Jeremy Clarkson's Motorworld
Japan Episode^

This series isn't pretty popularized, so I thought Veeky Forums would like it. There's tonnes of episodes from other countries too.

Other urls found in this thread:

i went through a massive clarkson binge, there is tonnes of stuff he has done either side of tguk 1980's 2015 and during as well

Clarkson and Hammonds spinoff series are also REALLY good especially james mays cars of the people.

I just hobbled upon this series, I was watching Mean Girls clips before and somehow ended up here, but it's so captivating. I'm understanding so much about where all these memes come from with regards to bad translations in Japan.

i dled this on kazaa once

its a good show

Go watch all of their other shows.

Then you'll get really bored like me and watch them assemble lego while drinking NOT vodka

I like the Australian episode only because no one else seems to do one and understand the country.

Which is better, mullet Clarkson or afro Clarkson?

Tbh old Top Gear with Tiff Needell was better than the commercialized one everyone likes, it was actually informative and about cars.

>Clarkson and Hammonds
>James May's Cars of the People
>James May
Really though, watch the rest of May's stuff, it's all marvelous.


Definitely Mullet

mullet always wins

Nice, thanks.

>Then you'll get really bored like me and watch them assemble lego while drinking NOT vodka

best hour or so i ever wasted.

>mean girls
post feminine benis

The Japan episode is so fucking good I miss Japan so much fuck leaf land sucks

I like that one show where may assembles shit, its really fucking comfy








Then go back fish face



these paintings feel right

holy shit that's comfy

I guess someone had to dump these...

Wtf does that even mean

Really, ya'll just discovered this now?

they didnt even finish them reee hahaha

Then why arent you watching Fifth Gear, you god damned hipster?

Not him but i like 5th gear

Tiff was so comfy

He was trying to call you a White Weeb, but he mixed it up with an insult meant for Asian men, and how they have a weak jawline-free "fish-looking" face.