods
>so long as you're not black cops don't give a fuck and you can get away with alot
>no emissions testing
>no inspections
>no front tags
the car culture is awesome, especially the mudtruck/mega truck scene, we have like 6 of the major mudparks. and before you look down your nose and scoff try getting a group of friends and a lot of beer and head out to an event like muddgras Okeechobee mudfest. when you see a 800+hp mudtruck on 50" v treads pull a wheelie you cant help but fuckin smile
also hurricanes ain't shit
Let's go down the list.
-Always close to saltwater so everything rusts.
-Hurricane season constantly puts your car at risk of flood damage.
-Good luck buying any affordable used car without serious rust/flood damage.
-Old people doing 2/3 the speed limit.
-Vapefags scraping around/turning all of the potentially good cheap runabouts into useless heaps that can't clear a speed bump.
-Cops fucking everywhere, will ticket you for going 1mph over.
-No hills, no twisties, grids errywhere.
-Unprotected lefts errywhere.
-Meth errywhere.
-Disproportionate numbers of people who aren't fossils are uneducated shallow husks. Dating scene is reduced to shallow party/hookup culture.
-100% humidity in the summer will cook you alive, so forget about driving top down.
-Astronomical crime rate in several pockets with at least moderate crime rate everywhere. Your car is always at risk of being broken into/stolen.
I mean visit it when it's not getting shrek'd by hurricanes, there's a lot of cool stuff to see, but don't live here. It never ends well.
I'm this poster.
I completely forgot, this user makes a good point. Besides all the meth there's a good offroad/mudding scene innaswamp. 'm just too much of a city cuck to properly appreciate it.
lol no, 2/3 of central florida is 200-300 ft above sea level
>-Always close to saltwater so everything rusts.
>-Hurricane season constantly puts your car at risk of flood damage.
no. irma was the first major hurricane since charlie in 05 and charlie was the first bad hurricane since andrew in 92. you should be more worried about being in tornado alley
>-Good luck buying any affordable used car without serious rust/flood damage
no. just no.
>-Vapefags scraping around/turning all of the potentially good cheap runabouts into useless heaps that can't clear a speed bump
kinda true but they tend to only fuckup hondas
>-Cops fucking everywhere, will ticket you for going 1mph over *if you have out of state tags
fixed. just today i passed two state troopers doing 55 in a 40 and they didn't give a fuck
>-No hills, no twisties, grids errywhere.
lot's of grids yes but central florida has a good bit of hills and theres lot's of curvy backroads if you know where to look, especially around orange groves
>-Unprotected lefts errywhere.
not sure what you're getting at there
>-Meth errywhere
yes. but there are states with way worse meth problems
>-Disproportionate numbers of people who aren't fossils are uneducated shallow husks. Dating scene is reduced to shallow party/hookup culture.
kinda, it's not as bad outside of major cities
>-100% humidity in the summer will cook you alive, so forget about driving top down.
only if you're a little bitch
>-Astronomical crime rate in several pockets with at least moderate crime rate everywhere. Your car is always at risk of being broken into/stolen.
don't live in the city or nigger ghettos. never had my shit messed with
>never more than an hour drive from the beach at any point in the state
shits cash yo
Florida ain't bad.
It has to undercut itself on college to keep people here. $6000 a year at Florida basketweaving college is worth something, r-right?
You remind me of the cunt who called me a yankee for not wearing a jacket yesterday
Florida is Georgia's 70 iq cousin that lives in the basement. Florida is filled with swamp niggers, Canadians, and old ass jews.
And not a single fucking vehicle with Florida plate will EVER do more than the speedlimit in the passing lane. Fucking ever.
>great racetracks though
Fucking yankee.
>Live in florida
>buy summer tires
>drive them throughout the entire year
snowcucks are jealous
Explain how my jersey boys are bad drivers
>summer tires
>only drives on flat grid pattern
yeah I'm real jealous of your straightaways
>live in NJ
>buy summer tires
>drive them throughout the entire year
rwd and fwd cucks are jealous